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latest job vacancies in kenya

come on! breakfast is ready- vikram, kabir, bobby- come on-and you too, mr gulshan bakshi good god! mom, i'm hungry. i have to get to work.what's for breakfast, mom? what happened, mom? oh no! cake, again? breakfast!

cake? thrice over? kabir, bobby, where are you guys? priya is coming home today.who's coming with me to receive her? looks nice, doesn't it? cherries, design and cream. that one i've made for my daughter. why is everybody so quiet? you should be happy. priyais coming home after six months. she's going to be elated!no knowing what she's going to do.

she will do nothing of the sort. dad, she'll do nothing of the sort.- nothing of the sort. what do you mean?- what date is it today? the fifth.- no! today's the third! daddy, see this! wrong again,for the third time. and every time, you've baked a cake. hello.- granted, you love priya very much one moment, let me ask daddy.daddy, it's anju.

she wants to knowwhere she's supposed to meet you. oh my god! you've even told her friendsthat she's coming today? tell her, i am not here. one moment, daddy will speak to you.oh, my god. you fool! hello, anju.there's been a little mix-up. she's coming tomorrow. not tomorrow,the day after.

yes, not tomorrow,the day after. kabir are you mad. daddy, you always keep forgetting.- all right, i forgot. kabir, get up.why are you sitting on that chair? it's priya's, you know it. no one is supposed to siton that chair. you know it. sorry, sorry, sorry! i'm sorry, priya.i almost forgot you're here, priya. of course, she's here.

yes.- ajay? on your way to receive her, right?- yes, of course. very good. come. shall we move?- strange! is it the fifth today? no.- what are these flowers in for? priya is coming the day after tomorrow.which fool told you it's today? i beg your pardon. tell him. - you asked meto come to your house. and that we will gotogether to the station.

they always ply me with wrong facts. it's the day after tomorrow, get it?- yes. kusum! what do you choose?- truth? or dare!? oh! truth.- okey! what is wrong with ila? ila! ila!- ila!

what's wrong with you, ila?- where have you been so long? ila!- tell me? the vice principal called meto his office. why? 'he.. he..'- ila. ila.... i got it! bloody lech! pervert! he's always trying to find excusesfor calling girls into his office. bloody lech!

what happened, ila? he's a scoundrel! i ran out.- had i been in your place... ...i would've slapped him hard andtight. he'd remember it all his life. easy to say, priya. he hasconnections. right upto the chairman. even the principal kowtows to him.- he might. i wouldn't. i would've slapped him for sure.- dump him. let's get back to the game.- yes! come on. come on, join us ila.- oh come on. at last! now it's your turnto choose. truth or dare?

tell him? come on, out with it.- i am telling you. dare!- dare! think it over, have to do whatever we want. go on, you want me to jumpout of the window? no! a bath in cold water?- no! stealing cashews from the mess?- no! then what do you want me to do?- let me tell her. no, nobody will say anything.

only ila will say it. come on, ila.go ahead. we're being given our school farewelltoday. our last function. the principal, the teachers,parents, trustees, students... ...everyone is going to be therethe vice principal too. that's it. all you have to do is to go up thereand slap that rascal in public. i welcome everyone to the annualfunction of the madhuban school. all of india knows madhuban schoolas an ideal school.

of which we are all proud. moron.- shameless scoundrel. priya, you've to slap him. now the award for the best studentgoes to... priya! priya! priya! - yes, you are priya bakshi. priya! priya! priya! go on- and remember, dare.- yes priya, dare! come on,- dare!

dare! come on, priya. dare!- make sure you slap him. come on, priya. dare! priya, dare! dare! dare! on behalf of all of us hereat madhuban school...'s wishing priya all the bestfor all times to come. wherever priya goes, she will make us proud.- come, priya. very good. congratulations.

all the best. congratulations, priya. priya, congratulations.- ok. i exhort our students to follow theideals set by students like priya. and bring glory to your school. in the classroom and on the fieldyou must strive to win the laurels. what is the matter?do you want to say something? yes sir- i forgot to thank you what kind of misbehaviour is this?sir...

yes.- what is this? i've no regrets for what i have done. teachers are to be respected. i know. but this man isn'tfit to be a teacher. the whole school knowsabout his scandals. on some pretext or the other hecalls innocent girls into his office. and he tries to takeadvantage of them. today he tried to molestone of my friends. so we decided that wehave to do something.

i know i'm going to facedire consequences. i might be black-listed. i may evenbe denied admission to any college. and than,my career might be ruined forever. but i've done what i should've done. and that's what i will always doall my life. i am proud of what this girlhas accomplished today. like priya, today i too shall... ...throw all caution to the windsmr gulati is suspended. i'm ordering an inquiry against him.

yes! six o'clock? so soon?but we just went to bed. it isn't six- it's two o'clock.i had set the alarm for two. for two o'clock? why?- have you forgotten? today's the 5th. our priya is coming home!- her train is at seven. go to sleep. who set the alarm for two o'clock?- someone set my clock at two, too. who did that? daddy, are you the culprit? priya.

we're going to the station.the train is at seven. oh no, daddy! good morning, uncle. ajay, you? you are late. the train is at seven.and you come here at ten past seven? but the train isn't here yet.- what if it arrived on time? but when is the train.. what are you hiding behind your back?- nothing, uncle- nothing. tell me, what are you hiding?- nothing, nothing.

