job vacancies in nairobi today

job vacancies in nairobi today

we begin in nairobi where president park geun-hyeis slowly wrapping up her tour of the african, she sat down with her kenyan counterpart where the two leaders agreed to cooperateon kenya's massive infrastructure projects especially in the energy sector.our song ji-sun is traveling with the presidential press corps and she joins us from nairobi.ji-sun, the korean president's bilateral summits in each of the three african countries hadparticular focuses. what was at the core of the seoul, nairobi summit?"conn-young, economic cooperation was the focus of summit talks in kenya, the thirdand last stop of president park's trip through east africa.seoul and nairobi sealed dozens of deals,

ranging from industrial complex introducing seoul's tech institute model." energy is a key word in terms of kenya's futuregrowth... as only produces 20-percent of its electricity demand.but it's vying to increase it to 100-percent over the next 15 years, in line with its vision2030 to emerge as a new industrial nation. seoul will seek to participate in kenya'sgeothermal and nuclear power plant projects... as well as build a block of kenya's new industrialcomplex,... paving the way to export products there tax-free to the u.s. via east africanfree trade deals. "when the industrial complex is completed,it will serve as a gateway for our companies, especially small and mid-sized businesses,to enter the markets of africa, the americas

and europe." korea also plans to share its knowledge inthe e-government, ict and health sectors,... while also helping to build an institute forscience and technology in kenya, modeled after kaist, enabling nairobi to foster high-techfor growth. "president park is set to speak at the korea-kenyabusiness forum,... setting the stage for korean companies to meet with local she did in uganda and ethiopia, she will also attend the launch of korea's new developmentaid and a cultural event, before taking off to france on wednesday.i'll talk to you in paris, conn-young. a grand close to her maiden tour of africa.keep up the great work across the mediterranean,

ji-sun. thank you.

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job vacancies in nairobi today