my children do their banking and allcommunication on their smartphones... ...but for legal problems they have to beat a certain place at a certain time... ...to talk in a court of law.to them it's bizarre. so they are the clientsof the lawyers and judges of the future. justice for all the nice thing about kenya isthat it's a chaotic mess, so to speak... ...but there's a certain freedomand there's entrepreneurship. many are highly educated. it's notcalled silicon valley but savannah valley. and there's a great need for innovationin the legal system.
because everyone wants to starta business. because everyone who owns a homewants to prove ownership. kenyans, when theyturn to the official legal system... ...and compare it to europe... ...don't know if procedures won't take uptoo much time. so they want things to change. first of all: between 4 and 6 billionpeople in the world... ...have no access to justice. when something goes wrongin their lives...
...like a divorce or a home eviction orwhen they've been fired from their job... ...they have no accessto the legal systems. and that's tragic.- why can't they have access? because systems don't work or powerstructures are getting in the way. or there's a war or the people are poor.all legal systems cost money. we think you only see this in poorcountries. but they are over here too. it's common knowledge that our legalsystem is too expensive... ...and the ministry has to cut costs. we think sometimes that when thosepoor countries have no legal systems...
...we should take our great systemover there. but our own system isn't all that good. so they are the clients of the lawyersand judges of the future. they want it to change.if not here, then in another place. in countries like kenyathere's room for innovation. so there you find brilliant ideas. a good example is m:pesa. in kenya everyone has got usedto paying by mobile phone. on the bus, everywhere.it's become a habit.
it's been in existence for 5 or 6 years.due to the kenyans' mind-set. we feel lucky with our pin cards,they've gone beyond that. they've overtaken us.- in some ways, yes. and that's how we can learn from them.- i think so, yes. are you helping people?- if someone has a legal problem. can you help me?- what is your problem? it depends on the kind of problem. welcome at pamia machevoon this thursday. sit down, don't go awayand stay with us.
today we will talk about m-haki.it is like m-pesa. someone asked why everything startswith m. i would like to have my own m.- you can. how would you call it? suppose you have a simple mobilephone. does it work for this? yes. every mobile phone works.even the simplest one. when i started schooli wanted to be a lawyer. what went wrong? people think all lawyers are liars. if you have a grievance,you have to prove you're innocent.
now we're lucky to have a group ofpeople who fight for justice. francis fukuyama, the political scientist,said: a sound legal system is 80% cultureand 20% rules. and it's hard work to transform a culture. that's why we believein transformation through innovation. it concentrates on the problems andbrings people together to solve them. that is how you build a culture. adopting some sort of abstract lawtop-down is a different thing. working bottom-up,based on the needs of the people...
...that is where the emphasis should be. thank you.please sit down. how are things here?- we are alright. the violence is over. if it's about a trial,i can help you. thank you. after the election things were bad. i lived in siranga. a man thought i was kikuyuand wanted to kill me.
my house was set on fireand everything in it was destroyed. a petrol station was burned down. we could buy nothingand the shops were looted. the school was burned downand we had to run again and again. and other people stole our belongings. we suffered a lot.we saw people being strangled. there was nothing you could do.only pray and hope for a chance to flee. sometimes we were orderedto get down on our knees... ...and put our hands in the air.
you just kept your head downand crawled away... ...without watching someone elsebeing strangled. after going back, you thought about whatyou had seen and asked for god's help. with god's helpwe were able to get through this ordeal. if you want to think with usabout legal innovation... ...join us atpakhuis de zwijgerä¦â¿in amsterdam... ...or at a meet-upwhere you live.
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