i greet you in the love and the light of theinfinite creator. as the drought continues in malawi, africa. my two contacts there: keyason and enock reachedout to me to remember them in prayer. they reside in a small village of 3500 peoplewith 444 children who are orphans. this is a staggering number of children withoutparents to see to their needs. i have no doubt that these orphaned childrenget love from the other village families. malawians take care of each other. even in times of hardship when there is notenough food to go around, the orphans are included as family with the other villagers.
on vacations from their schooling, familiestake in the orphans to show them family life. malawians value education. i am always asked to pray for them as theytake their exams. drought in malawi has now been plaguing themfor 2 years. many people have died, of course, that iswhy there are so many orphans. the strong have lived to fight for life foranother day. if they could be given a chance at life, whoknows what great things could be accomplished by these people. enock told me: �a typical meal is msimaand the green in the plate is mustard greens.
we are in financial crisis at the orphanage. we are not affording buying good relish forthe children. the maize we eat is just a white corn andwe mill it and the four we use it to cook msima as our main food here in malawi.�(i�ve been told that the consistency is like cream of wheat.) a 50 kilo bag of maize costs about $23 (us). they are using 100 kilos per day for the orphans. my contacts, keyason and enock are non-denominationalchristian ministers. they travel around the malawi countrysideand also occasionally to neighboring countries
of mozambique, zimbabwe, zambia and tanzania. they share their message of hope with othervillages. they see the pain that hunger causes in thesevillages also. it is not just a local problem. it is my desire that one day soon the countriesof africa will get the help that they need and deserve. everyone should have a chance at a fulfillingand joy filled life. another looming problem for the malawi friendsis malaria. those that don�t succumb to malnutritionsuccumb from malaria.
the orphans need mosquito nets to sleep underso that they can be protected from the mosquitos that carry malaria. the orphanage is located near a stream. enock says they need 50 mosquito nets whichin u.s. dollars costs about $470. i am aiming to send them money for mosquitonets as well as money for food within the next week. i need as much help with this as possible. thank you friends for listening to my storyof malawi. ~**~
lynn � welcome back cobra to our septemberintel update. i thought we�d talk a little bit about remoteviewing. you�re familiar with remote viewing, rightcobra? cobra � yes, yes. lynn � ok. as the drought continues in malawi, africa.my two contacts there: keyason and enock reached out to me to remember them in prayer. theyreside in a small village of 3500 people with 444 children who are orphans. this is a staggeringnumber of children without parents to see to their needs. i have no doubt that theseorphaned children get love from the other
village families. malawians take care of eachother. even in times of hardship when there is not enough food to go around, the orphansare included as family with the other villagers. malawians value education. i am always askedto pray for them as they take their exams. drought in malawi has now been plaguing themfor 2 years. many people have died, of course, that is why there are so many orphans. thestrong have lived to fight for life for another day. if they could be given a chance at life,who knows what great things could be accomplished by these people.enock told me: �a typical meal is msima and the green in the plate is mustard greens.we are in financial crisis at the orphanage. we are not affording buying good relish forthe children. the maize we eat is just a white
corn and we mill it and the four we use itto cook msima as our main food here in malawi.� (i�ve been told that the consistency islike cream of wheat.) a 50 kilo bag of maize costs about $23 (us). they are using 100 kilosper day for the orphans. my contacts, keyason and enock are non-denominationalchristian ministers. they travel around the malawi countryside and also occasionally toneighboring countries of mozambique, zimbabwe, zambia and tanzania. they share their messageof hope with other villages. they see the pain that hunger causes in these villagesalso. it is not just a local problem. it is my desire that one day soon the countriesof africa will get the help that they need and deserve. everyone should have a chanceat a fulfilling and joy filled life.
another looming problem for the malawi friendsis malaria. those that don�t succumb to malnutrition succumb from malaria. the orphansneed mosquito nets to sleep under so that they can be protected from the mosquitos thatcarry malaria. the orphanage is located near a stream. enock says they need 50 mosquitonets which in u.s. dollars costs about $470. next week. i need as much help with this aspossible. lynn � welcome back cobra to our septemberintel update. i thought we�d talk a little bit about remote viewing. you�re familiarwith remote viewing, right cobra? lynn � ok. there�s a very interestingproject going by the far-site institute. it�s called the time cross project and they haveremote viewers in three different locations
around the world and these people do a privatesession by themselves and they video tape themselves doing these sessions and aboutthe middle of the month before the month that they are remote viewing they do this sessionand they see what kind of perceptions that they can get from these sessions. they recordit and they have a white board and they sketch what it is they see. cobra, can you give usa definition of remote viewing? cobra � remote viewing is, i would say oneaspect of extrasensory perception when you can see in your inner eye images of distantobjects and situations and places. by distant, it can be distant in space or it can be distantin time. remote viewing uses the principles of quantum entanglement to higher dimensionalplanes and the accuracy of this depends on
the training of the individual doing this. lynn � well this particular project is calledthe time-cross project and we will leave the link in our description, in our transcriptand anyone who wants to look this up, it�s quite interesting. farsight institute:http://farsight.org/demo/time_cross_project/time_cross_farsight_main_page.html farsight�s time-cross project for september2016: remote viewing the future https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uyfs1gazk0farsight�s time-cross october 2016 predictions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79bydcnwz80 lynn � we�re going to go with some questionsto start off cobra that are things that everybody
wants to know about. the first question ihave, this person asks; will the event change the other negative races that eat humans orare very hostile towards humans? cobra � yes, of course the event is thefinal beginning of the end of darkness. at the moment of the event, all negative beingsthat don�t want to change into positive will be taken to the central sun. so it willbe the final filtering of negativity in this universe, so this is the game over. (yeah). richard � cobra, are you familiar with thecouncil of 5? cobra � there are many councils of 5, 9,different numbers and different people associate different ideas with this, so i would notbe too specific here. (ok thank you)
lynn � has there been any progress regardingthe toplet bombs. cobra � yes of course. there was quite muchprogress in this area. . . the progress has been such that the chimera group lost a littlebit of nerve in the beginning of september and they wanted to trigger full scale . . . thelast remnant of the full scale galactic war in the solar system and they were not successful.although september was quite a challenging month. their goals were absolutely not reached.(wonderful) richard � cobra, in this final open wargoing on in our solar system, are most battles happening in 3d or 4d or? cobra � i would say the majority of battlesare happening on the plasma plane. not so
much happening on the physical plane, at leastnot visibly. (great, thank you) lynn � in which dimension do the chimerareside? cobra � most of them are on the physicalplane or many of them are on the physical plane and some of them are on the non-physicalplanes as well. (thank you) richard � cobra, you mentioned before thatthe central race is in a higher density than us. are they at the same density as pleiadiansor reptilians? cobra � no, the central race is 7 and updimension as i would term it and the pleiadians are 5th and 6th dimensions and the reptiliansare the 4th dimension. richard � alright, so how do the chimerafight the central race?