nothing.- tell me. goodness! your bouquet can neverbe bigger than mine! you hold this whose daughter is she? yours or mine?- yours below your feetis that my heart? just check it out wait, let me see was that a heart?or was it glass? there was somethingunder my feet i was enjoying my walk

where did you come from? that's the way the heart goes i'm where you are are you trying to teasea pretty girl? and then you're goingto have a laugh for me it's fun this is a strange feeling my heart isn't where i am my love, what can you or i do?

it's in the airit's the killer you are no less, pretty womandon't blame it on the air yes, i guess i have to dosomething with it 'attention, please.''attention.' train 1 1 6 from shimla is delayedby eight hours due to a landslide oh my god. eight hours late?- the landslide had to happen today? how about going over there, uncle?- where to? to the landslide site-- are you out of your mind?

we don't even know where it is!you've known priya all her life come landslide or earthquake,priya will definitely come lift! lift! oh, no! stupid. idiot. this is too much!no one's stopping for me let's see how this one refuses me hurry up rusi, we're goingto be late for the wedding how can i---? see that boy standingin the middle of the road?

not a boy! it's a girl!- but why is she waving? she's asking for a lift-- lift---? so let's give her a lift-- i'm not picking up a garbage can get off the road i'm going to run you over! what a daring girl! she waited forthe last moment before she jumped rustom, stop the car-- why? rustom, give her a lift-- she's going to make my car filthy! rustom! else, i'm jumping!- what are you doing?

look, if she makes my car filthy,i'm going to jump next hey girl, don't you touch my car-don't make it filthy hey girl, what's your name? what?- priya- god! what a scream!she felled a tree rustom, it wasn't the scream-it's the monsoons but how do we go ahead?the whole road is blocked don't worry, uncle. i know a way out- short cut- i've no faith in your short-cuts

no knowing what danger lies ahead-- no- it's very safe i'm not going your way!- then what do we do? do we sit here? what am i to do?- if there's a short-cut--- if she says it's safe, then let's go-- yes uncle- let's go she's ruined my car!all because of you come on, let's go-- first let's see if the car's working nice short cut, uncle- we will soon find out. come on! yes!

come on! what happened? oh my god. we'll reach heaven in no time- why did you stop, uncle? go ahead-- how? the road isn't there! the road is there- i know-look, that's the road and this is the short-cut-- is she a mad woman? this is a car- not an airplane-- rusi, let her drive you take the backseat-- no one touches my car!

i'm the who drives her-come on, darling come on. god! oh god! see? her short-cuthas landed me in water! what's this? a boat?how do i go ahead now? uncle, it's an easy drive-the water isn't too deep look--- there's the road ahead road through the water? keep quiet. keep quiet. rusi, why are youtelling her to keep quiet?

if she says that is the way,then that is the way. go on- cross it-- like crossing the english channel rusi, cross it okay, i cross myself-and now we move lord! a bit towards the right--- right uncle, right. rusi, if she says right,drive right am i driving? i'm not driving!it's god who's driving

and the left is just as deepas the right is- how are we to get to the wedding?- if not the wedding--- we'll surely be there forthe divorce- if we miss that one--- we'll definitely meet in heaven!look, we're listing to the left! how many times have i told youto reduce your weight? i am sorry darling! thank you, aanti.- sorry! thank you, uncle. the station is nearby-i can make it on my own

bye-bye. bye..- no! i'll always remember this journey!- nor am i going to forget- ever bye.- bye. daddy! daddy! daddy! poor orphan- she must bemissing her father daddy! could it be priya, looking for you? yes, priya!

father.- priya. ajay! in my heartcomes a season of spring a spring of love for my dear oneslife is a wonder when we meetthere rises a surge of loving emotionslife is a wonder happy facesfill my home like a blossoming gardenlife is a wonder as long as we are with each other,we shall bring cheer

forever, let this ballad of loveplay on forever, let us hold each other in loving embracelife is a wonder stop! let me catch you!- no! please! caught you!- let go of my hand! it hurts you know priya, she's alwayscomplaining that--- ajay doesn't pay her any attention-he keeps running away from her she's always asking, what do i do?- so that's the new development? anju's going around with ajay?- not yet- it's just one way traffic

why not two-way---?- i've been trying so hard to tell him but he simply won't look at me-- worry not, anju- now i'm here after i've given it a spell anda spin, he'll be mad for you priya sister, have you heard about it?- what? about the big stunt happening today- where?- right behind that hill sir.. rahul, why are you doing thisto your mother? how many times have i told younot to take risks like these?

what if something happened to you?- but nothing happened, did it? thank god for that- but i'mwarning you for the last time you will not do anything like thisever again- understand? i don't like the idea of yougoing around with all these girls an affair here, a fling there-what's all this about? it is never serious-- you go around with them, don't you? girls mean nothing to me- oh, and that other thing-you have to make a promise you aren't going to dothose dangerous stunts

rahul, do you hear me? rahul, you will answer me rahul! rahul. so much anger is unwarranted, son your mother was talkingabout your own good try and understand her-come on- apologise sorry, mom. come on, ajay-- but priya---

one moment, kabir- yes who's that girl you weredancing with? pretty girl why do you want to know?- just like that--- look, i know very well whyyou're asking about that girl she isn't just any other girl-don't you even look at her- get me? so i will see you inthe canteen at 4:00. yes. hi.- hi. priya, all the best foryour first day in college. thank you, brother.

