job hiring in 2016

job hiring in 2016

flip mill presents 7 highest paying collegedegress number one: as a finance major, you’ll beworking with a lot of other people’s money; and it’s no surprise that some of that moneywould fall into your pocket. you’ll get a better start in your financecareer if you do a few internships in your field. once you do, you can expect to earn about$46,500 to start and $87,300 at mid-level. number 2: economics is another college degreethat leaves you with tons of career options, from banking to finance to education and government. if none of those interests you, you can alsoland jobs in law (with further education),

consulting, public policy and research. starting salary for those majoring in economicsis around $45,000 but by mid career, you see a hefty boost to around $95,000. number three: before you immediately passover math as a major, think about this: those who major in math have some of the lowestunemployment rates of any other major — 95% of math majors are employed. they are also quite well compensated for theirwork, with a starting salary of around $47,000-$52,600 and a mid-career salary of $89,900-$98,600. number four: if you haven’t noticed it yet,it pays to be very good with numbers.

statistics majors will be tasked with trackinglarge amounts of data, analyzing it, and focusing down on the results. you’ll need serious skills with spreadsheetsand even some programming ability for this career. a statistician can pull in about $50,000right out of school and about $99,000 by mid-career. number five: do you want to work for a companylike apple or microsoft and help program the next big thing in computers? well, they want to pay you a lot to do it.major in computer science and do well in school, including doing some internships and projects, and you’ll probably land a job that startsout paying around $55,000. stick with it and

you could be making 6 figures by mid-career. number six: physics is another one of thosecollege degrees that makes most of our brains hurt even thinking about pursuing, but ifyou can wrap your mind around it, you will be glad you did. physics majors have a lot of options, workingin museums, the military, laboratories and schools. they are also paid very well forunderstanding the way the universe works. right out the gate they are paid nearly $50,000and by mid career, they are making just over $100,000. number seven: if you are simply looking fora job that pays the biggest bucks, you can’t

go wrong in pursuing a college degree in engineering. in fact, seven of the top highest paying collegemajors are various engineering majors, like petroleum, chemical, electrical, materialsscience and aerospace; so you have a large range of options which fits you best. depending on which field you choose, you canstart out getting paid between $50,000-$95,000, and by mid career, you be up to $85,000-$155,! and here's me having majored in drama! thanks for watching for more please subscribe

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job hiring in 2016