cobra � they fight because they are manipulatingthe primary anomaly and nobody in this universe has a complete understanding of the primaryanomaly and they are taking advantage of that fact. (got it, thank you) lynn � cobra, can you give us an updateon the situation with the demiurge yaldabaoth? cobra � as this, i would say, the finalleg of the galactic conflict in the solar system is playing out, the plasma body ofthe yaldabaoth is being dissolved slowly. (awesome, thank you) richard � cobra, are the cracks in the veil,still the same or are they evolving? cobra � actually one purpose of this escalationin september was to close the cracks in the
veil and this has been partially successfulso the light forces are reactivating the light grid in this area to re-activate those cracksin the veil again and this process will take some time. (got it, thank you) lynn � it seems that the most powerful factionsof the dark ones are from the andromeda galaxy, is this right cobra? cobra � yes, that�s correct. lynn � did the fallen angels come from thisgalaxy or some other part of our galaxy? cobra � some of them came actually fromthe andromeda galaxy but many of them also came from this galaxy especially from theorion region. (thank you)
richard � cobra, can you clarify the differencebetween the andromeda galaxy and andromeda constellation? cobra � andromeda galaxy is a spiral galaxywhich is the twin galaxy to our own galaxy. the andromeda constellation is one of manyconstellations that we can see from our sky as seen from earth. and most stars, the vastmajority of stars in the andromeda constellation belong to our galaxy and andromeda galaxyis beyond all those stars in the same line of sight. (oh, got it, thank you) lynn � are we getting help from the positiveandromedans? cobra � yes of course, quite much. (thankyou)
richard � cobra, what happened in 1996 thatallowed the archon invasion of the congo? was there a war that ordinary humans knownothing about? cobra � actually there was a quite visiblewar. there was the rwanda genocide one year before and it was laying the ground work,the preparation for opening the negative portal. it was quite intense. i would say it was ahuge genocide with almost, i think, 1 million people died at that time. one year beforeor shall we say around the year before the archon invasion of 1996. richard � wow, so when this congo portalopened, negative entities started coming through it.
cobra � yes. richard � where were they coming from? cobra � mostly they were reptilian entitiescoming from one sector of this galaxy and some of them also from the andromeda galaxy.most of them were coming from the orion sector when there was quite much clearing of theorion was happening through that portal. (thank you) richard � we�re going to start talkingabout the u.s. presidential elections. you have mentioned there may not be any u.s. electionsthis fall. is it possible that both hillary and trump will self-destruct and open thedoor for someone else?
cobra � ok. the time-line when the electiondoes not happen, the possibility of that not happening has decreased and most likely therewill be an election and the situation is quite complex and at this point many things arepossible. hillary, trump or somebody else. richard � what do you see happening? cobra � i see a lot of chaos, unpredictabilityand i think the whole thing is a big distraction. (got cha. thank you very much) lynn � well cobra, many, many, many peoplehave asked about hillary clinton this month. they want to know if she�s is dead or ifshe�s a clone? cobra � she is very much alive. she hashealth problems, but she�s alive.
lynn � hillary clinton clearly has healthproblems, but there is much discussion on exactly what they are as she has multiplesymptoms. has your intel given you any indication what these health problems are? and did shereally have a brain injury and brain damage from a nearly fatal plane crash in 2012 ashas been recently reported by wikileaks, or does she have parkinson�s� or limes�disease? cobra � actually there is both. she hasparkinson�s� and there is quite much brain damage from that plane crash. it�s a complex,i would say many symptoms are complex manifestations of her health problems that resulted in herlife-style and her focus on negativity and all the help of the cabal to maintain herhealth was blown up.?? (thank you)
richard � cobra, you have said trump isa jesuit agent. (yes) if trump is a jesuit agent, what part of the cabal does he workfor and why does the cabal seem to be against him? cobra � he works for the jesuits. actuallythe jesuits are creating . . . the game as usual that they are presenting him, for himto appear that he is against the establishment, against the cabal when in reality he is justpart of the other faction of the cabal that is working not so publicly and is workingbehind the scenes. (got it). richard � if trump is a jesuit agent andhillary represents the bush-rockefeller-clinton faction, then, are we actually watching abattle between two factions?