anju. hi, priya. how are you?- good? do you know what has happened?- what? you remember that guy?- that singer? yes, of course. why is all this stuff lying outside?- the store door.. it is locked from inside- what? locked from inside? who's in there?

rahul? come out. this moment.i said come out. what is your problem, vicky? why are you creating a scene? how dare you go in there! this is my place of business. not some cheap sleazy hotel. take your sleazybusiness and go elsewhere.

come on, vicky. it happens. but if you don't like it, then it won't happen again. alright? come on, tanya. one minute. i will be right back. vicky, who was the girl who camewith you to the college this morning?

why? how are you concernedabout it? - i am just asking. i think she is very pretty. i would like to meet her.- hey, rahul. you betterstay away from that girl. she isn't just any other girl-- really? i thought she's a fast one last night, she was with this guy. this morning, she iswith someone else. she is my sister. if you even look at her..

..i will bury you alive. get it? vicky, you're getting worked upover nothing nothing of the sortis about to happen. by the way, every girlhappens to be someone's sister. didn't i tell you?- brother. brother. brother, please.first listen to me. vicky, i don't want topick a fight with you.

vicky! listen to me i told you not to talk to her.- he didn't do anything wrong. stay out of this, priya. enough, vicky. i don't want to pick a fight. why are you beating him?- i'm not going to spare you! stop it.- brother, please. i say stop it. please.- move aside. - please.

i say, stop it. move back. what is this? a fight inside the campus?you should be ashamed. oh, my god. he is bleeding.take him to a hospital right away. vicky, you come to my office. disperse. go to your classes. hooliganism! an outsider walks intothe college and beats up a student

he beat up my son. my son. how dare he? who is he? just a canteen contractor. he beat up my son so badlythat he had to be hospitalized. i've called the police in-mr principal, we trustees want you--- yes, you must take action. we want you to revoke hiscatering license immediately. and you must allow thepolice to enter the campus.. arrest that hoodlum. principal, please mr principal, please listen to me-by all means, revoke his license mr. bakshi, it is gone out of myhands. you would rather talk to her. ms. shobhna, i beg of you. punish my son as you wishbut don't involve the police. it is a matter of my shobhna, please. your son should have consideredthat proposition. - but..

as of now, he paysfor what he has done. ms. shobhna, listen to me.please try to understand.. i request you. ms. shobhna, please. one minute, inspector please let him go.- let him go? but your mother has filedthe complaint, mr. modi. it is between the two of us. and i don't want to press charges rahul, what are you saying?

he beat you up so badlyand you want to let him off? yes. no way. i will make sure he serves time. please do not interferein my affairs inspector, he hadwarned me already. i am responsible forwhatever happened. he isn't at was my fault. rahul.- mother, please.

please let him go since there's no complaint, i have to let him to go. thank you, son. mr. bakshi, come with me. i am sorry, vicky. it won't happen again. brother.. rahul...

whatever you say,he's a nice boy why just nice? very nice-i have always liked him you know him?- yes, of course. ever since he was a ten year old-that's when his father died i see. and he manages the family business?- he and his mother after completing graduation studies,he took the business over after completing---? but he's stillin college- you saw him yesterday who are you talking about?- about rahul

oh, my's about rahul. i thought you were talking about ajay-- you were talking about ajay? nice boy, isn't he?- yes and looks-wise--- good?- yes handsome, but--- what happened?- i must tell ajay something! it's very important!anju is going to kill me! ajay! come over here- priya ajay, can i ask you something?- go on any girl in your life?

girl---?- yes! girlfriend, lover. yes and no just tell me straight-yes, or no? there is someone-but i don't know for sure but i know- she loves you very much-- really? what are you saying? she's dying for you really?- i swear.

would you like to meet her?- when? where? how? now don't get so impatient-i'll call you this evening anju.- what happened? i've fixed you up. tonight you're seeing ajay-spill your heart out yes. yes. yes.- alright? anju-- you?what are you doing here? what d'you mean what i'm doing here?we were doing a song-and-dance together song-and-dance? with you?

oh yes! now i know how muchyou love me! love---?look anju, you're mistaken- i'm not in love with you no ajay,ajay... ajay, listen to me! ajay, please don'tsay that--- don't break my heart! please try and understand, anju. i love someone else-not you i am really sorry. alright?please. bye. - but, ajay.. don't cry, anju-everything will be all right

he embraces me, he doesa song-and-dance with me--- then he says he doesn't love me! how mean! i don't even know who she is- why do you have to bother? let me handle this-just don't cry priya, get up andgo out of the class. please, ma'am.- get out. please, ma'am.- get out. - yes. hi, rahul.- hi.

i appreciate the way youbehaved the other day i wanted to thank you right away-but i didn't get a chance were it not for you--- excuse me, rahul. can i ask you something?- yes? rahul, why are you avoiding me? i try to talk to you,and you run away it is so insulting, you know. but what is thereason for doing this?

i never intended to insult you i just don't want to annoyyour brother vikram i don't want to pick a fightwith him over you so you better stay clear rahul, is that only reasonfor us not to be friends? you want to hear the truth? you are very pretty, priya-very attractive there's something in youthat draws me towards you

you cannot even imagine how muchi'm attracted towards you after that first meeting, you'vebeen etched into my mind, my senses when i'm with you, i cannot restrainmyself- that's what i'm afraid of it's better that we stay awayfrom each other one more thing in yellows, you look gorgeous incidentally,it's my favourite colour now what do i wear? this is ugly!

