jobs kenya

jobs kenya

it was a slow day on social media until facebookusers tumbled upon a post by ken wa mwangi. in the post he described young girls in demeaningsexualized terms going into disturbin details of what he would to them. his post kicking off a storm as kenyans debatedthe terms used in the message. while some felt the that the post was meantto be humorous and had perhaps missed the point they were the minority. outraged kenyans on twitter picked the postup and made it trend terming mwangi a pervert who was insensitive to the dangers childrenand women face everyday. the twitter storm snowballing as the ourswent by with some calling the sacking of mwangi

whose profile showed that he was an employeeof kenya airports authority. some even accused him of breaking the law. according to the sexual offenses act no. 3 of 2006 others having argued that this was a near post and that he had not committed the offense of defilement the same act however says that any person who as the day progressed, mwangi going from defiant to apologetic taking to the same network upon which he had posted the offensive message to offer an apology but the damage was already done. and his employer the kenya airport authority tweeted acknowledging that it was investigating the disturbing post

saying it was an advocate of childrens' and womens' rights and was therofore treating the matter with the seriousness it deserved this, a cautionary tale about the dangers of clicking post before stoping to think to through.

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