cobra � there is a certain amount of conflictbetween both factions but for, from jesuit perspective, it doesn�t matter who wins.one way or the other they can further their agenda. (got cha, thank you) lynn � the united states public is basicallyin a no-win situation for the 2016 election because of the lack of good presidential candidates.well, it has been like this for a half a century since the assassination of john f. kennedy.trump has said recently that if he was elected he would give his full support to israel andthat he would recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. he is obviously an outspoken zionistand therefore just another rothschild puppet. is he going to be allowed by the light forcesto become president of the u.s. if he wins
the november 2016 presidential elections? cobra � i�ll say, as i�ve said before,it does not matter who gets elected because this is just the public puppet for the cabal.what is important is the whole situation needs to be . . . there needs to be a breakthroughin the form of the event then it doesn�t matter who is president. before the eventwhoever is president will be the puppet of the cabal. obama now, bush before or the newone that is coming in november. it does not matter. richard � cobra, it is said that if theus military stops the november presidential election because of a lack of �suited andcompetent candidates�, one of the ideas
they are contemplating as an alternative isplacing canadian president as the leader of the �north american union�. do you seethis as a possibility? cobra � no i do not. this is not going tohappen. (great, thank you) lynn � cobra, a while back you answereda question about eric holder being hit by stardust and he needed to be hospitalized.is there any chance that this could have happened to hillary? cobra � not yet, but i will not say thatit will not happen in the future if that is necessary. (ok) lynn � is the cabal distancing themselvesfrom hillary with all these issues that have
occurred lately? cobra � they�re doing damage control.the rockefeller faction wants to save that presidency that candidacy but they might notbe successful. i will not comment how this will evolve in the future. they still havesome hopes for hillary to win. and you might get some surprises in the next, i would say,few weeks. there might be sudden changes in direction in many aspects of this situation. lynn � the polls in anticipation of theu.s. election show trump and hillary running very even. do you think this true? cobra � yes it is true, but again i wouldsay do not put too much attention and energy
into this election. it is a distraction. (ok,thank you) richard � cobra, we keep hearing about martiallaw being instituted in the united states but you have said it would never happen. isthis still your view of this subject? cobra � i have already answered this question;it will not happen. (great, thank you) not in the way people are asking this question. richard � could you elaborate on that? cobra � when the event happens it can appearthat the martial law has been initiated but it will actually be the event and the massarrest of the cabal. (thank you very much) lynn � banks keep getting away with financialterrorism and their crimes always go unpunished.
they print large amounts of money from nothing,cross collateralize their bad loans with all the other crooked banks and even create largeamounts of money writing cashier checks to themselves and depositing those same freshlywritten cashier checks in their own banks. how do these entities, who are the main financiersof all evil, ever going to run out of cash if they are still being allowed to keep doingthese massive financial frauds? what is the resistance movement going to do about this? cobra � they will trigger the event whenthe time is right and believe me they are running out of cash. the cabal needs morecash than it is getting that�s why they are so desperate. they need a few billioneach day to maintain the quarantine. (wow)
(i�m glad to hear that) richard � cobra, it is said that all powerhas been taken away from obama by the military and that he does not have any more to sayor power in the white house as president of the usa. it is said that he is only therefor show and others within the military are calling all the shots, is this true? cobra � as i�ve said the current presidentis always just a puppet since the time of jfk. the president does not have any realpower and the ones who are having the real power is the cabal and the military industrialcomplex. (ok) richard � so the positive military has noeffect on them anyways?
cobra � a little bit but not enough. (gotcha, thank you) lynn � cobra, if the coup in turkey on july15th was led by the light forces and if russia is supposedly siding and fighting on behalfof the light forces, why did they hide and protect erdogan while the coup was happeningand why did they help president erdogan get back into power? cobra � i don�t see where russia was supportingerdogan. i don�t agree with that statement. (ok) richard � cobra, is the u.s. federal reservecollection agency also known as the �internal revenue services� or irs still activelystealing money from the people of the united
states? cobra � yes, of course, isn�t this obvious?(yes) richard � why is this still being allowedby the military if it is only filling the pockets of the top members of the cabal? cobra � people need to realize that beforethe event the whole circus will go as usual. there will not be drastic changes before theevent. richard � so the whole talk of the federalreserve system being shutting down on oct 1st is not true? cobra � no, it�s not true. (got cha, thankyou)
lynn � paypal takes a chunk of money upfront before depositing the remainder into an account. although this method of moneytransfer is convenient it is also costly when we are attempting to send as much money aspossible to our brothers & sisters in malawi. i would like to request that if you wish tohelp with the �feed malawi project� or donate to prepare for change please send acheck or money order to this address: 4530 whittier blvd, los angeles, ca 90022. pleaseput a notation that it is for prepareforchange.net, use the letters �pfc� or �malawi�.thank you for your help. lynn � is it true that the organizationknown as the republic of the united states is now in power in the u.s. instead of theold united states inc.?