good morning, priya. it is not a good morning, father. it is a very bad morning. just leave me alone. alright.- father, please. what's wrong with priya's moodthis morning? she insists on wearing only yellowto the college fraternity bash so what's the problem?buy her a dress yesterday, we went shoppingfor four hours

and she didn't like a single dress-now she wants my yellow saree and she wants to cut it upfor the dress i'm not going to give her my saree!- come on, let her have it you have plenty-- i won't let her wear what she can find-- the poor darling--- alright, bye. bye. here comes the florist!priya is waiting just for you she is in a very good mood today.- really?

wonderful! you're wearing yellow!don't hesitate- tell her everything today, it's going to work priya.hi, priya. ajay? yes, what's it?- i've something important to tell you go on- you have 20 seconds 20 seconds?but 20 secs isn't enough 1 7, and now make it quick--- sixteen-- priya, we've known each other--- ever since we were kids-- fourteen

we played together,we grew up together ten-- remember playing hopscotch? ever since, i've been trying to say---- eight you see, it's about---- five what i want to tell you is that---- ajay, does your mother--- possibly have a yellow saree?- yellow saree? yes, yellow saree-- will a yellow shirt do? not shirt ajay- saree-just tell me, yes or no yes, she has four or five- but---

very good. go and get me all the sarees- now!- i will, but listen to me priya ajay, we have the rest of our livestalking and listening just go and get the sarees-- all right, i'm going yes, i will get them.- no. you go. just go. wait, son. you don'thave to go anywhere. here you are,priya. you won, i lost. go and make your dress. oh, mother, you are great.

that i am. priya, now that your job is donecan i finish what i was saying? oh, no, ajay. not today. please! darlingthere's no one quite like you since i met youi've blossomed no one quite like you i'm in love with you in your colourful ways

tell me what you have in mind tell me in your outlandish waybut listen to me, darling without you, i was incompletenow i have blossomed to the full like my free-flying silken hairnow tied, i am tied to you you wear no ankletsyet i hear a strange chime your eyes are not arrowsyet my heart is pierced if you haven't got it yetlet me tell you once again i will love youto your heart's content but tell me, how longhave i to wait?

sweet life it will be when i feelthe throbbing of your heart and in seasons when it rains notwe shall be wet and drenched priya, stop crying and listen to me why don't you tell vicky?rahul isn't what he thinks how are you so sure?you've just come here i've known him for two years-i know him inside out i've seen it happen in the canteen-i've seen it all not only vicky, but everyone else alsothinks that rahul isn't a nice fellow you must stop seeing him-- you are saying this?

you saw how he saved vickyfrom the police because he's the onewho was at fault i had warned him not to comeanywhere near my sister that's why i bashed him up-i would've broken his legs this time but it's my sister who's attractedto him- so what do i do? look priya, yoursis a delicate age- one can't make out thedifference between good and bad- we wish you well, don't we? for god's sake, stop going around withthat fellow- and make us a promise

you won't see him ever again priya, do you hear what i'm saying? priya, we're family- does a stranger mean moreto you than all of us? it's not like that, papa- but if you people insist--- priya? priya, what's come over you?

why aren't you talking to me?why are you refusing to see me? priya, what's gone wrongbetween the two of you? nothing-- surely, it's something do you know what he's about to do? what?- it's insane! and this time thestunt is dangerous- no one who has tried it,has ever escaped alive the whole town knows where are you going, priya?

ma'am.. what is the matter? come on, rahul. come on. hey, rahul.... rahul. come on.rahul. rahul, don't do this. rahul, please. please don't do it, rahul! rahul.- priya?

rahul, i love you. rahul.- priya! i love you. i love you, rahul. i love you rahul. look, my beloved yes, my fair lady? don't play with me like this why not, darling? if you break my heart

you'll kill me my mistake, i concedei couldn't understand you what happened has happenedjust forget it i remember nothing but you, my love come, let us give ourselvesto each other entwined in loving embrace may our lips never part let us dive deeperinto the embrace grope and search for ourselvesourselves that we may never find

give yourself to meas i give myself to you all that i have is yours the earth shudders as the sky swoops down my love--- i am breaking ajay, look priya is coming tell her that i'm not here- ajay--- listen, what's the matter? but listen to me, ajay.

priya wants to see you-- but i don't want to see her, mom but why, son? talk to her at least-she looks troubled go on, son rahul is no good- you shouldn'tget involved with him even you've got wrong notionsabout him? try to understand, ajay-i can't go home alone- if you accompany me it'd bea big morale booster for me please, ajay. please. eight o'clock, and where is she?what might've happened?

