job vacancies in zimbabwe

job vacancies in zimbabwe

in 1990, donald trump told playboy magazinethat "statistically" his children had a "very bad shot" because "children of successfulpeople are generally very, very troubled, not successful. they don't have the right shtick." however, he's since groomed his three eldest,donald jr., ivanka, and eric, to hold executive positions within his business empire, andhis daughter tiffany is poised to earn her law degree, while his youngest son barronand his mother melania hold down the penthouse fort in new york. they haven't become the kardashians just yet.

but are they keeping up with their father'sexpectations? here's the untold truth of the trump kids. the spoils barron might drive his very own kiddie mercedes-benzaround his $100 million nyc penthouse, but donald jr. told people that he and the restof the trump kids were "spoiled the right way" in that they were "spoiled with greatexperiences, great surroundings, and incredible environments that really allowed [them] tosee other incredible people and really try to emulate that." donald jr. also told forbes that while itmight appear that they're coasting on their

dad's coat tails, poppa donald instructedthem to learn the tricks of the trade along the way as well. he said, "my father's logic from the beginningwas if you're going to have someone dig a ditch for you, you'd better know how to doit yourself. so here's your shovel. start digging." the upbringing donald jr. has also said that he didn't havea "'let's go play catch in the backyard' sort of father-son relationship."

"we always went to job sites with him. we'd be in his office playing with trucksas a six-year-old while he's negotiating deals with presidents of major companies." donald jr. was born in 1977 to mother ivana,donald's first wife. with five kids of his own by the time he wasin his late 30s, donald jr. works as executive vice president at the trump organization,managing the existing properties portfolio. he certainly didn't have a typical growingup experience, as he spent summers with his grandfather milos and learned to speak czechfluently. plus, you know, he was born into untold wealthfrom the start.

the standards trump's second child ivanka was born in 1981and has claimed that her siblings' success can be attributed to the fact that they neverfell into bad habits, telling gq, "i look at my brothers and myself and i'm, like, reallyproud of the fact that nobody's, like, totally f—ed up. nobody's a drug addict, nobody's driving aroundchasing women, snorting coke. there's something amazing about that. and you know, this isn't to pat myself onthe back, but i could be a lot worse." she attributes the trump kids living "withinsome realm of reality" to her parents, whom

she told new york magazine were "pretty tough"on them. the former model has three children of herown and works as executive vice president of the trump organization, overseeing hotels,and founded her own lifestyle brand. she also founded her online forum and authoredher book on "women who work" after appearing on the apprentice. in her words, she received "a flood of lettersfrom young women asking for guidance." since her father's election, ivanka has movedto washington d.c. while her reps have indicated she'll haveno official role in the administration, she has committed to speaking up for those issuesshe's passionate about, such as child care.

her husband, jared kushner, on the other hand,was officially appointed into a presidential advisor position. the role models trump's second son eric has admitted thathis older brother donald jr. had a big hand in raising him and that he considers him tohave been a "mentor." he told the new york times, "in a way, heraised me. my father, i love and i appreciate, but healways worked 24 hours a day." eric, born to donald and ivana in 1984, waseight years old when his parents divorced. when his mother gained full custody of allthree children, she sent them to boarding

schools to escape the media blitz. he told the washington post that he understoodthe decision to send them away, saying, "my parents were so solid at keeping us away fromit … and i think boarding school was their subtle way of also doing that." eric has been married since 2014 and is alsoexecutive vice president of trump organization, focusing on company assets involving golfand wine. the alums the trump family has a special allegianceto the university of pennsylvania. donald trump, don jr., ivanka, and tiffanyall graduated from that institution, while

eric bucked tradition and instead opted forgeorgetown. he graduated in 2006 and serves on the school'sboard. only time will tell as to where young barronwill ultimately enroll, but chances are, he'll be cheering for the quakers like almost allof his siblings before him. charity work the trump kids might be best known for theirparticipation in the family's financial dynasty, but they've also done some good deeds overthe years as well. donald jr. has worked as an ambassador tooperation smile, which provides reconstructive services to children with deformities acrossthe world, and eric founded the eric trump

