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job bank in sri lanka 2015

we are coming to you live fromthe ed sullivan theater on night two-- night two of thedemocratic national convention. ladies and gentlemen, hillaryclinthillaryclinton did it. the first woman ever nominatedby a major party! ( cheers and applause )yes! first woman ever nominated by amajor political party. and i'm being told-- yes. the democrats are stillconsidered a major political party.

they had a rough week. just moments ago, hillaryclinton appeared at the convention by breaking theglass-- wall? oh, so close to the propermetaphor. jimo, let's help her out here. let's break the glass ceiling. woooooo! i was afraid-- i was-- i wasreally afraid it wasn't going to happen there for a second.

hillary clinton could be thefirst female president. and america will finally catchup with 1960 sri lanka. ( cheers and applause )so that's half the story. that's just half the story. the other half is that it isofficially over for bernie. but his supporters should beproud. if you're a supporter of bernieyou should be proud. so many things they fought forare now in the democratic. party platform.

$15 minimum wage, overturning"citizens united," claiming your claiming your hacky sack as adependent. it's all in there. now, it was going to be toughfor any speakers tonight to top last night's impassioned plea byfirst lady michelle obama to raise the level. ( cheers and applause )wasn't it amazing? incredible. she had an impassioned plea forraising the level of our

national discourse. >> i want someone with theproven strength to persevere, somebody who knows this job andtakes it seriously, someone who understands that the issues ofour president faces are not black and white and cannot beboiled down to 140 characters. >> stephen: oh, that's good. i'm going to tweet that rightnow. that's good. but there were some highlights,tonight.

senator barbara mikulski ofmaryland said hillary would fight for what. americans really care about. >> she'll fight for themacro issues and the macaroni and cheese issues. >> stephen: yes! macaroni and cheese issues! like, what is that powder,really? and it is time to stop callingit four servings when they know

for a fact we're going to eatthe whole pot! and when howard dean took to thepodium tonight, he brought out the classics. >> because this race is going tobe won on the ground, and it will be won on the ground, andit's going to be won in colorado, and in iowa, and innorth carolina, and michigan, and florida, and pennsylvania,and then we're going to the white house! >> stephen: wooo!

yeah! only one problem with that-- hedidn't do the scream! hyaaagh! you've got to do the scream,governor. that's like bruce springsteenending his concert by singing "tramps like us, baby we wereborn... good night!" ( cheers and applause ), of course,-- yeah! , of course, tonight, prime timespot, democrats brought out the big dog,potential first ladies man, bill

clinton. ( cheers and applause )that's official. that's officially the name. i've coined it. that's officially the name fromnow on. and, of course, bill led offwith some classic clinton charm. >> in the spring of 1971, i meta girl. >> stephen: bill, it'ssupposed to be about hillary! oh, i'm sorry.

it was? that was her? i apologize. he scared me for a second there. okay. go ahead. >> somehow i knew this would notjust be another tap on the shoulder. and i might be startingsomething i couldn't stop.

( laughter )( applause ) >> stephen: a feeling--a feeling bernie supporters identified withimmediately.

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job bank in sri lanka 2015