she must be with that scoundrel-and it's all your fault, papa you've spoiled her rotten-how else could she dare--- to walk away with that scoundrelright in front of my eyes? in front of everyone! can youimagine what it was like for me? i am ashamed, father. relax. everything is going to beall right, vicky what's wrong with priya?she broke her promise? just let her come home- i'll teach hera lesson she'll remember all her life

let me handle this- you go inside-go inside, i say come, priya. whatever vicky told us--- is that true? yes- didn't we forbid it? didn't we reason it out?then why did you meet him? are you trying to disgrace us? priya regrets the mistake she's ashamed that she has beenthe cause of pain for you but she did it for a reason-please, give her a hearing

go on, what's the reason?- i'm in love with rahul what? that fellow is a flirt, a rascal,a scoundrel of the first order! and she says she loves him?- he isn't like that, vicky he's very nice- and he loves me-we can't live without each other i'm going to kill you!- don't! vicky! kill me, if you must! but why don't you understandthat i love him? my dear, you mustn't

priya, no. don't cry. stop crying. priya, do you really thinkthere's nothing bad about him? yes, father. do you think he loves youas much as you love him? yes!- are you sure, priya? yes if rahul comes and says that he wantsto marry you, i won't object can he come home?

yes- tell him i wantto see him- now yes, my dear. thank you, father. go. had it not been for you, my parentswould never have said yes priya, all i want is for youto be happy- always ajay, you are my best friend.thank you. one moment, please

will you please call mr rahul modi yes, ma'am. there is a dining table and aswimming pool. - excuse me, ma'am. there is a girl whowants to meet rahul. tell her that rahul isn't at home let it be- i'll tell her myself what is the matter?what do you want with rahul? i'm a friend- i'd like to see himabout--- something urgent aren't you the girl who was involvedin that fight at the college?

wasn't it your brotherwho beat my son? yes, but that quarrel is over now what's so urgent with rahul? something--- personal i understand- lots of girls like youcome here to cry their hearts out but keep your affairs outsidethis house- particularly you don't you ever dare stepin this house- get it? it's beneath our dignity tofraternize with canteen contractors if you must, you will have tomeet rahul elsewhere- not here

now get out. i said get out. priya, what are youdoing here at this hour? rahul, i have been waiting for you. my parents want to meet you-you'll come with me, won't you? it's rather late-- but rahul--- no problem- come, let's go priya was telling me that thetwo of you are very good friends yes, sir

and you've been going around?- yes and you like each other---?- yes that is a very good thing.then, how can we object? but rahul, you shouldspeak to your parents about what?i don't understand--- son, we aren't saying thatit has to happen right away but after graduation, the two of youare surely going to marry marry? i cannot marry priya

what do you mean? meaning that we're good friends-and we do go around together we like each other too, but thatdoesn't mean i'm going to marry her why won't you marry her? what are you trying to say? first of all, my parentswould never agree they're very class conscious- they want me to marry into wealth rahul, what are you saying?!- one minute, priya

that was one reason-what's the other? secondly, i don't wantto marry priya either rahul, what are you saying?what's the matter with you? in that case, why did youget involved with priya? why did you go after her?- excuse me, i didn't go after her she was after me- ask her i am a flirt the whole world knows am i supposed to marryall of my girlfriends?

enough of his nonsense! vicky, i forgave you once-don't make the mistake again your sister has paid for it coming to the question of marriage, priya happens to be a decent girl you should find a decent boyfor her- make it soon but i am not interested. rahul.- priya. rahul. rahul? rahul.

was it all a show? all your love wasto get even with my brother? were you never in love with me?- for me, love is just a game, priya i have never been in lovewith anyone rahul, i have loved you!truly, with all my heart my love isn't a sham, rahul-someday, you'll come back to me! you will be makinga second mistake- hello, friend. hello. welcome. so good of you to have come-- i'd never miss vicky's wedding

aunt.- live long, son. live long. take their luggage in what are you doing? come in. look. nina is going to wear thisfor the reception- how is it? lovely-- grand! uncle and aunt have arrived-- have they? come on welcome-- god bless you where's the bridegroom?- he's getting on with the rituals

i see.- come. son, get up. look, who is their blessings. hello, uncle.- god bless you. - god bless you. how about getting on with the rites?- we're waiting for priya she's supposed to anoint her brotherwith turmeric first then call her- where's our pet? why are you sitting here all alone?come in- the rituals have begun yes, let's go one moment--- look at me

tears in your eyes?- tears? oh no why are you hiding it from me?am i not your brother? are you still cross with me?- what makes you think like that? everyone is happy, and here you are,moping- it's your brother's wedding aren't you happy?- i'm very happy! i was just thinking about something-forgive me- i'm happy- really come on, i'll sing, i'll dance,i'll do whatever you want me to do my darling brotheris going to marry my darling brother

a silk turban and fragrant flowersto hide his face this is a day for celebrations-the shehnai (= flute ) is singing there sits my brotherhiding behind the veil when he brings home his brideon a gay palanquin i will take the bride by her hand,and i will lead her in then one day,the wonderful surprise a little flower will blossom he looks so radiant he's elated; here come hisnights filled with love

there he sits among the maidens i wish i have my day too i wish to hold a hand too i wish the nuptial nightwill come for me too hello, uncle. hello, vicky. why are you standing?please be seated sorry to disturb youso late at night, son but the matter is such--- i had to come

what is the matter, uncle? tell me rahul, first of all, i want toapologise for my mistakes--- for all my excesses, i am ashamed ofmyself- if you want to punish me--- come on, vicky. relax. i've forgotten all that long ago- splendid, son! you are magnanimous- now our honour is in your handsdon't dash our hopes, please! i don't understand---what d'you want to say? i don't know how to put it in words-

i can't bring myself to say it it is just that... priya is going to become a mother what---? now everything is in your hands, son!if you say yes, it might solve--- a lot of problems for all of us-- one minute, uncle if you're implying marriage, i'vetold you already- i can't marry priya but she's carrying your baby!if you refuse to marry her--- what's going to happen to her?her life is going to be ruined!

