[music] we'd like to welcome you here today,to the construction and industrial technology divisionhere at pitt community college. we're mighty proud tosay we have 13 associate degrees in the constructionindustrial technology division. they range from ac, refrigeration,all the way down to welding, automotive. anything, construction building trades,architectural, you name it, we got a form out ofhere at pitt community college. >> hydraulic, rigging and moving,electrical mechanical, machining,
fabrication, welding, i go on and on. it's just now the demands of industry, they want all the diversityof all the classes. so we intertwine our programs andwe try to gave them a broader range. i think it's important that we do keepevotech programs going on in a college system cuz they are important. >> our trades cover the constructionindustry which is where our main focus is with building construction andair-conditioning, heating, refrigeration, the electrical systems technology,horticulture.
we focus with the buildingindustry of that. it is very much hands on. our goal is to make sure they'reprepared to enter the work force. but we also want to give them a tasteof all of the different avenues, all the different aspects thatthey can get in this industry. when they walk out of here,we want them to be successful. >> they do a simulation for hydraulics. and that simulation software moves intothe trainer right here behind me and that trainer behind me, those valves andthose components on the table are exactly
what you'll see in industry,and that's what i like bout it. it's not theory based, it's an applied. every valve they see up there,as they graduate and go into the working environment. they’ll be utilizing that sothey're familiar with it. >> there's a lot oftechnology involved nowadays. we still value the by hand mechanics. we still draft by hand. we still model by hand.
we still sketch. we still figure out details by hand. however, the industry needs the autocad,the revit software, the sketchup software,the 3d modeling software, 3d printing. we do incorporate all those newtechnologies into our program. and actually, all of our programs do require a littlebit of an artistic creativity to them. all the way from architecturaltechnology to welding. we all require some little bit ofcreativity, a little artistic design,
to get things going. >> we also offer here two plus twoat pitt community college, and what that is is, you go topitt community college for two years, you receive your associate's degree. after that, you can transfer to one ofmany different universities here in north carolina and outside of northcarolina and have another two years where you can further your education andget a four-year degree. and we're proud to say that all of ourareas here in the construction and industrial technology divisionall have that capability.
>> it's very important because you havestudents that, that's what they want. they want to come get their degree,they want to be able to go and work. and then you have those students,including myself, who got the degree and wanted to transfer andcontinue my education. so it's very important that we are ableto give our students those multiple opportunities. >> i didn't know pitt had automotive andthen come to find out it was actual mechanical work where you did brakes,suspension, transmissions. i was like okay, i can do that.
i really wanna work for honda anda hendricks dealership since they're so huge and constantly growing. i just wanna work with hendrick. and then eventually, if i could, start my own side dealership painting orput it all together. if i can get in a dealership where ican do both, i'll just stick that then. >> we get phone calls, once,two, three times a week. yesterday i got a phone call. we had a representative from a companyin wilson that come out here and
said hey, he's got a maintenanceperson that's retired and had to hire him back as a contractor. i said, well that's a perfect examplewhere you just need to hire the younger generation and let them walk with thatperson and learn that proprietary equipment at your company because thatguy's not going to be there forever. i got a student that got a job ina company out in herbert county. he started out at $125,000 a year. that's just amazing, 19 years old. >> it is an industrythat's not going anywhere.
it's a very strong industry too. there are lots of jobs out there and there's lots of salaries thatare available too for these students so that once they're done learning thetechnical background, learning the skills, getting experience in those realworld projects with our programs. they are qualified to go and work. we've got students, we've gotgraduates that are actually doing cost estimating on things like door hardwareand door design, truss design, boats. we've got students that are atgreenville utilities working,
in the code officials working. i mean we just have a vast array ofavenues they can take once they graduate. if a student's interested in drawing,designing, anything to do with construction,residential, commercial, fabrication, welding, industrial systems, mechanical engineering,mechanical drafting, automotive. if they're interested in anyof those things, light diesel, working on the vehicles, working actually with the newtechnologies that come along with that.
any of those things, they need to comesee what we can do over here in the cit. >> i see a lot of students that come fromthe farming environment, because they grew up working and fixing things, andthose are usually the ones i get. if you like to work with your hands, it'sa great program for the younger generation that's coming in from the high schools,math, english, stay on top of that. >> it's very rewarding. a vast majority of our instructors areactually a product of a community college, and a lot of them are graduatesfrom pitt community college. so we have a vested interest inthe success of our students when they
are here, but also when they graduate we want themto be successful in their career. that is our legacy. >> so glad you've taken your time todayto be with us here on this video tour of the construction and industrial technologydivision here at pitt community college. if you have any further questions or anything you would like to know about ourdivision, please feel free to contact us here at the cit division onpitt community college campus. thank you.
