a woman driver in nairobi… it doesn't meanthat you're no longer a woman in the house or something. to me, it is a job and i takeit as a job—and i do it with my everything. my name is esther. i live in nairobi, andi work with uber as a driver. nairobi is an interesting city; we have wildanimals. it’s a beautiful and colorful place. driving in nairobi is not that easy. i workedin a taxi company up until last year, july. we were struggling. i worked long, long hours,to an extent that i couldn't even see my baby. she can't even remember there is a mommy somewhere,just call “daddy.†since i started working with uber, my life has changed because i'vebeen able to divide time for my family and also for me to work.
hi, i’m natalie. i’m a driver on the uberplatform here in london. i remember when i first started driving i was the only driverin heathrow airport, literally, that was female, and either guys would just come and latchon to you to chat you up, or otherwise they would all stand on the opposite side and go,“we got a woman doing this. what are we going to do about this?â€with uber, you’re just able to go and work when you want, whenever you want. it givespeople empowerment. women are empowered, really. women are forging ahead. you know, women havebeen driving forever and ever. we’re obviously better drivers (laughing).
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