hital muraj: we have a deaf population of at least about 270,000. generally in this part, having any kind of a disabled child is termed as a curse. we don't even know sign language. we cannot even understand what the deaf are saying, because they've never been integrated into the society. what happens when a deaf child wants to go to hospital, chances are he'll just sit back at home and die. if he?s picked up by police, he's going to be locked up in jail. there's no way he can be able to communicate. what deaf aid is trying to do is get these people to start thinking differently and make them realize that their disability is not really their inability to do anything. by bringing these kids out, we're trying to really change the way the society is thinking, and give the deaf people or any disabled people some kind of a status or a position in the society which they never had before.
we have a program called the cisco networking academy program, and the program is a really dynamic education program that teaches students regardless of where they come from. deaf aid academy is actually part of our global cisco academy program. many of the kids at deaf aid are doing it essentials. it teaches them pc hardware and software maintenance. the kids actually learn how to troubleshoot pcs, how to install hardware in a computer. basically taking technology and empowering people is just amazing. they have a very strong asset that they own, which is -- they don't get any distractions. they don't get affected by noise. when they're given a job, they do it perfectly.
the program continues to innovate by looking for new partners who can help the students get access to jobs, because once they get income they will be able to go back and invest it in their family, in their community. all of a sudden, they've become valuable not only to the society but also to their own families. student: this is kibera and this is my home.
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