my name is cosmos dumba and i come from uganda.this is one of the east african states. i was lucky to be selected in the second generationof astromundus programme. this ran from september 2011 up to the end of august 2013. in ugandathe study of astronomy is at a very infant stage. this is because astronomy courses areonly offered in the physics curricula and at the moment this is only in one of the universities,this is the university of mbarara, university of science and technology. so, because ofthis it's only the students who are offered physics who have the opportunity to studyastronomy and i also happened to study astronomy because i was offered in physics. participatingin the astromundus programme helped me a lot in my career. first of all it helped me tostudy more astronomy courses than i had studied
in my home country and this helped me to reallyget to know of many other things in astronomy that i did not know, because i had a varietyof courses from three different universities. that was first of all the university of innsbruckand then the university in padova and then lastly at the university in gã¶ttingen. italso helped me to meet top researchers, who taught me how to do fundamental research in astronomy.this is really good for me, because now even when i go back to my home country in ugandai can continue doing research just with little help from some of the researchers by email,or maybe if i call them. it also enabled me to secure a semi-permanent job in the universityback home and this entails assisting students who are interested in astronomy, guiding them.and for the physics students who offered to
do a thesis in astrophysics, i guide manyof them in this university. in my home country also i'm also part of a wider community. thereare a few astronomers in my home country who are really trying to develop astronomy inuganda. so, my participating in the astromundus programme really helped because now i havesome input, i really help in drafting curricula for the universities, cause these universitiesare planning to really start offering astronomy as an independent course, not just part ofthe physics courses as has been. so, participating in the astromundus programme has really helpedme personally and this is also really going to help the universities back home in uganda,where sooner or later astronomy is going to start being offered as an independent courseat the universities.
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