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during the college days, enjoying our life a lot... resume preparation is the first thing which we do when we decide to start earning. it seems almost 4,27,000 resumes are been posted on the monster job search website itself. they can analyse whether the candidate is suitable for the job or not and sort them within 5-10 seconds in an average. it seems they would reject almost 76 percent of resumes with unprofessional email id. for example, if they get the resume from he will not see that. finally, after we get the job suitable for qualification with all our efforts... when they are late by 1 hour in the evening, thinking the the boss is giving us more work...

there are many employees among us whoever feel the boss as a bully boss and their office as the hell. i will tell you a small story. once a rich father thought to show his 12 years old son how terrible the poverty would be... he took his son all over the place where the poor people were living for the whole day. after reaching home, he asked his son do you know the difference between us and them. for that the son replied... we have only one dog at our home. but they have nearly 4 dogs at every home. we have a small swimming pool in our house.

but they have large rivers to swim. we have big walls around our house and security to protect us from the thieves and enemies. but they have a lot of friends around their house to protect them from the problems. he asked...are we so much poor, father? likewise, not only our life but also our job will be in a way how we see that. why i am saying all these is... it is not important what the job we are doing... what the way we are seeing the job we are doing is important. i am going to show you the worst jobs to see in the world today.

what is there to wait!let us begin our countdown. one minute! are you asking... vikram aditya, what the job are you doing? i am the assistant manager in the state bank. i am still doing the job in the bank and will be doing it forever. if you say how am i making this videos while doing the job... a busy person will always have enough free time. my passion is to share the knowledge through the videos. that is why i am making the videos.

hi! this is vikram adityaand welcome to my channel. no.10: odour testers when you were using a body spray, have you ever thought the smell is so pleasant and is suitable for me perfectly? for that, you need to thank these armpit sniffers. their job is to select 50 members of different body mass... sniffing their armpits... they will confirm the span of the freshness of body sprays produced by their company and how they are working. for this, they would sniff the armpits of 50 members per hour it seems. they will be paid nearly rs.3 lakhs per month.

when a lady doing this job was asked, are you not feeling stinky to sniff the armpits of another person... lakhs of people are doing this job for free in rtc buses, busy local trains... she said i am doing this job and earning lakhs. the best way of positive thinking, right? no.9: crocodile trainer there will be a crocodile trainer in the zoo. his job is... he would place his head in between the strongest jaws of the crocodile. he would kiss on its nose.

even though the crocodile is a trained one, if it feels irritating sometimes he will be dead. this is the most risky job. type "crocodile trainer killed" on the would see many videos. some of the trainers were killed and also eaten by the crocodiles. it seems the salary of the crocodile trainer is rs.4 lakhs. no.8: embalmer the word embalmer is new to us but in western countries, they have a huge demand. their job is... cleaning the dead bodies and take them for a bath...

removing the urine and ficus by some procedures... they would take some precautions to preserve the body until they can be cremated. their job starts with the dead bodies and even ends with the dead bodies. they are highly professional and certified persons. their salary will be 3-4 lakhs per month. no.7: tower technician yes! listening to this name, you might have understood... they would repair the cell phone towers, radio towers, tv towers. but the risk in this job is...

they need to repair the antenna by climbing the height of 1700 ft. he takes 10 seconds time to reach the ground if he falls down from that tower by mistake. then they would fall on the ground at a speed of 160 km per hour. then nothing will be left. every year more than 10 tower technicians have been killed even though many safety precautions were taken. no.6: mosquito researcher actually, mosquito researchers are the scientists. they conduct research do the mosquitoes bites?what are their biting habits and behaviour? for this, they make the mosquitoes bite them.

they would undergo the mosquito bite with more than 500 mosquitoes within 15 minutes. their salary is more than rs.5 lakhs per month. no.5: art models their job is to pose nude in front of some drawing artists. it is not a normal job to pose nude in front of more than 10 artists at a time without moving, without changing the expression. they are called as nude art models. it seems this kind of models were found in the greek country for the first time in the history. they have a huge demand. but the salary will be based on the experience and the model.

no.4: helicopter lineman not like the small poles in our places... in western countries, the current would be passed through the electric towers of height more than 1000 ft. whenever the problem occurs in them, they would use a helicopter instead of a crane for immediate and fast recovery. they are called as the helicopter lineman. their job is very risky.but not so dangerous. whatever the work they do, it will be according to plan and a procedure. their salary per month would be more than rs.4 lakhs. no.3: elephant examiners

their job are seeing, right? cleaning their rectum. to stop the reproduction in the elephants... they need to operate by cutting 2-inch skin and 4-inch fat. by the way, how is he doing that job? how? how? no.2: road kill removers sometimes we could see the dogs, pigs, cows dead on the road. the people who removes those dead bodies are called as road kill removers. sometimes they may become flat after their death.

they have to remove them by bearing that terrible smell. but their salary would be very less. no.1: animal mastrubators yes, what you thought is correct. they are doing that... i will end up this so soon as it is better if i say less about this. sometimes the semen need to be collected from the animals for some research purpose and artificial insemination. then they will have two options. in that the first one...

creating an artificial sensation using the rectal electrifier. sometimes it will not work. then they need to use the second method. that is the manual method. it means, it must be done manually... shake the coke...that is it! even though their work is so disgusting and terrible to see, they all are enjoying their job. whatever the opportunity we get, whatever the work we are doing... it is enough if we try with the dignity of labour for the perfection.

nobody would pay us if we just sit and eat... we could get the money only if we do the work. so let us enjoy our work. friends! which one do you feel the most worst job in this top 10 list i said you today? please comment below. recently, i got some comments. like... these days you are looking little fair.what is the secret behind that? simple! ayursha fair & glow face pack. i am using that, you too try it. i will be back with another interesting episode by next week.

till then keep smiling... this is vikram aditya...signing off, bye!

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