job opportunities in kenya 2015

job opportunities in kenya 2015

the first task that was done in our system after the earthquake here in nepal, was done at about 6.30 pm, the day of the earthquake. so, only about six hours after the earthquake, a worker came online and decided that he wanted to focus on doing tasks. in terms of worker hours, we reached

75% in a couple of days and the next day we were hundreds. workers who were online actually invested a lot more time. cloudworkers have, our workers have asked us, as we are going out visiting our workers, they're asking, "how's cloudfactory, is it okay, has there been any damage?"

and then the second thing is, we need jobs. the important thing that cloudfactory brings to nepal is the opportunity for aid, that isn't aid. the opportunity for economic development. long term, people need to be able to get back to the feet and have an income to be able

to provide to their family. you don't want to be giving handouts, you don't want people to sort of feel that, okay, i'm a victim. people should be able to sort of feel that, i'm doing something to get myself and my family towards prosperity. so, not only do we want

to help be a part of nepal rebuilding, but we want to be a part of making nepal more resilient and really seeing sustainable long term impact. so for cloudfactory again, that looks like creating thousands of jobs, but we don't want to just be bringing a pay cheque, we want to continue to invest

into young leaders and raise them up to help in their communities. so, what we want to begin saying to people is, yes, aid has a place, but if you really want to help at this stage, what nepal needs is work, and we can help put people

to work right now in mass quantities. so, instead of sending aid, we're looking to businesses that need work done, and saying, "help nepal by giving work." so, give work not aid at this age is what really can help that long-term

recovery, and we are thrilled that we can be a part of that. because of the technology, innovation, because of our experience, of our well position to really help in that aspect of long-term recovery.

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job opportunities in kenya 2015