are you wondering what jobs you can do witha psychology degree? whether you are studying psychology at college,online or you already have your bachelor’s or master’s degree, this video will giveyou 10 career options, the salary that you can expect to earn and also the skills youwill need. as a bonus for you guys looking for an accreditedpsychology degree, i will give you a list of the top 5 campus-based courses and top5 online psychology degrees so stay tuned. after getting a bachelor’s degree in psychologyfrom college you may need an additional masters or doctorate degree for some careers. psychologistsstudy mental, emotional, and social behaviours by analysing how people relate to one anotherand their environments. some licenced psychologists
work independently either by consulting patientsor doing research. others are employed at hospitals where they work together with doctorsand social workers. you may also find psychologists at schools where they support pupils withtheir education, special needs or career advice. now here is the list of the top 10 psychologyjobs. the mean salaries i will mention are from the bureau of labour statistics and theranges from 1. psychiatrist psychiatrists are doctors who assess, diagnose,treat and prevent mental health and emotional problems. to become a psychiatrist after gettingyour bachelor's degree in psychology, you will need to graduate from medical schooland then complete a four-year residency. psychiatry
is among the top of the highest paying jobsrelated to psychology. average salary: $193,680 per year, but can range from $98,518 - $248,364however, salaries can vary considerably within this field depending upon your experience,specialty and where you work 2. industrial-organizational psychologist industrial-organizational psychologists usetheir knowledge of psychology to tackle workplace issues. increasing worker productivity, selectingthe best employees for particular jobs, and developing market research surveys are justa few of the things that an industrial-organizational psychologist might do.the typical starting salary for a master's degree graduate is around $40,000, while thestarting salary for a doctoral graduate is
approximately $55,000. average salary: $98,320,ranging from $40,182 - $114,595 3. neuropsychologistneurophysiologists earn on average: $88,617 per year and this ranges from $62,695 - $123,211you will need a doctorate degree in neuropsychology or clinical neuropsychology.neuropsychologists are experts in the science of how the brain works. people who work inthis field often perform cognitive tests, run brain scans, assess people suffering frombrain injury, and study how drugs impact the nervous system. they may work at collegesand universities, hospitals, research centers, mental health clinics, and pharmaceuticallabs. 4. research psychologistpsychology researchers usually seek employment
in the field, inside a classroom or in a laboratorysetting. research assistants can hold a master’s degree, but lead research psychologists willneed a doctoral degree. most laboratory research is completed at universities, government agencies(such as the national institute of health) or private research organizations. medianannual salary: $80,500, $76,090 to $116,343 5. engineering psychologist engineering psychologists work to improvethe design of systems, operations, and equipment in order to increase efficiency, enhance productivity,and minimize injury. engineering psychologists who work in the private sector earn considerablymore than those employed in university settings. average salary: $79,818 per year $48,000 to$75,367 annually. private consultants with
doctoral-level degrees earned an average of$179,160per year. 6. clinical psychologist clinical psychologists work in hospitals,mental health clinics, and private practice. they are trained to assess, diagnose, treat,and prevent of mental illness. this is also the area of employment within most states, clinical psychologists must have a doctorate degree in psychology, completea one to two year supervised residency, and pass statelicensing exams in order to practice. average salary: $72,540 per year, but ranges from$46,383 - $106,805 largely depending on experience. 7. counseling psychologist
counseling psychologists perform many of thesame tasks as clinical psychologists such as offering psychotherapy and mental healthtreatment, but usually work with patients suffering from milder forms of mental illness.average salary: $55,870-$71,944 and you will need a phd 8. forensic psychologist forensic psychologists deal with psychologicalaspects of the law. their duties include developing psychological profiles of criminals, dealingwith child custody issues, investigating child abuse, providing expert testimony, preparingwitnesses to testify in court, and offering training to law enforcement. some jobs availablewith a master's degree, but usually you will
need a doctorate degree in clinical counsellingor forensic psychology. average salary is $70,700 and range from $38,833 - $107,764 9. school psychologistschool psychologists work at schools to diagnose and treat both learning and behaviour problemsin children. average salary is $68,900, and ranges from $40,832 - $85,429.they often work together with teachers doctors and parents to help children overcome emotionaland academic problems. strong preference is for candidates with a master’s or doctratedegrees 10. sports psychologist. most jobs for sports psychologists will alsorequire a masters or doctorate degree. sports
psychologists are interested in the psychologyof sports and athletics, particularly motivation and athletic performance. this helps athletesto perform better or recover from sports injuries. average salary ranges from $60,000 to $80,000a year; the highest salaries can exceed $100,000 annually for those working with professionalathletes here is a list of the top campus and top online bachelor’s psychology degrees
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