all job govt 2016

all job govt 2016

[young female writing on paper at a desk.] think government jobs are boring? [title: elizabeth malcolm - student/learn to camp leader] think again! this summer i get to drive a utv! [elizabeth - now outside driving a utv] play in the dirt! [elizabeth - outside planting saplings] and get a little wild! [elizabeth - outside with a stuffed bear] it's all part of my summer job as a park ranger. [elizabeth standing on a beach] other summer jobs in the government of ontario are just as sweet. [young female lab worker] you could work in a lab

[young male working at dam] on the water, [young male in a helicopter] in the sky, [young females in office setting] at high profile events or in the great outdoors, like me! [elizabeth - outside in a park] if you don't like the outdoors, there's a lot of office jobs too! the government of ontario has hundreds of 7 to 16 week positions across the province [various young people in office environment] for high school and post-secondary students. applying was easy! and best of all i now have experience to help me get jobs in the future. [elizabeth sitting in a utv] if you're in school and between the ages of 15 to 24

- or 29 if you have a disability - apply for the summer employment opportunities program now. and get on the road to your awesome summer today! [elizabeth starts the engine of the utv] [title: apply today -] [title: ontario logo. url:]

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all job govt 2016