ethio job vacancy

ethio job vacancy

president park geun-hye is in ethiopia -- thefirst stop of her three-nation africa trip. she will hold summit talks with ethiopia'sprime minister and the president... with the goal of enhancing economic ties and cooperationin various fields. for more, we turn to our presidential officecorrespondent song ji-sun, who is on the line from addis ababa.ji-sun, what can we expect from tonight's summit? daniel.president park was greeted by ethiopian prime minister hailemariam desalegn upon landingat the airport. not long from now, the two will soon sit downfor talks, and they are expected to seal dozens

of deals... in order to enhance economic cooperationin multiple fields. among the agreements is a planned textilecomplex covering 100 hectares, or one square kilometer.the project is expected to give korean investors a competitive edge in production costs. "ethiopia has a strong textile industry, withproduction costs that are about 30-percent lower than in china. korea's entry into theethiopian market will enable us to send exports to the u.s. and the eu without tariffs." seoul will also take a greater role in ethiopianinfrastructure projects in transportation, power generation and urban development.korea will also offer its knowledge in high

value-added sectors... like science and technology,energy, e-government and customs. another highlight of the president's statevisit is the launch of korea aid -- a new official development aid program offeringfood, health and cultural services. "in our bid to support africa's ability toachieve its sustainable development goals for 2030, adopted at the un last year,...seoul will launch korea aid, a comprehensive development project that covers healthcare,food and culture, leaving no area left behind." president park will also sit down with ethiopianpresident mulatu teshome,... and the two are expected to discuss topics from peacekeepingand defense... to climate change. the two leaders are also expected to sharetheir views on the north korea nuclear issue,...

and the outcome could serve as an examplefor other african countries to implement the un sanctions on pyongyang.later this evening, president park will attend a state banquet at the presidential palace.i'll have more details on the talks... when the summits come to an end later tonight.back to you in seoul.

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ethio job vacancy