donald trump is anunbelievable, notorious liar. so all you trump supporters outthere -- the people who trust him themost are the people he burns the most. if you make the mistake ofgiving him a loan, he will renege on that loan and bragabout it. he is like the opposite of the lannisters insome respect, it's a savvy
business move to go broke andnever pay your debts, he says. and trump university, he says hewill help you make money. idiot, scam them. i'm calling him aliar. you think that seems biased? that is not a matter ofopinion, it's a fact. i will
prove it to you. he is on billo'reilly's program, let's see what he says. >>i didn't say muslims,you said that. i'm saying we should profilepeople who look suspicious, i didn't say muslims, you saidthat. >>you never said muslims? that's interesting, i seem toremember this. >>donald j. trump is calling for acomplete and total shutdown of
muslims entering the unitedstates until our country's representatives can figure outwhat the hell is going on. >>i'm pretty sure a total andcomplete shutdown of muslims entering the united states issaying muslims. i know a lot of people play this cutesy game,and trump is the head of that bunch, but there are others whosay let's ban the muslims -- hey, i didn't say muslims, i didn'tsay all muslims. later in the
o'reilly interview he says we'vegot t0 profile, i don't want to profile them -- gee, i wonderwhere he learned that trick. it's a thought experiment, idon't want to profile them, but we have to. we have to make surewe ban the muslims. i didn't say muslims. yes you did, younotorious, pathological liar. it
is on tape. by the way, he haschanged his position a million times, and conservatives, if youthink you know what you are voting for, what makes you thinkhe's not going to change his position once he becomespresident? you have no idea what he will do. you think he is onyour side? there is only one
side donald trump is on, hisside. by the way, if you aren't convinced yet, try to keep upbecause it isn't easy, we smashed together all thistransitioning, flip-flopping, whatever you want to call it,his position. as you saw it, the first thing he said was acomplete ban on muslims coming into the country, listen to whathe said in the meanwhile. >>everybody read it as acrossthe table.
>>we have exceptions. >>i'm not softening my stancebut i'm always flexible. >>we have a problem, it's atemporary ban, it hasn't been called for yet, nobody hasdone it, this is just a suggestion until we find outwhat's going on. >>we have to have a ban onpeople coming in from syria and from different parts of theworld with this philosophy that is so hateful and sohorrible. >>when i'm elected i willsuspend immigration from areas
of the world where there is aproven history of terrorism against the united states,europe, or our allies. >>so it starts with, as you sawwith your own eyes, total and complete ban on muslims. thatgoes to, there are exceptions. then it goes to i'm flexible. then it goes to a temporary ban, then it goes to just asuggestion, did i say a ban? just a suggestion.
then it goesto syria and different parts of the world, then it goes to areasof the world that have had terrorism against the unitedstates, and now as you saw in the first clip, last night he ison o'reilly saying, i never said muslims. notorious andpathological liar. okay, liberals don't like him anyway,independents, you aren't sure -- conservatives, you think youlike him?
what do you like? which trump do you like? theone who said i'm always flexible, i always change myopinion, or the one that said a complete ban on muslims, or theone who said i never said muslims? which trump do youlike? i don't know, you don't know!
just think twice. this guyis not what he seems to be. and you will tell me that hillaryclinton is a liar, and i would agree with you. i made the caseagainst hillary clinton in the primaries, i think she standsfor the establishment, i've been over this 1000 times, has shebeen honest about the emails or not? no.
but don't tell me youare not voting for hillary because you can't trust her,then you vote for trump? you trust that guy? you don't get tomake that case, if you want to make a different case that'sfine, but this guy, don't come around pretending he is anhonest and trustworthy guy, because no one can make thatcase. if you are worried about a
politician who lies, then yournumber one concern should be donald trump. he does it onevery issue. so him, it's the biggest wild card we've everthrown in world history. eh, let's throw a wild card, seewhat happens. maybe we get a fascist, maybe we get a racist.
maybe we don't. i don't know, who cares? let's risk the wholeworld gambling on a guy who is pathological. that's not agamble i want to take. you want to take that gamble, don't comearound and later say nobody could have seen it coming. i'mtelling you right now i see it
coming, the guy is a totalbasketcase and god help us all if he gets elected.
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