[ music ] >> are you looking for anexciting, public health career? become a cdc disease detective. cdc's epidemic intelligenceservice, better known as eis is a two year, post-graduate programof service. it offers on the job trainingfor health professionals who are interested in thepractice of epidemiology. eis attracts candidatesfrom diverse backgrounds.
physicians, nurses,veterinarians, and ph.d. trained scientists. eis officers often calledcdc's disease detectives are on the public healthfront lines. they conduct epidemiologicinvestigations, research, and public healthsurveillance both nationally and internationally. eis alum, actingsurgeon general, rear admiral boris lushniak,
class of 1988 shareswhy he joined eis. >> well certainly eis program has an incredible legend associated with it. it always was one of those premier programs to get that person such as myself, who wasclinically oriented, to get them into field settings. to really deal with the issue of on the job trainingregarding epidemiology but also on the job training regardingthe analysis of data,
the looking at public healthand population based problems. to be able to come upwith recommendations to solve those problemsand ultimately to make a biggerimpact on the world. you know when i was lookingat the program, i in fact, fell in love with theprogram as a medical student. at that time, i remember, therewas a magazine that had come out that was profilingdifferent specialties and one of the specialties profiled
one of those months was theepidemic intelligence service. i remember still as a first or second year medical studentsaying that's what i want to do. first of all, i wantedto see the world. i wanted to get involvedin population issues. so even though i realizedi needed to have a basis in clinical medicine, i knew at some point i would dedicatethe two years of my life to doing the epidemicintelligence service.
if nothing else, for thevariety that it offered but also for the trainingthat it offered. >> being a part ofeis allows you to learn public healthepidemiology and gain skills in disease surveillance,epidemiologic investigation and research, scientificwriting and responding to urgent public health threats. eis officers have theopportunity to work at state and local health departmentsthroughout the united states
or at cdc on various topicssuch as infectious diseases, chronic diseases, occupational and environmental healthissues and many others. rear admiral lushniak describeshis eis work assignment. >> there were so manydifferent options. there were the option tostay at cdc, atlanta and certainly thediversity of programs there. i was very interestedat the state program but also i had an interestin the area of occupational
and environmental medicine and environmentalissues in particular. and so i decided togo for the placement at the national institute foroccupational safety and health and i was initially stationedin cincinnati, ohio as part of their hazard evaluation and technical assistanceprogram at cdc niosh. >> since 1951, thousands ofeis officers have responded to urgent outbreaks andpublic health challenges
by identifying the cause,implementing control measures and recommending how to preventsimilar outbreaks in the future. eis wants the bestof the best to apply for this two-year program. >> individuals who areout there looking at it from whatever basethey come from. whether it's from themedical, the nursing, from the scientific base,they need to look at this as an opportunity togrow, as an opportunity
to look at the world, right? this is exciting stuffto be working on. and ultimately anopportunity to think about the service partof their career path. ultimately government serviceis a bold and noble undertaking. yeah, i'm a big fan of it. i've been doing itall of my adult life but it started with eis. >> eis offers a uniqueopportunity
for health professionalsto learn and practice appliedepidemiology while serving as members of the cdc team. eis is a good fitif you're interested in applied epidemiologyand using new technology to solve problems toimprove public health. as an eis officer, youwill be in the vanguard of public healthprofessionals working on global health security,anti-microbial resistance,
prescription drug overdoseand other priorities. physicians and otherhealth care professionals, doctoral level scientistsand veterinarians may apply. >> for people who are you know,thinking about the program, first and foremost, realizeyes it's 24 months, okay? it may lead you down apathway as it did for me and for many other leadersin public health. that, that was the entry point. if that's what you'relooking for great.
even if you're lookingfor just something unique for those 24 months,something that will add even to your clinicalacumen, alright? then just do it. the reality of the situationis 24 months nowadays it seems like a long time. it goes by just like that. it does take you a littleoff the traditional pathway. for example, forphysicians, right?
the traditional pathwayis you get your m.d. or your d.o. degree,you go into residency, you go into clinical practice. this is a diversion,perhaps for two years, or for a whole career. it is well worth it. it allows you to look atvarious aspects of yourself. alright? the conceptof leadership. the concept of integrity,of excellence
and ultimately of service.
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