careerglider government scriptindustry: government – federal bureau of investigationscharacter: dana scully (the x-files) spooky, i guessed you were dana scully. you’re interested in everything around you,and have a curious mind. that’s why a career in government, especially the fbi, is goodfor you. getting into a government position is easierthan you might think. there are a few paths toward a degree in politicalscience. here are the options. if you’re not interested in a four yeardegree, an associate’s degree in political science is typically a two year program designedto strengthen verbal communication skills
and provide in-depth knowledge on politicaltheory. here you’ll learn the fundamentals of government, get acquainted recent and classicalpolitical thought, and pick up a basic understanding of how the government works. for more versatility, a bachelor’s degreein political science is offered by the majority of schools. if your goal is to find a rolein the fbi, a bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement for candidates. in addition tothat qualification, applicants will also need three years of professional work experience,which is easier to obtain with a more advanced degree. you know it just as well as we do. successnever just falls into your lap. but with your
new degree, you could be solving mysteriesin no time. click here to discover hundreds of schoolsthat can help you achieve your goals in the government and develop a course curriculumthat works with your already busy life. plus, it’s free! that’s the plan, now it’sup to you to take action.
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