"the news on youth employmentis starting to look a bit better: the international labour organizationjust released the 2015 global employment trends for youth. this report shows that global unemployment numbers for15 to 24 year-olds have dropped by 3.3 million since the peak ofthe economic crisis in 2009 to a total of 73.3 million unemployedyoung people around the world in 2014. and the youth unemployment ratehas been holding steady at 13% since 2012." "hold on …
i live in italy and i’ve been lookingfor a job as a chemist for 3 years now. how can they say things are getting better when all i can find is a temp job selling clothes?!" "but the report says exactly this: the recovery is not universal. in two-thirds of european countries, the youth unemployment rateis still over 20 per cent. and worse, more than 1 in 3 unemployedyouth has been looking for a job for longer than one year."
"and don’t forget about usin the middle east and north africa! youth unemployment here has beenclose to 30 per cent for decades with no sign that things will improve. for young women in particular… you can basically forget about finding a job even though we are now as educatedas young men, if not more so. yet our unemployment ratesare almost 50 per cent. " "i always find it strange whenthese reports talk about sub-saharan africa having low youth unemployment rates.
it’s deceiving since so many of usdon’t feel like we are working. none of my friends has a regular job. we work a few hours here and there,whenever we can. " "what you’ve just described is an issueof underemployment or worse, working poverty, which is when the income from workis not enough to lift a family out of poverty. the report finds that more than one-thirdof working youth in developing countries are living on less than $2 a day. three in four young workersin low-income countries have what the report calls an “irregular†job.
and nine in ten work in the informal economy. none of this qualifies as decent work. " "and the neets? youth neither in employmentnor education or training? this is a topic which is a concernin my country, guatemala." "and it will be in other countries as wellsince it has been announced as a target in the 2030 sustainable development goals. this is important since it allows usto focus attention on the youth who are the most vulnerable… those most likely to leave school earlyand to remain without a job."
"what about solutions.what does the ilo recommend? the report talks about how stayingin education gives young people a better chance of getting a decent job. " "and we should acknowledge that progressis being made in getting more young people into school around the world andkeeping them in school for longer. this is a positive trend." "but then there is a chart that showshow youth with university degrees in my region – asia – are three times more likelyto be unemployed than those without one. isn’t that a contradiction?"
"well, we should bear in mind that the university graduate is not goingto settle for just any job. in a way then it’s ‘normal’ thatthey spend longer looking. and there is no denying thatthey have a much better chance of getting a job with a written contractin the formal sector and maybe even a decent wage. so strengthening the investment in educationand training for today’s children and tomorrow’s workers remains crucial. strategies that help promote job creationwill be key,
as are targeted interventions that helpget young people into work. these can include job search assistance,apprenticeships, subsidies to employersand training programmes. the international community is payingclose attention to youth employment. in factthe 2030 sustainable development agenda provides us with a clear course of actionto work with governments and the social partners on designingbetter policies and programmes to address all of the issues you have raisedhere."
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