this special edition of theworld employment and social outlook “trends for youth 2016†takes stock of how young people acrossthe globe are doing in the world of work and what their prospects arefor the coming years. our report finds thatafter a number of years of improvements in most countries, youth unemploymentis once again on the rise. in 2016, we anticipate that71 million young people aged 15 to 24 will be looking forbut will be unable to find employment. this is an increase ofhalf a million compared to 2015.
as a result, the unemployment ratefor youth globally will reach 13.1% in 2016 and remain there throughout 2017. this is in stark contrast to the job gainsexperienced by young people between 2012 and 2015. the deterioration is particularlymarked in emerging countries, where a number of large economies have entered deeperthan expected recessions. in emerging countriesthe unemployment rate is predicted to rise
from 13.3% in 2015to 13.7% in 2017. this corresponds to 53 and half millionunemployed in 2017 in these countries. in developed countries, the outlookis somewhat more positive. in fact, the unemployment rate is anticipatedto continue to decline through to 2017. however,as a result of stagnating growth, the pace of improvement is expected to slow and, in comparison to other regions, the rate – at 14.5% in 2016 –remains the highest globally.
the youth unemployment ratein developing countries is expected to remain relatively stable, at around 9.5% in 2016, but in terms of absolute numbers it should increaseby around 0.2 million in 2016 to reach 7.9 millionunemployed youth in 2017. this is largely due to an expanding labour force in these countries. of course in many emergingand developing countries, the pressing issue is notone of unemployment
but rather the quality of jobsheld by youth, often with considerable disparitiesbetween young men and women. for more information on this issue and to download our report please visit ilo.org. international labour organization (ilo)2016
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