cobra, can you tell us a little bit more aboutthis? cobra � ok. the answer is no, and i thinkthis is obvious. when the real republic and i�m not speaking about that particular abbreviation,i�m speaking about the real republic will be in place it will be very, very much evident.and there will be no doubt about it. lynn � so do you think that we will haveto wait for the event before that to occur? cobra � exactly. it is all coinciding withthe event. it�s part of the event. (got it) richard � cobra, is the rv set to go thisweek? cobra � the answer is no. (thank you)
richard � when the financial reset is takingplace, will all of the global debt be fully erased including credit cards, home loansand student loans? cobra � student loans, yes, and most ofcredit cards, also yes. lynn � how about home loans? cobra � the vast majority of them, yes. richard � are the light forces behind satoshinakamoto the founder of bitcoin? cobra � actually, yes bitcoin was one ofthe projects of the light forces to create another dent in the matrix. (very nice, thankyou) lynn � there is a lot of chatter about thefinancial re-set and currency revaluation
or rv everywhere on the internet. is it apossibility that we can entertain or that you can you tell us about the substance behindall of these rv commotion currently going on over the internet now? cobra � ok. i would say that unfortunatelythe vast majority of so-called intel now in the alternative media is not reliable. lynn � are the rumors that at the time ofthe financial reset the u.s. dollar will be devalued around 50% of its current value? cobra � yes, that is quite a big possibilitythat at the time of the event the us dollar will be quite significantly devalued.
richard � cobra, what can you tell us aboutthe russians making peace with japan and what we can expect from these negotiations betweenthe russian federation and a still cabal controlled japan? cobra � russia has a policy of maintainingpeace with all its neighboring countries promoting balance and promoting relations and this ispart of the same process. (got it, thank you) lynn � it just came out on the website �veteranstoday� that israel used a nuclear bomb in yemen! why are the light forces permittingthe use of nuclear devices after you said in the past that the use of such of thesehighly advanced nuclear devices would no longer be allowed to be used on war against humanity?
cobra � ok. the nuclear weapons that arebeing used have a very low yield which is equal or lower than conventional bombs. andthis is, i would say that the dark forces are challenging the patience of the lightforces to go as far as they can get away with and they are always dancing on this borderquite drastically, so this is what is happening. (wow, thank you) richard � cobra, it looks like there aresome ongoing changes in the direction germany is taking possibly away from the cabal. thismay be reason why the political party of current germany chancellor angela merkel representsa loss of power in the last elections. what is really happening in germany?
cobra � ok. there are two main factionsin germany. one is pro cabal and one is beginning to realize that that is maybe not such a goodidea and more and more of the, i would say people with sanity are going against merkeland against this association with the cabal. and i would say there is quite an intenseconflict in germany taking place right now and there are also some other things takingplace that i will not disclose at this moment and that i would speak about or release inthe near future. (thank you) lynn � cobra can you give us a current updateon, if there are negotiations going on with the �red shields� also known as the rothschild�sfinancial crime family? cobra � i would say that there are stillsome negotiations but it is not as intense
as it was because the light forces have giventhem a chance. the red shields were not quite much cooperating and they have lost theirchance at that point, so most likely they will be just removed at the time of the event.that�s the most likely time-line at this moment. (thank you) richard � cobra, what do you honestly foreseeas the future of the rockefeller�s, bush and clinton crime families known for theirunique cruel, ruthlessness and violent behavior against humanity? cobra � they will see the inside of thegalactic central sun. (wow, nice, thank you) lynn � what is currently going on with theliquidity problem within the german deutsche
bank? cobra � ok. deutsche bank is having quitemuch liquidity problems more than they will admit. of course the cabal will use theirtricks to suppress and cover this and pretend that it�s �business as usual.� lynn � do you think they�re going to beallowed to go bankrupt? cobra � no, most likely not. most likelythey�ll do some high magic and everything will be ok. (thank you) richard � cobra, what do you see as thefuture of the �clinton foundation�? and what can you tell us about the money launderingactivity going on there for years implicating
most politicians in washington dc? cobra � ok. most likely the whole situationagain will be suppressed and will not reach . . . i would not say that justice will prevailin this situation before the event. (thank lynn � for a long time many different intelligencesources have been talking about an �october surprise.� what do you know about that �octobersurprise� that you can share with us today cobra? cobra � ok. october surprise is just a generalterm to increase the hype that something is going to happen when actually it�s not goingto happen. so when the real event is going to happen it will be, it can be at any time,does not need to be october. everything else
is just speculation. lynn � will the event be a surprise? cobra � yes, of course. (ok) richard � cobra, there is a report goingaround that russia recently bombed syria, an isil command center filled with israelimossad, turkish military, british mi6 and american cia agents that were helping coordinatethe isil. is this true? richard � can you tell us how much damagewas done. cobra � quite much, but again, then theother side, retaliated and you know that this is more and more becoming, an open war whenthe western countries are supporting the so-called
islamic state and russia is against them.(got cha) richard � so it was actually a positivething that had happened? cobra � the russian action was positive,yes. (great, thank you) lynn � cobra, will you give us an updateon what is going on with the event. has anything changed lately. are we still expecting possiblecomplete shut-down of public utilities and banks at the time of the event? cobra � nothing has changed. the plan isstill the same. lynn � do you have any news or updates thatthe public should know to be prepared for the upcoming great wave from the galacticcentral sun?