she will lose face! we will lose our dignity!people will spit at us what's going to happen to us,is unthinkable! you want to keep your dignity intact-and priya's life shouldn't be ruined you want her to marry, so thatthe baby can have a father's name all right, i'm ready to marry priya rahul, what are you saying?- mummy, please don't interfere thank you, rahul. thank you.

you have saved us! i'm willing to marryon one condition condition?- what condition? the day after the wedding,i'm going to divorce priya what are you saying, son?a marriage isn't child's play i know- that's why i'm running scaredof matrimony- why just priya? i don't want to marry any girl-- rahul, how do i explain this to you? madam, why don't you tell him?you have mothered a son, too a divorce will ruin my daughter!

that she should've considered earlier-besides, who knows whose baby it is? no knowing how many menshe has been with mummy, i told you not to interfere-priya isn't that type- i know her the baby is mine-- son, if you know, then why---? look, i've told you my condition-fine with me if you agree else, abort the child-- son! don't do this to us! you heard him- go away from here-- how can we? we'll be ruined! you want to ruin us!you are eying the money but your blackmailing won't work here-- what are you saying?

we aren't like that-- i know exactly what you are- scum! enough, ms shobhna! enough!come on, dad- but we'll be---- get lost we never intended anything like that-- you must be dreaming of it already a daughter's pregnancy is theopportunity folks like you wait for so that you can fleeceas much as you can what are you saying?- you rein in your wayward daughter throw these people out! if they evercome here, turn them away nina, go to bed- you must be tired-

i'll sit with you till they're back you must be wondering how you landedin such trouble on your wedding day am i not part of this family?are your troubles not mine? bobby, kabir, go to your room go dear. nina, go and take some rest no- nina stays here-first, tell us what happened? what didn't happen? we were insulted-daddy was called names i just want to take a gun and shootthe whole modi family

but ours is the rotten apple-what could i do? there's only one way out, rohini mummy priya, my child---- no mummy i won't do an abortion-- what are you saying? we have no choice left- you must-- mummy, please don't force me i've decided- i'm having this baby-- what about the consequences? you realise what we'll go through?- i know- you will lose face you will have to livein a veritable hell

but before that happens, i'll leavethis house, this town i'm not going to let that happen-from now on, you'll do what i want enough! i've heard enough! you aren'teven capable of understanding--- what's good for you and what isn't-you're a child! not anymore- what it means to be amother, i'm beginning to understand i am going to have this baby- i'lleducate myself- i'll bring up my baby i'll work for a living, work hard-i'll make something of myself it won't be easy- i will have toface the whole world- and i will because i know i'm right

is this your final decision? very well- then hear my decision at this very moment,you will leave this house no, father.- keep quiet. no one says anything! out priya- get out of here get out. out. pack your stuff i won't have anything in this housethat reminds me of you

go. get out. - gulshan..- keep quiet. please, gulshan.- what are you doing, father? father, listen..- think it over, gulshan.- father. - father.. you want to face the world?this is where it starts from - home get out no.- come on inside. i said go inside. look at us. we willcome with you, too.

wait for me. wait, love. where are you going? wait. we will come with you, too.- wait. wait. where did she disappear? look there. where did she go?- find her she got away she must be here.don't let her escape.

look for her.oh, no. she just escaped. why did you do this to me, priya? i hate her. darn it. dolly! come out! quick!god! knocked my sign down look at my boat. the deckis down and the hull is up. oh, no. my roof. rustom you lazy bones, i told youto repair the roof- but you won't oh, my chickens!- to hell with your chickens

why do you alwayscall me a lazy man? how would i know thata storm is coming? dolly, looks like someone blew inwith the storm- she's asleep she's that priya--- the one whomade a motorboat out of your car that girl? the last time a tree camecrashing down- now she brings a storm! she's a very dangerous girl!let's throw her out--- out rusi, she's a girl-- out! look at her sleeping--- as ifshe owns this place! out she goes priya, my dear.

rustom, she has fever.- fever? oh, my god. let's move her to the bedroom yes, come on.- come. she is regaining consciousness. don't be afraid, my dear. don't worry, my child- you're goingto be all right- the doctor is coming my poor darling but how come you're here?what about your home? where do you live? your parents must beworried- a girl missing all night---

no, my dear. she's crying about priya being thrown outor whatever? then, please consult anju's mother-but for god's sake, don't pester us everyone seems to be calling!i'm fed up why aren't you people eating? kabir, have your breakfastand go to college let it ring- no one answers i told you not to take the call-- it might be--- priya

forget priya- for us she is dead! no one in this house talksabout priya, understand? bobby, take her chair away i told you to take that chair away!- i won't kabir, take that chair away- i'm going to college i'll do it myself hello. there's no priya here who? shalini?

