embassy jobs in addis ababa

embassy jobs in addis ababa

my name is ruth riley thirteen-year of achievement in the wnba and i'm honored to be here on behalf of the clinic with the federation, state department and the embassy here in ethiopia. my name is kita matungulu i am the director of basketball operations at the nba africa you know i just ensure that all theactivities with regard to nba basketball operations are done on the continent 2004 olympics in athens greece i had the honor of representing my country winning a gold medal along with my teammates and this is surely one ofthe most memorable moment for me. this is incredible i mean gym full of women on the content playing sports. it is a growing sport here throughout africa and just the positive lessons that these young women can learn from bulding thier confidence overcoming

adversity setting and achieving goalsworking with others there's so many positive things that they can learnthrough the sport. we are now growing you know slowly slowly but i think we are on track now . this time around we have ruth riley coming in and doing some coaching clinic for the girls. which is a great opportunity and last time we did a coaching clinic for both boys and girls. there's a lot more opportunities up coming for development in ethiopia i think the future is bright for basketball here in ethiopia their federation has definitely been committed to building their academy here to developing the game here hopefully we can get mba to come and do a junior mba program here to continue to

develop the game but from what i seehere excited for the future. you do not have to be tall to play basketball i am probably about five five in the wnba and so it's just a matter of time a lot of hard work, high hopes in my position but there are other positions on the court first and foremost i would like to thankthe usa embassy for supporting such kind of amazing clinic and this clinic helps not only most of the kids acquires basic skills but also sport is a means ofof unity and bringing together different kind of thinking under one unit. so the beauty ofbasketball is that you have a different kind of

different background people that come and play and share experience learn from each other and also one of the strategy to keep the youthas a good citizens. you know to have her speak on behalf of the girls and coach the girls i think it provide us with the tool that is veryrare because we often how the guys in the boys coming to coaching clinics. so to have ruth here is the key point for us to have the girls in the clinic. the ground here is fertile in terms of development. you know the federation can grow and i think working with them together with yourself as the u.s. embassy will provide them with an opportunity to sustain a program that allow a good development of basketball in ethiopia. i would say don't be shy you know understand

there is a great game it's a lot of fun this is a great game it's a lot of fun grab some friends come out understand that you gone fell there is no one that is perfect. so don't let that inhibit you from coming out and trying the sport and i am sure they would have a great time

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embassy jobs in addis ababa