latest government vacancies 2015

latest government vacancies 2015

hello all,this is priyanka from welcome to our video channel on jobs andcareers. today i will brief you on the careeropportunities in mechanical engineering. mechanicalengineering is one of the broadest and oldest branches of engineering. mechanical engineers are involved withthe design analysis testing manufacturing control operations and maintenance of mechanicalsystems that is any system that has a movingpart.

mechanical systems can very greatly in complexity and magnitude for the valve in an artificial heart to a car engine to a nuclear powerplant the one who has completed mechanicalengineering will have a working knowledge ofcomputer application electricity structures mathematicsphysics and drafting, plus bits and pieces from nearly every other type of engineering amechanical engineering degree

can be used to land a job nearly anywhere and engineer is needed it is alsoconsidered to be one of the most challenging undergraduate degree courses in engineeringafter finishing degree in mechanical engineering some go into aerospace engineering, automobiles engine design robotics manufacturing or even theme park ride design. there are hundreds of fascinating careers available for those who havecompleted mechanical engineering

when it comes down to jobs , what really matter. around 15+ psu recruits through mechanicalgate examination with ctc of 7.00 + lacs. and also private firms l&t, caterpillar, we will be back with more such videos so stay connected with us, thank you.

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latest government vacancies 2015