current jobs in kenya

current jobs in kenya

7. nicky barnes$50 million dollars born in harlem, new york in 1933 nicky barnswas raised by a struggling family in one of new yorks poorest areas. as a child nickyleft home to escape abuse and sought refuge in the underworld. after getting caught upwith minor drug charges he was sent to jail and was introduced to a man named “crazyjoe gallo” a well-known drug game veteran in new york. the two hatched a plan to over-takethe then flourishing heroin trade, crazy joe provided the training and guidance nicky neededto rise through the ranks. as the business grew, so did his fortune, he was said to havespent over $7 million on fashion goods alone! however, after expanding operations to pennsylvania,and canada the crew caught the attention of

the dea.while under surveillance it was said nicky would make pointless stops and sometimes drivein circles with the aim of frustrating the agents following him. however after severalyears the net finally closed in when the dea arrested nicky in 1978. his continued tauntingof police frustrated authorities so much that president jimmy carter personally requestthat he be sentenced to the maximum penalty’s possible. a jury sentenced him to life inprison, however after co-operating with the police as an informant he was released in1998. 6. ross ulbricht$80 million dollars as one of the most unique drug lords on ourlist ross ulbricht earns a special spot. by

harnessing the power of the internet thistech genius was able to create a drug market that facilitated sales exceeding $1.2 billiondollars. a young man from austin, texas ross was an academic prodigy with a master’sdegree in science and engineering. after completing his studies he found work life to be dissatisfyingand opted to try and create his own business. after many failures including an online bookstore he decided to enter the world of crime. ross soon found a fascination with the darkweb and the anonymous currency known as “bitcoins”, in early 2009 he began to mastermind whatwould soon be known as the “silkroad market”. the market was launched later that year andcame to be extremely popular, it offered drugs, guns and any other illegal products. withthousands of daily transactions ross stood

to become an extremely rich man, collectingover $80 million in profits. this dream was soon crushed when in 2013 special agents fromthe fbi apprehended and charged him with money laundering, computer hacking and narcoticstrafficking. he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. 5. big meech$100 million dollars a drug lord based in detroit michigan, bigmeech whose real name is demetrius flenory was the founder of the “black mafia family”a criminal drug trafficking organization that ran the streets of detroit from 1980 through2005. with close ties to the mexican cartels the black mafia family established drug transporthubs in atlanta and los angeles. by utilizing

various transport locations the group wasable to obtain low priced cocaine direct from mexico and distribute it throughout the nationto maximize profits. with so much illegal money the group sought to launder funds byestablishing an entertainment group, by promoting and signing hip-hop artists the organizationhoped to throw off authorities pursuing them. after years of tense investigation big meechwas indicted by the dea and charged with drug trafficking, conspiracy and a host of othercrimes. in total 150 members were arrested and charged and over 632 kilos of cocaineand $5.3 million dollars was seized in the operation. it was said the group made over$270 million dollars over the course of several years.

4. manuel noriega$300 million dollars this former dictator of panama was both apolitician and a military officer, running the country from 1983 until 1989. as one ofthe most powerful men in the 80’s manuel worked closely with the cia by providing themwith highly valuable intelligence on regular basis. this assistance lead the cia to turna blind eye to the drug trafficking operations under his control. by offering the unitedstates exclusive rights to set up listening posts and trading routes in his country heearned the good favor of politicians including former president and cia director george h.w. bush. as a major cocaine trafficker manuel workedclosely with the medellã­n cartel of columbia

to ship thousands of kilos of cocaine throughouthis country. in the process his net worth skyrocketed with him raking in tens of millionseach month. however all good things soon come to an end, in 1989 public discontent for theleader grew. opposition soon began to push for his resignation which lead manuel to begina campaign of terror against anyone who opposed him. responding to this the united statesbegan an invasion with the aim to capture noriega. by january 3rd 1990 the us troopshad surrounded him as he sought refuge in a sanctuary. manuel surrendered and was chargedwith a slew of crimes from murder to drug trafficking. 3. zhenli ye gon$310 million dollars

a chinese businessman who founded multiplesuccessful pharmaceutical companies throughout mexico is best known for his opulent and luxuriouslifestyle. the founder of “unimed pharm chem” zhenli assisted mexican cartels inthe importation of pseudoephedrine to produce mass amounts of methamphetamine. by operatinga legitimate business he was able to import mass quantities of the precursor chemicalsused to produce meth. this meant he was a highly valued asset to cartels and was ableto bring in the chemicals they needed without arising any suspicion.after several years of importing the chemicals zhenli’s company was investigated for potentialmisuse of the substances. however no proof could be found linking him to the crimes,nonetheless as a precaution his license to