cobra � i have nothing new to say aboutthis. everything has been said already. (thank richard � cobra, recently puerto rico waswithout electricity and in total blackout for a few days. puerto rico is the home ofthe irs. is this related to the blackout? cobra � no. richard � do you have any knowledge of whatactually went down and why it lasted so long. cobra � it is because the cabal is simplysiphoning money off puerto rico and although it is the home of the irs the local peoplethere have very little money. they�re being robbed quite extensively by the cabal, sothe basic infrastructure there is. . . falling apart, i would say. (thank you)
lynn � cobra, are you familiar with theterm gesara. cobra � to a certain degree. lynn � ok. this stands for global economicsecurity and reformation act. and i believe it was modeled on nesara which is the nationaleconomic security reformation act. and what this person wanted to know is will gesarabecome law around the world after the event? cobra � this is one way of describing theprocess of financial re-set after the event. (thank you) richard � cobra, can you comment on howthe cabal has been involved in the current negative/racial activity that�s been happeningbetween police and people in the u.s.?
cobra � this has been actually engineeredby the cabal. richard � it has been? will it end any timesoon or will it keep getting worse? cobra � it is going to end at the time ofthe event. (thank you) lynn � we are increasing our collaborationwith another website partner: coeo (ko-e-o). this means: to unite, assemble, meet, cometogether, come together as a whole. matt at coeo is working to improve global synchronizedmeditations with innovative ideas that he will initiate in the near future.coeo is a geo-social network of light workers, activists, change-makers and anyone who wantsto collaborate towards co-creating a better future for all.its primary purpose is to facilitate local
connections between members with the intentionof enabling the formation of meet-up groups and ultimately positive social action.in addition to the geographic focus of the platform, coeo is also a place to share andcollaborate on a global level. it includes many of the features you would expect to findon other social networking sites such as facebook (it includes posting, commenting, events,private messaging, etc.) but with added focus towards the geographic connections betweenmembers. if you haven�t already joined the coeo platformplease sign up at www.prepareforchange.coeo.cc and for those of you who have already joined,please remember to log in regularly and actively participate in the community, making positiveconnections and collaboration.
lynn � our next subject is september 11th,2001 has been proven by so many, that it was an �inside job�. more than a thousandengineers have demonstrated that it was demolition, proving that it was a mini nuke, all togetherhow can you evaporate a million tons or more of concrete and steel, and make wtc7 collapsewithout any reason. i think personally that more evidence is not needed to understandthat the criminals behind the attacks are still walking free and laughing at the brainwashedmasses. cobra, what really happened on 9-11, 2001? cobra � you have just already answered thisquestion what already happened. lynn � do you have any intel to releaseon this 15th anniversary?
cobra � there were many things happeningat that time. there was in-fighting between two factions of the negative military. therewas a lot of activity in the secret space program (ssp) and certain things were aboutto be released, or were planned to be released around that time. and also a lot of evidencewas destroyed. it was not just a demolition of 2 buildings, it was a lot of things thatwere destroyed and the purpose of this was to destroy the evidence. lynn � were the main perpetrators the zionistsand the cabal? cobra � actually the jesuits were behindthis if you would search behind those zionists you would find the jesuits. (thank you cobra)
richard � currently in the u.s. there is100s of tribes from across the globe gathering peacefully in prayer, standing up to big oilmoney and protecting mother earth against devastation, death and upheaval of their sacredsites. are we the 7th generation here to make changes as in the lakota prophecy? cobra � actually yes, that is a symbolicinterpretation of what is going on. (thank you)lynn � can you comment on president obama�s recent proclamation for national preparednessmonth for global catastrophes, which has been posted on the white house website on 08.31.2016?https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/08/31/proclamation-national-preparedness-month-2016 cobra � i would say that people in governmentsaround the world are beginning to realize
that something big is going to happen andthis is just a reflection of this mixture of fear and attempt of preparedness. theydon�t know exactly what will happen but they know that something will happen. andthe different factions in the governments are preparing their own way and releasingdifferent memo�s in their own way. (thank richard � cobra, is there any part of easterncanada that was once part of atlantis? cobra � a little bit, yes. lynn � switzerland is the area where a lotof cabal members have their headquarters. what will happen to switzerland after theevent? cobra � actually switzerland also has avery strong positive templar presence which
is now not quite publicly known and all thiswill be. . . they will be public at the moment of the event. of course the cabal will beremoved. lynn � does switzerland have any vortexesor portals or does this country have any spiritual or occult significance? cobra � yes of course there are many portalsin switzerland and some of those portals we have been activating them in our conferencesthe last few years. there is a very strong pleiadian presence in switzerland. lynn � that�s where billy meyer livedand had his contact (yes) with the pleiadians. (yes)
richard � cobra, the political coup of presidentdilma rousseff brought many protests in the streets and democracy was broken in brazil.is the new president michel temer, from the dark? can you tell us what you know aboutthe political situation of brazil? cobra � yes, he is actually a cabal puppetunfortunately and the situation in brazil for this reason is getting worse. (thank you) lynn � this listener writes: i live in novafriburgo, rio de janeiro, brazil. we had a great tragedy here. i believe it was sometype of weapon that caused the disaster. i looked this up and what i found about thisarea was back in january of 2011 there was around 1,000 people that became homeless aftertorrential rain falls triggered mud slides
on the mountaintops and 257 people died. canyou comment on this cobra? cobra � unfortunately this is one of themany situations and similar situations are happening around the world all the time. it. . . actually a reflection of the situation of the continuation of the galactic wars whichwill be here until the event. (ok, thank you) richard � cobra, with all the negativityin brazil right now, is there anything the people of brazil can do to stop what�s happeningin their country? cobra � to spread awareness, open blogsin portuguese and spanish and other languages that people speak and spread information ofwhat is going on. (thank you very much) lynn � this question is from someone fromsouth africa. we had a recent vote in early
august and we voted for new governance forsouth africa. the current president zuma will leave. he has been terrible. what do you knowabout the political situation in south africa? who controls zuma? cobra � again it is a lot of cabal controlin that country and i am not expecting this to get much better before the event. lynn � can you tell us any more about southafrica�s past: for example, the dutch located the east india company there? cobra � yes, it�s true and there werea few of the illuminati families that for controlling south africa and were using especiallydiamond mining was one of the controlling
tools and south africa was one of the majoroccult energy vortexes for the cabal domination especially in one period in the 19th century.now it�s importance has decreased but still there is a lot of cabal presence there. lynn � why was the evil system known asapartheid in south africa? cobra � because of the intensity of thecabal�s presence there. lynn � regarding nelson mandela, was hea hero? or was he a puppet placed there to manipulate the people? cobra � he was a positive being that hasprevented many negative things from happenings. richard � cobra, south africa mining isa source of income for a lot of people. there
are towns that only exist because of the miningin that area. currently the mines are struggling and a lot of people have already lost theirjobs. what will happen after the event to these mining towns? will the mining stop completelyand if so what are the people going to do for an income after? cobra � the mining will stop almost completelyand of course people will have other venues of income and other activities that will befar more important and of course there will be an abundance for everybody. (thank youvery much). that will not be an issue any more. (great, thank you) lynn � there is currently a huge debategoing on around land claims in south africa.
