job careers 2016

job careers 2016

come addition for jobs is high in general, but here are five of the most in-demand jobs. at number five, general and operations managers-- a pretty diverse category. according to the bureau of labor statistics, there are some two million jobs in this category, and the mean annual wage was $114,850 in 2012. next in number four, occupational therapists, who help people with injuries, disabilities, or illnesses cope with daily life. occupational therapists make an average of $36.25 an hour. it requires a master's degree. just more than 100,000 occupational

therapists are employed in the u.s.; and while that's expected to keep growing, the category of jobs remains pretty competitive. at number three, software developers, system software who design and develop software for all kinds of applications. with a median annual wage of $99,000 in 2012, there are currently 400,000 software developers employed in the united states. and at number two, accountants and auditors. they analyze and interpret financial statements. and at a median annual wage of $63,550, more than one million people are employed as accountants and auditors in

the u.s. finally, the number one most in-demand job? laborers and freight, stock, and material movers; definitely the most common job in the list with more than two million people categorized here. but with a median annual wage of $23,980, this type of manual labor isn't the highest paid gig. a senior data scientist with compiled the list by going through more than 70 million job postings. for the record, boston got the nod as the best city for job-seeking. miami was the worst. for time, i'm lauren gores.

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job careers 2016