ray, foreign service officer: my name is ray.i’m in the management career track when i was a post managementofficer in the af bureau, i covered east africa, allthe countries in east africa. and at the time, we were in the process of moving the embassy in sudan from nairobi back to khartoum. we moved back to an old hotel,which was the embassy building, and there were lots of problemswith the building in terms of security. and at one point in the proceedings of a particular meeting,
there was just all this bickering back and forth, and we were moving nowhere. we weren’tpushing the ball down the road, so to speak. and so i slammed my hand on the table, and it got real quiet, you could have heard a pin drop, and i said, “today, we in this room, have to decide if embassy khartoum is going to be an embassy of the united states or a hole in the wall.†i said it like that, and i think itcrystallized something inside people’s brains. and all of the sudden,they got it, that
we have to make these decisions,we have to make this thing work, we have to make this thing representativeof the united states of america. [music in background] the process of reestablishingoperations in khartoum sort of got ratcheted up to a new level. so that was one day, one discrete moment in time when slapping my handand making a statement that kind of got everybody-focused everybody’s attention
i think made a difference.
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