after the event happens and all the bordersare lifted, will people still be able to own land? how will housing and land owning beinfluenced? cobra � people will still be able to ownland but they will not be so emotionally invested in this so most of the disputes will be easilyresolved and after some time the concept of land ownership will lose its importance. (thankyou) richard � what kind of role do you see smallercountries in asia, such as singapore, play in the financial? cobra � singapore is one of the strongholdsof the cabal�s financial system with a lot of rothschild presence. (thank you)
lynn � this question comes from vietnam:china is very aggressive with their neighbors. is china allowed to invade vietnam like theydid with tibet after wwii, as part of the cabal�s plan for asia for the nwo? do youthink vietnam will survive this attack? cobra � from my perspective it is very unlikelythat china will invade vietnam at this point. (that�s good news) richard � cobra, recently a mayor from turkeyspoke about a big red light � a ufo � that was over turkey, hanging over the city. thisbig red light was described as a star surrounded by a red light moving slowly in the sky. thenit disappeared. do you know about this? cobra � a little bit yes.
richard � what was it? cobra � it was the light forces trying toinfuse some light in the situation in turkey. (great, thank you) lynn � this is about egypt; david wilcocksaid recently the egyptian gods were an invading giant race. were these egyptians the sourceof the cabal�s bloodlines? if not, what were the sources of the cabal bloodlines? cobra � ok. god�s of egypt have nothingto do with the cabal and are not related to the cabal bloodlines. cabal bloodlines camefrom babylonian empire which has no direct . . . it is not egypt actually. (thank you)
richard � cobra, this listener says; europe� finland is ruled by negative forces and our government is against the citizens. whyis finland like this? does the cabal rule finland? and what can be done about this? cobra � it is the same in every countryon the planet. cabal has infiltrated all the governments in every country on the planet.(thank you) lynn � we are a very small group that voluntarilystaff the council of prepare for change. we meet weekly to discuss matters to improveour operation and website. it is clear to all of us that we need leadership help withvarious groups to improve communication among those who wish to play a part in prepare forchange. we are more than a website; we are
a community. in order to act like a community,we are seeking a select group of individuals that have leadership qualities to take chargeof a select group. to start with we would like help in the following areas: healing,social media, web optimization, and internet marketing. when these positions are filledwe will add group leaders to areas that will help develop our community so it flourishesin permaculture, renaissance, event support, sisterhood of the rose and technology.we have exciting plans for the future however it is going to require a bigger leadershipteam. if you feel drawn to do something that will help to create a better future for all,i invite you to write an email to me at: lynn@prepareforchange.net. richard � cobra, you have said that theoctober revolution in russia was created and
engineered by jesuits to introduce the cultof communism. does this mean that the communism came from the cabal? cobra � actually the original idea of communismwas distorted and manipulated in a way that you would suit jesuit agenda. richard � so was karl marx, vladimir lenin,joseph stalin, mao zedong, kim il-sung were cabal members or were they regular people? cobra � many of them, yes. (ok) richard � can you comment on the revolutionof 1989 in many european countries and russia which resulted in the fall of communist regimes?
