job openings in 2016

job openings in 2016

- if i end up being anaccountant, i am just going to throw this quiz in the trash. (ambient music) - i studied acting andgerman and entrepreneurship and did a bunch of differentstuff, was an actor, was a writer, worked foran ad agency for a year. - i was a songwriter anda musician and after that it led me into television,internet, and film. - i essentially chosewhatever would pay the bills.

- i really wanna see ifmy parents were right and if i really should have been a lawyer. - maybe show me something that i wouldn't have considered as an option. - i don't know, i'm kindof nervous because i have no what it's gonna tell me. (syncopated music) - oh, which career would you rather have? this is hard 'cause ifeel like i wanna say

celebrity stylist, but myheart is saying librarian. - math professor, no. bus driver, no. youtuber, yeah. did i win yet? nope, there's more questions. - despite what my apartmentlooks like right now, i'm organized. i feel like i'm prettygood at making decisions.

however, i'm here takinga quiz to help me decide on my career. - which best describes you? i think it depends onthe situation probably. but i'm actually one ofthose people who like, if someone's upset at me,i need to confront them. like, "you're mad at me, aren't you? "can we talk about it?" - you thrive in anenvironment where you can

immediately see theresults of your efforts. - i feel the most confidentin a low-pressure job that feels second nature to you. - in the workplace,you're not afraid to be straightforward and direct. - the career for you wouldinclude working in data. - directing, communications,i've done that, it was ok. - or the fine arts, hey! - i think i tried to answereverything correctly,

but i'm surprised byhow accurate this seems. - i tutor on the side and i love to teach and it's something iconsidered for a long time and i wonder if it'sbecause there's like this sort of personality clash. - if you feel lost orconfused about what you should be doing with yourlife, it takes a lot of hard work to figure that out. - i think it's a lot moreimportant for us to focus on

the type of person thatwe're actually becoming and for us to do things that we enjoy. - life is pretty longand you don't have to stick to one thing.

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job openings in 2016