latest job advertisement 2015

latest job advertisement 2015

what's going on guys? thanks a lot for joining.i want to show you how to post jobs on linkedin. it's something that a lot of clients strugglewith. and it leads to just a negative experience when using linkedin. so i want to show youhow to do this. first is just take note of how jobs work on linkedin. so i'm just goingto go to my home page. the way that jobs work on linkedin is we don't just put the job onthere and we're waiting for someone to find it and apply to it. we're taking that joband actively putting it in front of the right people. and the way that we do that is basedon a couple things. it's based on their exact title. it's based on their locations. andit's also based on the way that they define their profile in linkedin. long story short,the main benefit to posting on linkedin is

that you don't just get the active group ofpeople. not just candidates that are activley looking for a job. you'll get those as well,people that are searching for jobs up in here. people that are searching for jobs on jobboards. you'll get that on linkedin, but you're also going to get the passive candidate group.because we put jobs right in front of people and they receive them here, in the jobs youmay be interested in, they'll see them on their news feeds. they can also be emailedto them. and they'll be mapped to them when they go to your company. or even just in theirjobs network right here. without searching for anything, without putting in any keywords,i just scroll down a little bit and these jobs are all mapped to me based on where iam, my title and the skills on my profile.

so we're going to show you how to leveragethat algorithim so that you're riding the wave rather than swimming against it and onlygetting the active candidates. so first thing is to go to your job. go to jobs, post a jobonto linkedin. you can do this with a job slot, you can do this with a job post, wecan talk about that later. in any case, the title must be as generic and boring as generic and as boring as possible. i'll sometimes so titles like regional sales directorslash or dash it and social media experience. and that won't work on linkedin. the reasonwhy, we can just do some legwork on the front end to show you why that is. so i'll justgo to my recruiter platform right here, you can slo do this in your i'mgoing to do this in recruiter because it's

a little bit easier. i'm going to search forregional sales director. i'm currently searching in keywords so i'm just going to put thisinto a job title search right now. take out these key words. just some basic boolean ifi have two or more terms or, excuse me, if i have two or more words in a search termi need to put that into quotation marks and we'll see a bit more booelan in this search. so i'll do that search globally so globally there's only 16,000 people in linkedin that have this title. compare that to people that have the title of director and people that have in the keywords both regional and sales in their background. and we double our results there. right? same way look for someone that is how bout a regional sales director that gives us 16,000 results

compare that to a sales director. and that gives us 180,000 results. so by simply making the title as general as possible you allow the jobto reach the maximum number of people in linkedin. and your keywords within the job will allow it to be mapped to the correct people that have the right skills for the job. i'm not advocating posting this job so that anyone can apply what i'm advocating is giving your job the best opportunity to be seen by the right pepole we do that by the title and we do that by the keywords within the job. so let's go ahead and post this job we're going to put it as a director. let say that this i a software as a service sales director. we're going to put that as director we're going to get 9 million people. and then in keywords

in you're going to see some basic boolean. so lets say sales or how bout sales business development put those in brackets and someone that has either software, saas in their background, or software as a service so i'm just going to cut and paste this string this search. into lets put that here

so this is my search string so it's saying either someone with sales or with business development in their background software or software as a service in their background so one of these two or one of these two just some basic boolean to make it go here. and so what we're doing is we're doing that search and we're doing some legwork on the front end i'll put in location put hong kong and we're down to 605 people

from that initial search of 9 million pretyt quickly so 605 if put this job in front of all 605 people we'll probably get some good results back so we've done that for the titleof our job we'll list the company we'll list the country we'll get more specific for the location. like you can put a region in here like if you're in new york city you can put in chelsea or flatiron district or something like that sorry, if you're in new york city

i used to live in new york pay attention to the type right and the experience level as well pay attention to that this is important. anything with an astrix is important here then the next biggest thing that people will usually skip over to their frustratoin is is industry and the job function if these aren't coded right, same way, it's going to be working against the algorithim rather than working with it

so same way either or linkedin recruiter can tell you what your target audience defines themselves as so you can just go to back to recruiter scroll down a little bit and we see it right here with the top three industries information technology, computer software, telecommunications and that's based o nour target audience of 605 people so we'll just flip over to the job

and we'll put information technology computer software and the third one was what telecommunications so you have a maximum of three in each of these in industry and in job function so the same thing for function just go back to recruiter go to the function piece

open that up then go to sales, business development, information technology and then just code those in. just sales and information technology right seems pretty simple but you'll be surprised how often that this won't be completely obvious like for example people that are in investment banking. you would think that the industry is investment banking not the case. some times a lot of them are classifying under financial services or under capital markets without doing that kind of leg work on the front end you might not know

and it might be coded in correctly. last thing is the job description in here make sure you load up, not only a really descriptive title uh excuse me a really descriptive job description somethings that's compelling to someone that's already working right now. someone that's a passive candidate what about the job do they need to learn that will make them want to leave their current job? sometimes that language is a lot different than when you post it on a job board

because everyone on a job board is actively looking for a job right now so if you're listing just the requirements and everything like that that's fine, but you're also going to want to put in what else is attractive about this job how might you sell this job to a candidate or what would a candidate need to hear in order to move last thing is within the job description put in the key words and the buzzwords all the skills that you're going to want to see on a resume or on someone's profile this in turn will help the mapping to someone's background.

with greater accuracy. so a quick recap first thing is make the title and general as possible this will allow it to reach the maximum number of people and give it the best chance to do well code in all the things that have this little red astrix next to it everything with a little red astrix is important in the algorithim next pay attention to the industry and the job function

you can use or linkedin recruiter to do some leg work on the front end and make sure that it's coded correctly, the answers are very obvious and last is the job description. make it attractive to passive candidates again 3 out of 4 candidates on linkedin are passive, they're not looking for a job right now. just keep that in mind when you're writing something can they get a taste of what it's like to be working with you or be working with that company from the job description itself and we can talk more about that. but that's pretty much it. hope this is helpful to you guys and i will see you guys next time.

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latest job advertisement 2015