govt job updates

govt job updates

so i'm here with noaa office of law enforcement.noaafisheries is a very small component of noaa and what i do is i'm basically the fisheriesenforcement officer fisheries game warden here in maine. uh, i do the typical game wardenstuff checking lobster permits, checking fish sizes, typical things the game wardens jobwould entail. however, i'm a very small component of a huge science agency noaa. when you thinkof noaa a lot of people think of the weather service and the weather service is a partof noaa as a whole but that's the national weather service. the sub agency that i ampart of is the national marine fisheries service and we have our hands basically in anythingocean related. when it comes to marine biology, fisheries management um alternative energyin the oceans, we have our hands in it. we

have jobs related to that. for all federalagencies including noaa, everything is found on one simple website usajobs.govhas any federal agency that you can think of. outside of running for congress or runningfor president, everything is on that website. noaa fisheries, us fish and wildlife service,forest service, the department of homeland security jobs, fbi, secret service. any federalagency that exists in the united states, they post full time jobs, part time jobs, internships,all on and that is a great place for people to start their search for federalemployment. on that website, you can literally type in the word maine, stateof maine and you'll get all the jobs open in maine. or you can type a field like lawenforcement and you would get back all law

enforcement related jobs. or firefightingor doctors or nursing.

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govt job updates