job vacancy 2016

job vacancy 2016

[music] >> so we have 245 employers registered forthis fair. which is about as many quite honestly as wecan accommodate in the field house. >> i think it's a great opportunity. i think only rit and only a handful of otherschools will have something like this. just to talk to you and make sure you havean opportunity to get a co-op. >> we attract employers from across the nation. we have companies that come from the westcoast like google and facebook and apple and amazon.

as well as local companies. as well as companies from the midwest, thenortheast. so we really have a great geographic representation. >> i can look at people that are close tomy home. i can look more for companies that are justmore of in the field just elsewhere. it's just great to have so many differentpeople here and a lot of different options that you can go to. >> we have start-ups. we have small-sized companies.

we have medium-sized companies. we have large fortune 100 companies. and i think that's really maybe mostly a tributeto rit and the way we prepare students here. and of course the quality of our students. >> everyone here has a solid base and no onehere is not brilliant. so it's very easy to come here and find someonegreat. >> one of the things we've noticed in thelast couple of years as rit is growing is really their technical focus at rit wherethere are a lot more start-ups happening within rit itself.

so that's really intriguing for us as johnson & johnson. we do want to make sure we bring that start-upmentality into our company as well. >> it really gives the opportunity for theoutside world to see how talented our students are, and for our students to have the opportunityto identify those opportunities that they are really looking for. >> i think it's really valuable to have theface-to-face connection. you can really get to know the character ofthat company and you want to know if you're a good fit for it. >> this is where we bring these talented,well-educated, experienced students together

with the outside world in and around the careerspace.

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job vacancy 2016