yes, you heard the right thing-they had been here the girl is pregnant- she's trying toframe rahul for it- i threw them out and you better take care- you havea young son- they might try you next i've been calling up and warningeveryone around as far as i'm concerned, she can goto hell or she can abort it no dearth of doctors, is there? okey, bye. ms. shobhna, don't underestimate her- she's gutsy-she wants to have the baby

what are you saying?- it's true, ms shobhna- i know i got it. so she isn't going to give up onmy son- but she doesn't know me i'll make her life miserable ajay, come on- we're late get up son now what is it?- you go on- i don't feel like going son, i know, and i understand-but you have your responsibilities i'd rather not- i can't fake it

ajay, maybe you're cross with priya-but you can't blame vikram and nina aren't they going to feel bad ifyou don't attend their reception? vicky has been a good friend to you come on, son-everything will turn out fine what's this? where are the guests?- i've no idea- let's wish them first yes, mother. thank you, ms savita-at least you have come please. let me tell the caterers

your preparations should be complete.- listen. throw all this food away. take it home, give it to the beggars,do whatever you want- no one is coming no point waiting mr bakshi, you can stay on ifyou wish- eat, if you feel like but please forgive us-we're going home come on mr chhibber, i regretwhatever has happened regret? what use is it regrettingnow? we've been disgraced, boycotted and it's all because of youhad i known about your daughter---

i'd never let nina marryinto your family daddy--- i feel as if i've thrown my daughterinto a filthy sewer daddy, you mustn't speak like that-as of now, this is my family it means the world to me,they mean everything to me their honour is mine bravo, my child i am proud of you.

that is the kind of upbringingi've given to my daughter had you given your daughter a goodupbringing, this day would never come our home isn't a family,but a filthy sewer and i have taught my children nothing i haven't educated my children and particularly my daughter that's what people are telling meon my face- i've lost face! and your mother sits streaming tears!- if this is what we're going through--- what must be happening to priya?spare a thought for her, will you?

no sympathies for her! this isall her doing- and after this day--- who brought this chair here? i want to know you---? did you? tell me, did you bring the chair back?give me an answer! i'm talking to you did you do it? daddy... do what you want with me, butplease bring priya back no way! priya doesn't stepinto this house ever again!

and this chair, i willthrow this chair out. father. father, no.what are you doing? she isn't coming back! ever! never! for us, priya is dead! priya is dead. in my heart comes a season of spring a spring of love for my dear ones

life is a wonder! when we meet there rises a surge of loving emotionslife is a wonder! happy faces fill my home like a blossoming garden like a blossoming gardenlife is a wonder! a spring of love for my dear oneslife is a wonder!

forgive me, my sons- forgive me we'll bring your sister back home come on, son. father. priya! priya!- bobby, what happened? any news?- no- i've looked everywhere have you been to the circuit house?- everywhere- also anju's place

tyson! tyson come back. bobby, let's go! tyson wait. he must've scented priya a part of my heartcan never go away one who is mine, is always mineshe can never be a stranger this coming togetherstirs the heart not only for us this question concerns everyone

in life you must set an example for others isn't it so fragrant? this embrace filled with love of loving emotions what has happened has happened do not be afraid you still have friends

you aren't alone we will face them together all of them and more fill my world there are limits to shamelessness-but she has crossed every limit i'm surprised that the familytook her in once again they are helping her to makea public show of her pregnancy she goes to college, goes shopping,as if her father owns this city! i ask you, what effect is this havingon our social order, on our children?

our daughtersand daughter-in-laws. are we going to teach our childrenprinciples and ideals like this? never-- no way then why are you sitting silently?why do you not do something? mr chhibber, what is the matter?why are you mum? forget relationships, mr chhibber-this is a question of principles it's one family up againstan entire society let's hear in yes or no, whetherthey have done the right thing yes, they are wrong

now we will begin taking actionimmediately mr principal, tomorrow is the annualday celebration at your college that's where we launch our campaign one, two, three, four.. there is a very little timeleft, we have to.. one, two.. simran, where's anju?- i don't know hurry up, everyoneis waiting for us

anju! let's begin the rehearsal where's priya? what's the matter, anju?you've been avoiding me for days i called out to you,and you didn't respond priya, it's nothing like that-i'm just in a hurry it's the final rehearsals today-- may i take a look? you can watch it on stagethis evening lies! first you said priyahas gone to see her uncle

but i found she didn't go there-then you gave me more lies priya is perfectly all right-why would i lie to you? accepted- but where is priya? i think priya has fallen victim to sometragedy- they are trying to hide it why should we? nothing of the sorthas happened what makes you think that priyahas fallen victim to some tragedy? priya was pregnant, inspector. she was going to be a mother.- vandana, she told me everything

good god! what's happening? she isn't married!- now what happens to the shuklas? what a girl! she's better off dead-how could she have faced the world? please clear the crowd i am telling you to goaway from here. go! we don't want to see this-- no- i want to see it- till the end why don't you tell mewhere the body is? body? why should it be a body?i'm telling you, she's alive

then where is she? she's right here- in this house we've locked her up-to hide her sin can i see her? bring priya over here priya, what have you doneto yourself?- why didn't you tell me? everything is going to be all right-go home now you're ruined, priya! i know-

but this is what i deserve-i've sinned- after what i've done--- i have no right to live my parents--- i have brought themto disgrace i have broken every rule- it's than... now i have only one way out mummy, daddy, forgive meif you can priya! what happened to you priya?

daughter! priya you.. what have you done my dear? priya..- help her. what have you done?- please save her. someone save her. what happened to you priya? priya, my daughter. don't cry savitri.don't cry. this is destiny-who can change fate?

maybe this is her penance i've seen these tragediesso many times so many girls have taken poison so many have burnt themselves alive so many have hanged themselves but whenever anyone breaksthe rules of society--- once that line is crossed,there can be only one option penance mr principal.

