jobs in nairobi kenya

jobs in nairobi kenya

>>stradley: hi, i'm lindsay stradley, andi just won the 2014 grinnell prize. >>vallabhaneni: hi, i'm ani vallabhaneni,and i just won the 2014 grinnell prize. >>stradley: winning this prize has injectedso much excitement and inspiration to our organization here at sanergy. sanergy is locatedin nairobi, kenya. >>vallabhaneni: we design and manufacturelow-cost, high-quality sanitation facilities known as fresh life toilets. >>stradley: this is so needed, because twoand a half billion people around the world lack access to adequate sanitation. and thisis the second largest cause of disease globally. >>vallabhaneni: but it's not just about thetoilets. right now, the way people dispose

of the waste is contaminating waterways andfood supplies across the country. >>stradley: let me tell you how sanergy works.we first fill the units at our workshop and distribute them throughout the slum areas. >>vallabhaneni: our team members then collectthe waste on a daily basis. once it's converted, we supply farmers inkenya with a high-quality, nutrient-rich organic fertilizer. >>stradley: in addition to our sanitationimpact, our work is also a boost to the local economy. >>vallabhaneni: we franchise these units tolocal entrepreneurs, which in turn creates

jobs and improves the local economy. >>stradley: i love knowing that i'm makinga difference in my community. >>vallabhaneni: social justice is about levelingthe playing field. and for us, it's as simple as offering hygienic sanitation. >>stradley: our overall goal is building acleaner, safer kenya. and bringing dignity to answering the call of nature. >>group: thank you, fresh life. >>unknown: asante, fresh life. >>stradley: and thank you to grinnell collegefor awarding us the grinnell prize.

>>vallabhaneni: we'll continue making a difference. >>stradley: and winning this prestigious awardwill help us better achieve our goals. >>vallabhaneni: and help make the world acleaner and safer place.

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jobs in nairobi kenya