(crowd cheering)(bell ringing) you know we have all had dreams and goals we've had at one stage in our life but very few people ever start to live those because obviously obstacles come up somebody stabbed you in the back, something doesn't work out and the frustration for most people becomes overwhelming but then there's also just the fear, there's the fear of failure
there's the fear of getting your hopes up again you know, you have to get your hopes up you're gonna be disappointed so often in life but, disappointment can be turned into drive or disappointment can destroy you. everybody's afraid at some level that they're not enough in some context not smart enough, not pretty enough, not strong enough, not rich enough, not funny enough i mean, you may not be feeling that right now in your life but we all feel that.
people tell me i`ve tried everything, i say name the things you`ve try, well i've tried millions of things. name 'em. well, tens of thousands, name 'em. well, thousands, name 'em. well, these three things that don't work i keep doing what's an area in life right now that you really wanna improve? what's an are that's important to improve? if your body's great how about your career?
your career's great? how about your relationship? intimate one, especially. or your kids? or your relationship with your creator, the spiritual side of your life? or is it your finances? doing affirmation is not going to change your life you've got to see where the weeds are and pull them out my point is simple you've got to see what the problem is but you can't make it so horrific that you just give up.
who you spend time with is who you become and getting yourself in proximity with people that are suceeding even if you have to work for free for somebody, getting the environment around them it rubs off on you you begin to think like they think you begin to see what the opportunities are our bodies are a reflection of our physical standards they are not a reflection of our desires
most people have a desire for more energy or better body or a stronger body or a more fit body we don't get our goals we get our musts your income right now is a result of your standards as well it's not the industry and it's not the economy evaluate where you are look at it, access yourself. access yourself access the situation! what brought you there? what has brought you to this point? what did you learn from it?
are you learning anything or are you doing it over and over and over again? somebody said that insanity is doing the same thing in the same way expecting a different outcome dont let this year be like last and if last year was great still don't let it be that way raise the standard! if your life is perfect and extraordinary you darn well know you're not going to be happy unless you keep making it better that's what makes us feel alive it's not what we get that makes us happy, it's who we become.
and what we're able to give because we've become more if you want to begin to move you've got to clear your mind of all the unnecessarily luggage and baggage that's weighing us down! you're gonna have people to do things to you, things are going to happen to you and the most important thing to do is to harness your will and let it go! and move so you can grow so you can get on with your life it doesn't matter matter about what happens to you, what matters is what are you gonna do about it? if there's anything that'll shift your life, that'll get you to thrive in the difficult situation is
take some massive action, try something else change it, try it, move it progress equals happiness if you can start to make progress, if you can get yourself going, even if it's not perfect, if it doesn't work you know what to do, just change your approach, if that doesn't work change your approach so often in life people don't begin the journey because they're not quite sure what to do how to do it right, how to do it perfect if you wanna change your body get yourself moving, don't wait for the perfect trainer just go out there and move! put on your shoes and move and get momentum. i'm gonna turn this situation around, i'm not gonna sit back and moan and cry over what happened
and what went wrong and who did what i'm going to do something about this situation the other thing is, take full responsibility for your life accept where you are and the responsibility that you're gonna take yourself where you want to go so once that we have two primary choices in life we can either accept conditions as they exist or we can take the responsibility to change them see a lot of people want to exempt themselves from taking responsibility, all they wanna do it talk about the problem
every time you see them they'll tell you their story over and over and over and over again. no, no. you want to take responsibility for your life i got me here i can get me out of this and i'm getting out i'm not gonna be a volunteer victim and so all you're looking for are new break throughs through practice and practice and practice, you'll get better and better and better and there's still some things that'll happen to you that'll catch you on the blind side
that you did not anticipate you'll get knocked down but you won't be knocked out and i say to you it's possible you can live your dream if it's becoming a diamond if it's haggling more, if it's achieving more, if it's being a better father, being a better mother, whatever it is, overcoming addiction, changing our society it's possible you can live you dream it's necessary that you have a plan of action that you're resilient that you stick to and you work with the system
that you work with people, that you give support and that you be there for them, that you have the vision and you never give up, that you become creative and relentless and keep on coming back again and again and again and that it's you that's gotta take personal responsibility to make it happen and that it's hard; easy is not an option and when life knocks you down jump back up and say
it's not over until i win (shouts and applause) forget about you past and make the best of your life the rest of you life logic #i got a date with destiny# #my heart says yeah, but can't convince the rest of me# #i tried so hard to make it with no recipe# #my selfish ways caught up and got the best of me# #i need redemption, no need to mention my past#
#cuz all that matters now is bigger than diamonds and cash# #the glitz the glam and the lights the cam and the acts the stays the fans# #and the speakers blasting, you know i want it, i need it# #don't doubt it i can't live without it# #it is everything i dreamed of, it's everything i've ever wanted# #(ever wanted, ever wanted)# #but is it really truly in my plans (plans)# but the guy mix up my blueprints (piano starts playing)
natural selection has put together, on this planet, and i would conjecture on rather a lot of other planets as well, something utterly extraordinary
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