hello, this is christopher rodriguez withelevate your interview and today i'm going to be reviewing the bestinterview apps of 2016. full disclosure, i am not affiliated with these apps in any way.my last career search and research heavily into the interview process. it had beenawhile since i had been on the interview grind and i wanted to come prepared,execute and also follow-up on all points on my interview. i picked up some excellent books, appsand even checked out some great youtube videos on how to plan, execute and follow-up on a great interview. of the exceptional apps, i would first like to talkabout the best job interview app
available in the apple app store. this isthe interview app by simugator. the interview app by simugator is outstanding. you can record yourself answering real lifequestions. you can review and improve on things like: quality of answers, tone of voice and body language. overall,i paid $1.99 for it and it was worth every penny. way more. it has no in-app purchases so itcomes fully loaded with over 50 pre-recorded interview questions withthree different interviewers. it comes with everything you need to practice onyour own. (app dialogue - " ok, so you know what? let's put this aside.
why don't we start by having you tell me a little bitabout yourself? take like 30 to 40 seconds or so.") now onto the google play android marketplace. the bestapp offered here is job interview q&a by peggy mckee. peggy is a subject matter expertwhen it comes to the job interview experience, training and coaching. she haswritten numerous books and publications on the subject and she's put together agreat app to practice your interview skills on. the only downside is thein-app purchases, as this app is free but it only comes with a basic suite offive general interview questions to start. all of the other advancedquestions are in-app purchases which
could be a roadblock or barrier to somebut if you take your interview seriously, as you should, then this should not be anissue (app dialogue - "why do you want to join this company? now your answer here, should sound like: iwant to join this company because and then you need to list about threereasons why. the first one should show the fit with the job. i can see where myskill sets, education, experience, contacts will benefit you and because itwill, i'm certain that i will benefit personally, professionally andfinancially from that.") if you have any or comments on interview apps, i would like to hear about it below. i will also
include links to the apps in the aboutsection of the video facebook page, thank you again.
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