cobra � actually it was the plan of thelight forces because there was quite much of oppression in those countries but therewas also a counter plan by the cabal to steal the resources of those countries which wentthrough that revolution or through that crash and a lot of money has been siphoned off russiainto the cabal�s coffers at that time. (thank lynn � the next questions are from hungary.this person writes; my heart aches when i read about cruelty to animals. those not earthlycreatures like whales, dolphins, maybe even seals, elephants, etc�. isn�t it possibleto evacuate them to their original planet or to place them where they can heal? is theirpresence absolutely necessary? cobra � this will happen after the event.the light forces cannot intervene on the planet
at this moment completely at this moment.they have to wait for the event to happen. (ok, thank you) lynn � this person is also writing fromhungary. according to channeled information, the arvisura, the ancient history of the hungarians,originates from the island of atais, from the age of atlantis, where the existing hungarianswere �seed� souls. (hungarian=magyar-magyar-mag=seed) the seed is the guardian of life and knowledge.what is the role of hungarians during the event? cobra � ok, i would say there is a very,very strong very positive white nobility templar group in hungary which has a lot of influenceon what is going on in that country and will
become public at the time of the event. it�ssimilar to switzerland where it is also very positive, very effective positive group presence.so both countries there will be some surprises at the time of the event when certain thingswill become known. lynn � they would like to know if theirancestors really came from sirius? cobra � i would say that this particulargroup i was speaking about has origin on sirius and some other people also but not the hungariannation as a whole. (ok thank you) richard � cobra, in the link below whichwe�ll put on the bottom of the site, dated the july 31, 2016, it mentions that the cabaltop echelons have been removed from the planet. archangel michael, st germain and the councilseems to confirm this too. cobra, can you
confirm this?http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/freedom%20empowerment/update_removal_of_cabal07-30-16.htm cobra � no. (no, thanks) lynn � archangel michael says that humansare not ready for the shift or the ascension or the event, but it will happen anyway. doyou agree with this? cobra � i do not agree that archangel michaelsaid that. here is the link:http://www.indianinthemachine.com/2016/09/01/archangel-michael-final-messages-to-humanity-you-are-not-ready-dear-humans/ richard � cobra, can you talk about whatyou know about the pleiadians? what is their role in the galactic wars? we know that theyare very advanced spiritually. but did they fight with another races?
cobra � they do actually fight when theyfight against injustice. they�re not a warrior race but when they have to fight they do itand they do it efficiently. (thank you) lynn � can you please tell us somethingabout the e.t. race known as the lion people or feline people? cobra � ok this race originates from thesirius star system and was quite active in the earth�s past to. . . i would say, assistin the spiritual development of many nations. lynn � do we on earth descend from them?or are they related to our own cats on earth, such as our house cats, or the larger cats,tigers, cougars and lions? cobra � they�re related only that theyhave the same archetype but they are not energetically
related, they are not the same evolution. lynn � do the lion e.t. people communicatewith our earth�s cat population? cobra � they can and sometimes they do.(thank you) richard � cobra, do other societies or otheret groups compete in sports, like we do on earth? cobra � some races do have sports but it�snot in the same, it�s not in the same competitive style. it is more, i would say exercising,enjoying the movement and having team play, things of that nature. richard � how else do other civilizationshave fun?
cobra � they like dancing, they enjoy music,they like to travel, they have many activities in a way it�s similar as it is happeningon this planet. (great, thank you) lynn � cobra, is there a civilization inproxima b? who are they? what do they know about us? how can we contact them? cobra � actually there is a whole, the wholealpha centauri system is part of the one big civilization with many different races andthey will contact humanity at the time of the event. (thank you) or shall we say afterthe event going towards the first contact to be more exact. lynn � are they human appearing e.t.�s?
cobra � yes, one of those races is humanappearing. (thank you) richard � cobra, are there human appearinge.t.�s in sirius? richard � is that in sirius where the 144,000came from, the ascended masters 16,000 years ago. cobra � no. (ok thank you) richard � where did they come from? cobra � actually sirius was the race whena certain group came to planet earth 16,000 years ago, but that was not 144,000. it wasa very small group. richard � it was a very small group? willwe know any names of these people that came
from sirius 16,000 years ago? cobra � that is classified information atthis point. richard � are they still interacting withus and helping us? cobra � they are helping very much in differentways and they are very present in their own way. (great thank you) richard � can you tell us about the ancientmayan race? i understand they existed more than 10,000 year ago. did they leave earth?did they ascend? did they go into the earth? cobra � most of the mayan race went undergroundin their underground civilization. they left the surface.
richard � are they planning on coming back? cobra � after the event some of them yes,and some of them. . .actually some of them has returned to the pleiades and some of themmight be coming back towards the surface after the event. (great, thank you) lynn � joao is our talented leader of thetranscription team. he leads a group that translates website articles including cobrainterviews form english into many languages to share information all over the globe. ifyou are fluent in two or more languages, please volunteer for our transcription team:http://prepareforchange.net/participate/prepare-for-change-volunteers/ a highlight of the work these amazing translatorsdo is the 28 languages that they have currently
translated for the community leaders brief.this can be found in 2 places on the internet (& the addresses are in our transcription):http://communityleadersbrief.org/ and http://prepareforchange.net/2016/09/15/the-prepare-for-change-community-leaders-brief-in-now-available-in-multiple-languages/ this community leaders brief is a valuableresource at the time of the event as it is a guide for community leaders to help themthrough the process with confidence. more about this coming soon. lynn � cobra, the next few questions areabout the event. this person is asking; at the time of the event, a person has recentlydied, can that person ascend or move into the next level from �the other side?�how does this work? cobra � ascension is possible from all planesof creation.
