current jobs ghana

current jobs ghana

-you been having fun? -yes. -it has been fun, hasn't it? -come on. so this isthe oval office right here. and i think you should tryto sit behind the desk so you look a littlemore official. -hello? nope. kid president,what grade are you in?

-third. -third?-mm-hmm. -third grade?-mm-hmm. -this is a telegraph. -telegraph. what's a telegraph? -well, a telegraph, it usedto be before there were phones, before there was the internet,before there was youtube, we would use a telegraph, and that's how you'd communicatefrom far away.

how's school going?-good. -it's going pretty good? okay, so, 'cause i know you gotall these other activities. -yeah.-so much demands on your time trying to balancebeing president and being in the third grade. you know?that's a lot of stuff. -mm-hmm. -but you seem to behandling it pretty well.

-very well.-you do. this is a program from the march on washingtonwhere dr. king spoke. have you heard of the"i have a dream" speech? so this isthe original program of that. somebody gave that to me. of course,this is abraham lincoln. -yeah. -one of the most famous

and oneof my favorite presidents. -mine, too. -any advice for meas just an ordinary president as opposed to kid president? -i have one. -okay. -well, it's not really advice, it's just how you're doing. you're doing awesome.-you think i'm doing awesome?

thank you.that means a lot to me. i think you're doing awesome. so both of us, we gota lot of responsibilities, but we're handling our business. -the most important thingwe can all do is to treat each otherwith kindness and respect. right? so kids,they can learn right away, you know, in schooland on the playground

to be nice to each other. and if you see a kidbeing picked on, you make sureyou stand up for him and you treat everybodyfairly, you know, no matter what they look likeor where they're from. and if you start learningto do that as kids and everybodyis respectful of each other and nice to each other, then when they grow up,

they'll be doing the same thing, and we'll have a lotfewer problems, don't you think? -yeah.-i think so. this is the emancipationproclamation that abraham lincoln signedto free the slaves. and this is a bustof dr. martin luther king. you keep on doing the great workthat you're doing. i'll try to do my best. between the two of us,maybe we can kind of

get things goingin a good direction. now even though we'represidents, can we still hug? is that okay? all right.i just want to make sure. thanks, man.-you're welcome. -all right, and you work hardin school, too. give me a high-five.okay. -[ beatboxing ] nice to meet you. -how you doing?you having a good day?

-did you see the president? -you did? that's awesome.-mm-hmm. -hi, man. -what did he say? -he said hi.we did small talk.

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current jobs ghana