purchase the chemicals was revoked. this didnot stop zhenli as he continued to buy the chemicals under the table leading to furtherinvestigation by authorities. after building up evidence the police raided his mã©xicocity mansion on march 15th 2007. upon entering the lavishly decorated compound authoritieswere not prepared for what they would find. inside police found:207 million dollars in cash , 10 gold coins, 7 luxury vehicles, exotic animals and an armoryof fully automatic weapons. during the raid zhenli was arrested and chargedwith drug trafficking, conspiracy and a slew of other crimes. 2. el chapo$1 billion dollars

one of the most well-known drug lords of alltime, el chapo whose real name is joaquã­n guzmã¡n is the leader of the feared sinaloacartel. often seen as a god father of the underworld chapo began with humble origins,born into a family stricken with poverty. as a young man he sold fruit on the streetafter deciding to leave school in pursuit of fortune, with very few resources in hishometown and no jobs available a young chapo soon turned to growing opium. after harvestingthe crops he would travel with his father into town to sell the goods. however his fatheroften took all of the proceeds and spent them on alcohol or prostitutes leaving chapo withno money. sick and tired of the mismanagement he decided to pursue his own drug businessat the age of 15 by cultivating his own marijuana

field. by the age of 20 chapo had become aman and was well versed in the drug trade, this lead to his acceptance into a large scaledrug organization known as guadalajara cartel. a young and ambitious man he often beggedhis superiors to allow him to transport more and more drugs each run, seeing the potentialprofits he had no intentions of slowing down. starting as an air-traffic controller forcross country drug shipments he soon worked his way up the ladder of success. chapo displayed a violent and threateningdemeanor that made it clear he was not someone to cross, opting to kill his rivals himselfinstead of hiring enforcers. after years of working his way through the underworld chapoemerged as leader of the sinaloa cartel. today

he oversees a worldwide drug network rakingin billions of dollars yearly. although authorities have tried countless times to arrest and imprisonchapo, his power and influence is so strong that he has escaped prison twice. his mostdaring escape in 2014 proves he will be one of the most elusive and hard to capture criminalsin history. 1. pablo escobar$30 billion dollars a man so powerful that his name strikes fearinto those who lived during his reign of terror. pablo escobar was the most powerful drug lordthat ever lived, at the peak of his career he controlled over 80% of all cocaine broughtinto the united states. from the beginning pablo displayed criminal traits as a pettythief and scam artist, in his younger days

he would steal grave stones from the cemeteryso that he could sand away the markings to re-sell them again. as he aged his crimesincreased in intensity with him raking in his first $100,000 by kidnapping a notablecolumbian businessman for ransom. with a goal to become a millionaire by 22 his hunger forsuccess only strengthened. upon learning more about the drug trade pablo began to devisehis network for the transport and sales of cocaine 26 his plan was in full swing, pablo learned to fly an airplane and began to make tripsacross well know smuggling routes. his new business proved to be successful however hebegan to attract the attention of police; he was stopped and caught with several kilosof cocaine in 1976. after unsuccessfully trying

to pay off the judge and officers he foundhis best option was violence. pablo had the officers murdered and the case against himwas soon dropped. this was the beginning to a bloody path he would often demand for cocaine increased so did his wealth with his net worth swelling to over$30 billion dollars by the mid 1980’s. making over $420 million dollars a week he becamea walking bank. with so much money he soon ran out of places to store the cash. thisresulted in him losing over $1 billion dollars each year from rats that would often enterhis warehouses to nibble away at the money stacks.political leaders began to target pablo in hopes of indicting him for drug trafficking.this infuriated him and he soon demanded his

men kill anyone who spoke out against him,over several months pablo waged a campaign of violence utilizing car bombs, hit squadsand torture. with columbia spinning out of control the united states stepped in to bringa stop to the madness. forming a specialized team known as “search bloc”. within weeksthe team had triangulated pablos phone signals to locate him. in december 1993 pablo wasspotted by members of the elite team and he was engaged with gunfire. pablo was shot deadon the roof of the building signaling the end for the world richest drug lord. thank you for watching interesting top 7s!if you like this video make sure to click the like button below and subscribe for morecontent every week!

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current jobs in kenya