the mpa is basically working on the challengeof melbourne's growth. whether we like it or not, melbourne is going to double in sizeprobably by 2055 and what we want to make sure is the city that we have together actuallyworks a lot better than it does today. people always assume that when we read the papersthat jobs are all about the cbd - that's not the case. so why monash? monash is the largestconcentration of jobs outside of the cbd in melbourne, it has more jobs than parramattain sydney and it basically has the potential for growth. it also has the potential fornot growing. what are the things that we need to do to actually make that growth happen?we've been doing surveys of the business community around here and what you've basically saidto us is that over the next year around 16%
of people say they might move out of monash.something like one third say that in the next five years they might move out of monash forvarious reasons. and over the next 10 years, half of the people are saying 'we're probablygoing to move' for various reasons - 'i'm too old to run my business', 'i next to beon the western ring road near other businesses' - there's a whole range of reasons why peoplewould move. what should we do to ensure that monash grows? well first of all, before wego somewhere we need to have a road map of where we're going and that's the work of thenext year, and we're seeking your feedback about some of the suggestions. public transport,the surveys have told us, is not particularly effective. obviously if you're on the mainrail line, the southern part of the precinct,
you've got good train services. the bus servicesare probably fairly limited, and that's something people say we need to improve. basically,how can we make the best use of government financial involvement? there are substantialfunds coming in, particularly for the level crossing program. roads are important andwe are very keen, as i hope most people here are, on the westall road extension, for alot of different businesses. and what do businesses and workers need? and my answer to that isa lot of people need amenity. what are the recreational opportunities for people duringthe lunch hour or after work, and is this the right image for my modern business address,is it a-grade? and finally are we providing the services that your new, intelligent, skilledworkers actually need? are they going to move
here because this is the place they reallywant to be? and i think we've got to be able to answer all of those questions.
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