finance jobs in kenya

finance jobs in kenya

here’s little robert kiyosaki. he has twofathers. one of them has a ph.d., the other never finished 8th grade. both earn substantialincomes, yet one always struggles financially, while the other is going to become one ofthe richest men in hawaii. one is going to die leaving tens of millions of dollars tohis family. the other is going to leave bills to be paid. the problem with financial education is thatit isn’t taught in schools, so the family decides to teach it. now, the problem withthis is that unless your parents are in the top 1%, they are going to teach you how tobe poor, not because they don’t love you, they just don’t know what they’re teaching,and they don’t read books like rich dad

poor dad. my story is very similar. i was taught howto be poor. then i went to the air force academy and studied economics and took accountingand investing classes. i did complicated regressions on economic data and balanced complex balancesheets. yet, i have received more pragmatic advice by reading a single book from kiyosakithan i did by taking four years of complicated classes. i never had a rich dad, but i have many richdads now. clason, kiyosaki, hill, demarco, the list goes on. so if you weren’t borninto the top 1%, let’s learn from kiyosaki who learned from his rich dad.

you have to know these two words: assets andliabilities. now forget what you might have learned in your accounting classes, we aregoing to define them in very simple terms. an asset is anything that puts money in yourpocket. a liability is anything that takes money away from your pocket. anything canbe an asset or a liability. if you own a house and it eats a $1000 a month then it’s aliability. if you own a house and it brings in a $1000 a month then it’s an asset. assetsare things like businesses, real estate, paper assets, things like stocks and bonds. hereis why knowing this distinction is so important. really try to focus on this. the poor onlyhave expenses, the rich buy assets, and the middle class buy liabilities that they thinkare assets.

after graduating if i had followed everybody’sadvice, i would have gotten a job which increases my income, but there are so many problemswith that. as i got my job, my girlfriend and i would have moved into a bigger house,we would have gotten a bmw in addition to our mustang. i would have bought the iphone6. the problem with all of this is that i would think i was acquiring assets while iwas actually acquiring liabilities. i would have to pay every month for the house, forthe car, for my expensive phone. in essence, unless you make a paradigm shift about whatyou do with your money, which is to buy actual assets, no matter how much income you earnfrom your job, you will just match it with your liabilities and expenses. your friendsmight admire your iphone 6, and you might

look rich but you will never actually be rich. now there is nothing wrong with having yourjob. i just don’t have one, because i’m operating from the assets quadrant. but, ifyou are following the standard narrative of going to school and getting a job, chancesare you’re acquiring liabilities which you think are assets. that is the problem. sokeep your job, but make sure what you earn goes mostly towards real assets, rather thanliabilities that seem like assets. and yes, eventually when you acquire enough assets,you won’t need your job either. it absolutely blows my mind how people say,well what if i lose money with the business, or the real estate, or the paper assets. theydon’t say the same thing about buying their

second enormous tv which will be worthlessin a year, and which creates a liability every month. i would rather lose all of my moneystarting a business than lose it by buying yet another tv i don’t need. even if i lostall my money, the lessons learned from starting a business would be infinitely more valuablethan watching dr. phil. here is another problem. it’s not how muchmoney you make, it’s how much money you keep. if i told you i was going to pay youa million dollars a month, but then i took away $999,999, you’d have to be an idiotif you said you were making a million. my dad told me become a doctor and you will berich. yet a doctor pays a half or even more of what he earns just to the government. youget taxed when you earn. you get taxed when

you spend. you get taxed when you save. andguess what, you get taxed when you die. on the other hand, you can operate from the assetsquadrant and pay sometimes 0% in taxes. i have doctor friends who are more financiallyanxious than my absolutely broke friends. here is a short history of taxation. yearsago, there was no tax in great britain or the united states. it amazes me how so manypeople don’t realize this. the government would sometimes collect tax during civil warsand extreme cases, but there was no actual tax. well, the government realized that thepoor and the middle class were idiots. the masses looked up to the idiotic story of robinhood and actually admired it. so, the government decided it was going to leverage that. itsaid, hey guys let’s put a tax on the rich,

so you idiots can get money from them. wellof course all the idiots agreed and voted for it. the problem is that the government’sgreed grew bigger and bigger until the taxation trickled down to everyone including the poor.but the rich didn’t care. they were too smart for little robin hood. they easily foundways to avoid being robbed of their hard earned money. so it actually hurt the idiots in theend, the poor and the middle class. that is why warren buffett pays lower tax rate thanhis secretary. i was born in 1992, in the republic of georgiaright after the breakup of the soviet union. if you think i worked my ass off in povertyfor two decades, so one day i could come to another communist state, you must be out ofyour mind. you must be out of your mind if

you think i’m going to share over half ofwhat i earn with blood and sweat with people who want to sit on their ass and watch tvall day and collect the benefits the government hands out to them, so they can get reelected. the rich are too smart for this. yes, i amgoing to buy my bmw, i’m just going to buy it for my corporation. a poor person thinksof a bunch of buildings when he thinks of a corporation when in reality, it’s reallya folder full of papers, a folder full of papers that allows the rich to make all theexpenses and then pay the taxes at the end. so the rich will never actually be affectedby any of this. it will always come down to the middle and the upper middle class, thepeople who work the hardest, to pay for the

benefits of the person with a bag of chipsin one hand, and a remote in the other.

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finance jobs in kenya