>> we've wanted a travel program thatincorporated educational pieces to it, so the academic, the classes thatare connected with it as well as an opportunity forthe students to give back. and sothat's where the serve piece came into it. and we didn't want to just goto the area of belize and tour. that's part of it, so students get to goon some of the tourist excursions but the other part was at we actuallyget involved in the community and help the community out. and so our first trip occurred in 2012.
and in this trip, we went to san ignacio,belize and we stayed there in san ignacio. and there was a small village that'soutside of san ignacio called san jose succotz. it's a small, maya centered village. and the kids there at the elementaryschool have a garden. and if you're part of the garden club andyou choose to kind of develop and help grow the plants,you get to take the food home. we actually came in and helped themexpand their garden that they had, and so we helped develop more rows to it sothat they could grow more food.
and what happens is they take the foodhome, whatever's left over they sell, and that's how they get money to buy seeds forthe next crop of stuff. and since it's belize, they canbasically grow things year round there. >> the serve trip, you're gonna get down,you're gonna get dirty. you are gonna get involved,you get to hear the stories. you get to talk to them, and you getto meet them and hang out with their families and we do a lot of things wherethe students are exposed to locals. and we're talking with locals,and we're dealing with locals and it's a whole different level.
>> the trip was awesome. when we first got there, it was humid. we had a long ride, butit was so much fun. the service learning was amazing. you actually got to be more hands-on,and it's so rewarding. not only did we do the garden, we also had some students doingthe nursing aspect of it. and then we have had a fewstudents working on pamphlets for one of the cities' council.
and we also got to do a mother's daycleanup one year, and we got to pick up all aroundthe school and the town. and we had quite a few trash bags atthe end but it was really rewarding. >> sowhen we come in they treat us like family. we are taken care of in termsof making sure that we're safe. if we need to meet someone new thathas come into the area, that's so what you know. and so we are completely treatedlike family because when we go in, we also tell our students and
we help them understand that we are totreat them like family as well. >> the principal knows us. you're welcomed and they're soexcited to have us come and we're so excited to be there. the kids are great. they play games with the kids andwe'll be running around talking to them. and you get to learn about family. when a eight year old tellsyou about their life, that's just such a cool view to get.
>> they took you in as their own. they always make surethat you were having fun. i've grown out of my shell, developedas a person, more culturally aware. you get global experience, you get to seehow others live, and that's the big thing. >> it's different forthe students to see this mixture, and how this mixture of people who havemaintained their cultural traditions, their cultural ties,still are able to work together and be able to producea community that has grown, and has developed in a waythat's helped others out.
and so, it's kind of neat insan ignacio to see those differences. >> i think one of the biggestthings that students take back is, it is a developing country, sothings are very, very different. and we look around our houses andwe realize, me personally,i don't need a lot of what i have. and it helps you tothink about simplifying. it helps you to think aboutputting things first and making some choices maybe that are moreabout you being in tune with yourself in the world than whatdo i need to get next.
>> this program is open to anyonefrom any major, any program, even certificate programs. the idea with it is that you've takeone of the classes ever connected to the program in this year sociology 213 andhumanities 120. we can actually work with the student inone of the faculty that are within their program to try to figure out how we canconnect it to one of the classes that are required for their program of study. >> i actually missed my graduationceremony for my associate's degree to go. they bought us dresses andmade us diploma's and
we had a mini graduationceremony there for us. step outside the box,outside of your comfort zone, just try it. it'll be worth it in the end. it's not only a great thingto put on your resume and a great experience, but it's overallone of the best times i've had.
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