lynn � even after death you don�t haveto be incarnated to ascend? cobra � you don�t have to be incarnated,that�s true. (ok. thank you) richard � cobra, how long does it take forlight or energy from the galactic central sun to reach earth? cobra � the physical photons need about25,000 years. higher dimensional light needs about zero time. (thank you) lynn � what would happen to humanity nowif the event does not happen? cobra � without the event the humanity wouldgo extinct in the 21st century. (wow, that�s pretty drastic)
richard � cobra, do the military and intelligenceagencies in all countries know about the event? cobra � those who are higher, high up enoughthey know about it. i would say they speculate about it. they do not have solid intel aboutit but they have some guess work ideas. the exact precise intel is high above their paygrade, i would say. (thank you) lynn � cobra, last month you said �therepublic and the currency re-set will happen at the moment of the event and not before.�do we assume that the �mass arrests� will happen then also? cobra � yes. (thank you). i have describedthe plan so many times already so i don�t think it necessary to repeat it again. (thankyou)
richard � cobra, is it necessary to cleanup the astral level of earth before the event can happen? cobra � to a great degree, yes, but theproblem is not the astral plane so much, the problem is the plasma plane which has to becleaned quite much more than it is now. (thank lynn � cobra, in a previous interview yousaid duality will end at the time of the event. does this mean we will become enlightenedat the time of the event? lynn � what does it really mean, to �becomeenlightened?� cobra � enlightenment means that you arebecoming aware that you are coming in contact with your own true real identity which isthe one so that contact is being made. it
does not mean that the whole personality isalready transformed but that transformation can really start at the moment of the event.(thank you) richard � so will people become enlightenedafter the event. cobra � gradually, yes. richard � gradually. how long do you seethis taking? cobra � i would say a few years� processfor most people. richard � will there be institutes or schoolsthat will be teaching this process. cobra � yes, there will be mystery schoolsthat will open after the event and will assist people in going through the process. (thankyou very much)
lynn � have other planets had similar occurrencelike the event? it appears that other nearby planets were liberated without the big sneezefrom the galactic central sun. is this correct? cobra � yes they were, but this planet isdifferent because there is so much of concentration of various races and the cabal here. so thereneeds to be a little bit more intense support for this to happen. lynn � are the light forces �taking advantage�of the energy of the big sneeze to help liberate the planet? cobra � yes, of course. (thank you) richard � cobra, i believe you said onceafter the event the human population would
be diminished. did we misunderstand you? cobra � i would say that at a certain moment,some people will migrate off the planet but there will be no mass extinction or anythingof that nature. richard � why would these people find itnecessary to migrate? cobra � because they will want to migrate.people would like to expand growth throughout the universe. they will not want to be stuckhere. they would like to explore other star systems, contact with other races and so on. richard � so when the e.t.�s start makingcontact they will offer this to the people? cobra � yes. (thank you)
lynn � i believe you said once � how dothe souls that are leaving the body now are knowing about the event? cobra � there are spiritual guides on theother side that have the same intel and they assist in preparation as well. (thank you) lynn � as the situations is increasing theyare receiving intel about the future on planet lynn � are they going to come back to earthafter the event, these people that are leaving their body now? cobra � if they want to they can come back,yes. lynn � i have one questioner that wrote:do i have to ascend if i want to stay right
where i am now? cobra � no, you can stay as you are. itis up to your free will. (thank you) richard � cobra, the word god is male-oriented;�goddess� would be the feminine, the female. jesus called god our �father.� you referto the source as �absolute, universal field of consciousness,� and �the one.� howcan we envision the �absolute� in our minds to help us connect and go beyond themasculine and feminine image? cobra � i would say people would need tohave direct spiritual experience and then all conceptions of gender polarity will fallapart. it is not about male or female. it is about all-encompassing presence which isthe source of all positive. this is how i
would describe it. (thank you) richard � they also asked; is there anyhistorical and spiritual relationship between the ascended master jesus (sananda) and thehistorical sumerian annunaki being we know as god anu? cobra � no. (thank you) lynn � cobra, these are health related questions.have you heard of far infrared ray therapy and does it heal within the body? cobra � yes, it can heal the physical tissue. lynn � do electromagnetic waves. . . doterahertz waves have any positive or negative
effects on peoples� health? cobra � depending on the frequency the exactfrequency they can either be negative or positive effect. lynn � does diatomaceous earth really detoxifythe body? http://www.thescienceforum.com/health-medicine/24011-diatomaceous-earth-food-grade-really-so-good-dangerous.htmlhttp://diatomaceous.org/heavy-metal-detoxification/ http://diatomaceous.org/orthosilicic-acid/ cobra � it can help a lot, yes.richard � cobra, when i have a cintamani stone nearby, my life becomes more challenging.how does the cintamani stone affect things? cobra � it can trigger everything that hasbeen suppressed in your subconsciousness for
it to be transformed. richard � so it�s happening for a goodreason? cobra � yes. (thank you very much) lynn � ok, last questions cobra. (ok) canyou tell us the significance of colombianite stone? cobra � ok, this stone originates from thesirius star system and can assist in bringing the energy of divine grace to the planet. richard � is that stone available here onearth? cobra � it is rare, but it is possible tofind it.
lynn � can you tell us the significanceabout the lapis lazuli stone? cobra � this stone can assist in activatingthe, i would say, the brow chakra, the 6th chakra and can assist in opening higher spiritualabilities. (i�m very attracted to this stone, always have been) lynn � we are finished cobra. (ok). thankyou so much cobra for being with us today and we hope that you have a great october(thank you) and we will see you next month. cobra � ok, very good. lynn � thank you so much. (thank you cobra.) cobra � thank you, bye-bye.lynn � in closing i would like to thank
the whole team that has made this interviewpossible: cobra for being a gracious guest. his websiteis: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/ richard�my interview partnerdov for our theme song: voices of the world danell for her transcription expertisemegan for organizational help aaron on sounduntwine for modulation & editing eduardo & dane behind the scenesand all of our wonderful listeners! and remember always that�. we are all voicesof the world.
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