jobs in kenya nairobi

jobs in kenya nairobi

well, my mom really didn't want me to go. she likes having me at home with her. over at home its summer and family time for her and everything. my dad was eager for me to try out this course. you know because is he's really about my education about mefinding i what i want to do. my name's jahin ahmed. i'm from nairobi, kenya. i'm here at cornell for the engineeringprogram. my dad is an engineer, so he told me to try it out. i really like building stuff, so i thought what the heck let's do i um joined this engineering program where they take me through all the different types of engineering.

so it was really cool to see differentthings. what i liked, what i didn't like and eventually at the end of this havean idea of what i wanna do when i go to college i like hands on building stuff and i sawthat they do a lot of projects on building robots, boats, cars, planes, which i find reallyinteresting. in high school they don't really teach engineering, so this program has really helped me out because i have gotten an understanding of what engineering really is.which will greatly benefit me when i go on

to college. these are college-level courses, so ifind them really interesting. i mean some parts are really hard but that'salso part of the experience part of learning how to get things done soi mean i'm looking forward to hopefully you know doing this in college.coming to cornell i mean i wasn't really sure if people i'm really a sporty guy i play soccer so i wasn't really sure if i'd get that here, because usually these kinds of courses more focus on classes then

on sports but i found here there's somany people that like the same things i like the sports i like so we go out every day play a game of soccer and then classes and homework so i mean it's really a bonding experience i reallyenjoy that

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jobs in kenya nairobi