mr principal! i wish to say something may i have permission? granted hey keep quiet.please. let her speak. silence. let her talk. please, keep quite. priya in the drama you've just seen,is me in real life

that was a nice drama- well-writtenand well performed but the problem has been seenin the wrong light that is why i do not agree who are you to disagree? hey, shut up. in particular, i disagree with theending where priya kills herself because she thinks that she hascommitted a grave sin but she has committed no sin-i have committed no sin either i have loved- i have truly loved

but yes, i made a big mistake i'm not the only one responsible-someone else participated too what could i do, where could i go oncehe refused to accept responsibility? would i do what priyaof this story did? i wanted to do it too--- poison myself or hang myselfor throw myself under a train but i did nothing of the sort-call me wanton, call me names but i too am a mother- had i married according tothe rites---

you people would have given meso much love and attention don't do this, you'll hurt the child,or do this, it's good for the child motherhood is the greatest blessing-god's greatest gift and not performing the rites,the boon turns into a curse? good fortune turns to misfortune?society says there's only one option--- for girls like me, who are helpless abort the child tear it from my womb--- like a rotten tooth it means..

is there no difference betweena rotten tooth and my baby? would that not be sin? for hours i pondered beforei heard a voice- it said, mummy i was surprised, but i didn'tfind anyone- the voice came again mummy, i am inside you-i have already been born, mummy i am here, moving inside your womb-i am getting a feel of life through your eyes, i see everything there are so many sad things in life still, it's a beautiful world,worth living in

i want to live, mummy-i want to come into this world i want to smile, i want to play- if you kill me, i will return tonothingness- don't kill me mummy don't kill me mummy. that's when i decidedto have this baby--- as a mark of respect for god's gift-i decided to bring him into this world i will give him all his wishes-i will do my duty as a mother now tell me, am i wrong? friend's.

thank you. what's it, son? i've decided something than i am... i want to marry priya for the first time in your life,you've taken the right decision she's a gem of a person. you won't find another womanlike priya i am so proud of you.

let's meet this evening, rohini-will gulshan be at home too? we'll have a nice long chat but why are you putting it offtill the evening? why are you so anxious? this evening,we're finalising your wedding besides, they've liked you all along- my darling my love this is no gamei have loved you whoever you are, whatever you arei love you

hey, priya.... from the day i held your hand i stopped caring for the world i tried not to love you so much but my heart wouldn't listen i was so ignorant, my love--- i couldn't understand your worth my heart speaks only of you, my love come to me, my lovedo not go elsewhere

for you i live whatever you arei love you greetings aunty! can i come in, please? come in be seated ajay--- you--- here? yes priya, for a long time, i've beentrying to tell you something so i thought i'd speak itin god's presence

really? what is it? priya--- i want to marry you i know you are angry with me i don't deserve to be forgivenfor what i've done but still, i've come to apologise- if you can i have destroyed your happiness now i want to make good why are you silent, priya?

what can i say?you know everything yet you want to marry me? yes priya, i'm in with love you all i care is that this baby isyours- after we marry, it'll be ours tell me, what do you have to say? there is much virtue in atonement- you have performed penance, son yes son vicky i..

it's ok! what's the matter priya? priya!- priya! priya!- sister-in-law. ajay, call an ambulance- quick! tell everyone at hometo go to the hospital okey.- priya! hurry up. bring her quick. come on, fast.

careful! priya, don't worry.priya! i have come back. your folks have forgiven me not to worry- everythingis going to be fine just give me the good news i love you priya. i'm so happy today, priya you've been through so much formy sake- i'm ashamed

i'm saying this in front of everyone-i'll always make you happy i'll make a good partner just say that you forgive me i've forgiven you already, rahul-else, i wouldn't be here with you congratulations, rahul-congratulations, priya god bless the couple my best wishes for the wedding wedding? ajay, i haven'tsaid yes to the wedding what is she saying?

then say it now, priya sorry, rahul. i don't want to marry you that's naive of you, my dear are you forgetting that you'reholding rahul's baby? no uncle, this is my baby as far as rahul is concerned,this baby was dead for him--- the day he asked me to abort-but i kept her alive, i bore her she's my daughter- only mine

that was my mistake priya,just a mistake. please forgive me now. please!- i am sorry rahul. i can't marry you-that's final can i know the reasonbehind this decision? mummy it was you who told me that loveisn't enough to make man-and-wife there must also be respectfor each other i want to have respect for my husbandjust as you respect my father rahul has lost that respectability--- forever

but think of your daughter- willyou not give her a father's name? will you live like this all your life?- i will marry someone i respect someone who has stood by methrough thick and thin he has even been brave enoughto accept me--- though i've motheredsomeone else's baby i am proud of him ajay, when you proposed to me atthe temple, i decided there and then but i didn't say it-so much the better had i accepted, this would've lookedlike a compromise

but today, it's different ajay, are you still willingto accept me? yes priya i'm proud of you really. i am very happy. congratulations ajay. you've outmatched me on every score-so humane- i wish i was like you priya, you've madea perfect decision

may god keep you happy, always i'll take your leave. be happy always. aunty, uncle, all we need is your permissionand your blessings- may we---? no son. bravo, my child! bless you

mr florist, where are the flowers? you are the one who's goingto give me flowers how come?- this one could a bouquetbe prettier? take care of priya number two

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