jobs in usa for foreigners 2016

jobs in usa for foreigners 2016

students in the us are having amore difficult time getting accepted in the top collegesbecause a lot of ivy league schools are now turning toforeign students in order to diversify their campuses, atleast that is what they claim they are doing. i'm going to get into specificschools and their numbers. it is not just iv schools, a lotof public universities do this because they make alot of money intuition. they don't qualify for the sametypes of federal aid money

for things like that. >> quick example, universityof virginia. it is much harder to get in ifyou are from out of state. recently we did a story abouthow they are admitting more people that are out-of-statebecause they pay more. i want kids from other states tobe able to go, that is why i applied. but it is so that it isaffordable for the students in that state.

the ivy league schools, thatis probably different. but at the same time if youbecome a factory for money it defeats the point ofa great education. >>exactly. let's talk about yale. >> by the way, georgetown is notan ivy league school, but they are a great school. i am conflicted on this.

i want the best of the worldto come here to america. that is fantastic. that brings in more success,jobs, hopefully they stay here and grow our economy. on the other hand, inner thirstfor making more money we are crowding out americans. that is an issue. that is why i don't thinkit is cut and dry. you want to have people come infrom across the world, it

has any blood and thatis wonderful. everyone is obsessed with money,especially those great schools. they have such giganticendowments, just relax. >> i know. honestly, one of the biggestproblems is how obsessed they are in ranking. there is always the question ofwhy tuition keeps rising. one of the big problems is theywant to compete with one another, so they keep building.

that is how you attract the bestto university, that drives up the cost of tuition. when it comes to privateschools, you can't get in there with regulation and tellthem you're not allowed to accept x amount offoreign students. but when it comes to publicschools, i feel we need to draw the line in some cases. our taxpayer money goestoward those schools. i want our citizens to getpreferential treatment in

terms of getting acceptedinto those schools. >> you don't have to be nativistabout it, but what you can do is have a great growth ofamerican and foreign students. you don't have to have all thegrowth going to immigrant students. they want the money lebowski. >>have to make one more point. one of the reasons why a lot ofthese public schools go ahead and take more studentsfrom out of state or

foreign students is because ofthe increased tuition. they are dealing with budgetshortfalls, and states cutting their funding so theyare trying to make up for that. the way they do it is by takingstudents from other places. we have to solve that problem. >>at least public schools havethat excuse. that top-tier private schools don't have thatexcuse. >>they don't.

>> they have giant endowments. they try to get me to give to myundergrad and graduate schools. i'd rather give to charity. i love education, they haveplenty of money.

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jobs in usa for foreigners 2016