foundation in 2006 to help raise money forst. jude's children's research hospital, reportedly raising as much as $30 million for the organization. he has claimed to be very hands-on about hisinvolvement with the charity, visiting its hospital locations on a regular basis. he said of those visits, "each time is morespecial than the last… you develop amazing relationships with theparents and the children, many who weren't given a chance at life by other hospitals— it truly puts life in perspective and will completely change you as a person." the businesses

just outside charlottesville, virginia, trumpwinery sits on a sprawling 1,300-acre estate. and eric has been in charge of all of it sinceits opening in 2011, an interest, he said, which stems from the his feelings that wine"is sexy" and "luxurious." he and wife lara kicked off their weddingcelebration with a tasting at the winery in 2014. the outcast tiffany trump has been one of the least visibleof trump's children throughout trump's presidential bid, and that's in part to do with the factthat she was raised across the country with her mother, trump's second wife, marla maples.

tiffany was born in 1993 and raised in californiawith her mother from the age of four after maples and trump officially divorced in 1999. while tiffany remained on the west coast withher mother, she did keep touch with her siblings all the while, but grew up largely withouther father. as maples herself told the new york times,"she'd like to get to know her father better and spend time with him like his other childrendid: by going to his office and watching him work." maples said tiffany felt "wounded" by beingdepicted as the "forgotten trump" during his campaign.

the good news is, she can finally fulfillthat dream of having a "slumber party in the white house" now. the minor there's a reason barron trump's rare appearanceson the campaign circuit were so heavily scrutinized and subject to memes: he didn't really wantany part of it. a source close to trump's transition teamrevealed that the election process was "difficult" for the then-10-year-old child and that hismother melania took it upon herself to try and keep the "disruption to a minimum." as the only son to trump and melania, donald'sthird wife, barron was born in 2006 to immense

riches and luxury. he was famously photographed in his gildedsuite, fit with a gold-trimmed stroller no less, and is expected to remain in his penthouseuntil he finishes fourth grade in 2017. to get a sense of just how pampered the kidis, melania revealed that he's routinely covered in her skincare line's caviar complex c6 everynight after his bath and said, "he's not a sweatpants child. he doesn't mind putting on a [suit] and helikes to dress up in a tie sometimes like daddy … "i call him 'mini-donald." the wedding estate

trump's luxe palm beach, florida estate calledmar-a-lago has played host to several of his children's weddings, including donald jr.'smarriage to vanessa in 2005, ivanka's nuptials with kushner in 2009, and eric's wedding tolara in 2014. the trophies donald jr. and eric trump stoked the ire ofanimal rights activists by appearing in photos while posing next to a dead elephant, kudu,civet cat, and waterbuck while on a big game safari hunt in zimbabwe. donald jr. spoke out in response to the backlashand earned even more criticism for his rationale. "nah listen, i still hunt, i've always beena hunter.

it's something that i've done for a long time. in africa, and people who haven't been theredon't see it, like, over there an elephant villages for weeks, and it all gets used. nothing gets wasted in africa." the abodes most of the trump kids live in — where else?trump properties. ivanka revealed that she chose to reside inthe $10 million trump park avenue penthouse but that she still has to pay a mortgage forthe place. she added that she did negotiate its pricewith her father, saying, "he'd be disappointed

if i didn't." meanwhile, eric and his wife lara live ina $2 million apartment at trump parc east, and while donald jr. has reportedly movedacross town to a non-trump tower, and tiffany is currently touring harvard university, barron,who occupies an entire floor in trump tower, has yet to chip in for rent. thanks for watching! click the list icon to subscribe to our youtubechannel. plus check out all this cool stuff we knowyou'll love, too!

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