hi! i am sunayana! welcome to bank naukri! staff selection commission (ssc) conducts one of the famous exams of the country which is the combined higher secondary level (chsl) examination ssc conducts chsl exam for the recruitment of data entry operator (deo) lower division clerk (ldc) postal assistant/sorting assistant
court clerk ssc chsl registration process has been started by 8 october 2016. now, before registering for this exam i am sure most of you would like to know what you would be doing once you get selected as the deo /ldc or the court clerk? both the job roles are very similar with just one distinction generally, in offices they do very simple tasks daily work of their job roles include maintenance of documents
receiving and sending documents typing letters and sending them through post/fax making salary of office staff registers leave of office staff the work profile of deo includes above tasks in addition to one another task i.e, they are given the work of entering the data into the computers that is why it is named data entry operator now that you know what exactly you would be doing
you must be wondering about your salary or pay the grade pay for court clerk and ldc would be 1900 whereas, deo and postal assistant would be rs. 2400 the salary table is as displayed on the screen and you can find more about it in the link from the description apart from the competitive salary you get, there are also many other perks to this job like ample allowances sizable pension job security and much more
so, don’t miss out a chance on becoming the next ldc or deo the registrations are still open. so, go ahead and register for the exam! and for more such videos don’t forget to subscribe to bank naukri
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