job vacancies at

job vacancies at

are you interested in expanding your englishconversation topics? in this video, i’ll share with you a simple, useful english conversation that you can use immediately to start learning english quickly and without overwhelm. stay tuned. asking about job vacancies. hello. hello, how can i help you? i would like to enquire about any currentor future job vacancies within your company. are you hiring at the moment?

we do have a position we are currently trying to fill. the position is in the marketing department. that’s great. i have a degree in marketingand i have 5 years experience. that sounds great. what companies have youworked for? i worked for the soda pop company for 1 year, for elegant shoes for two years and for design corp for the past 2 years that sounds great. do you have your rã©sumã©? yes i do. here it is. okay, i’ll pass it on to the human resources department and they will contact you for an interview. great, thank you for doing that for me.

you’re welcome. have a good day. if you enjoyed this video, subscribe to mychannel. and if you’re looking for more english learning help, make sure to clickon the link and get my english conversation practice video and get your hands on them, simply click the link right here, or the link in the descriptionbox. thanks for watching and i’ll see you inthe next video.

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job vacancies at