my camera is not turning on!what's that? i did slide and let go not turning on... here we'll let an expert to see if he can turn it on our networks in here are always unpredictable so terrible... have no idea what we're gonnafind they are slow today you know you can help me out if you're on wifi if you could just get off [laugh] i'd appreciate it
we're having a little problem here we've figured out why my demo crashed because there are 570 wifi base stationsoperating in this room ... okay? we can't deal with thatso we have two choices either i've got some more demos thatreally great that i'd like to show you so we either turn off all the stuff and see the demos or we give up and i don't show you thedemos would you like to see the demos or not? ok, so here's the deal
lets turn up the lights in the hallseveral hundred of these are mifi things too by the way so all you bloggers need the turn offyour base stations turn off the wifi every note book i'dlike them to put put him down on the floor and all you look around i'd like you to police each other if you want to see the demosshut all your laptops turn off all these mifi base stationsand put them on the floor please come on, look around you
i mean i'm i'm not you know i think bloggers have aright to walk but if we want to see the demos we're not gonna be able to do it unless weturn off all these mifi base stations and laptops set them on the floor i've got time[laugh] i really want your wifi devices offare they off? please term off if you've turned them back on
were making mistakes we're fixing them as fast as we can and... what happens sometimes though is thatsome people lie, some people use unpublished apis and they're apps get rejected some people submit an app that they says that say does one thing but really doessomething else they try to hide it from us they getvery clever about that they try to hide it from us and we findit we reject it and they were run to the press
and they tell the press the story aboutoppression and it gets written up and they gettheir 15 minutes of fame because they hope it will convince us to to changeour minds which it never does but they keep tryingto do that, and... it's unfortunate but we take it in thechin that's part of what we do and we don'trun to the press and go this guy's a sob liar and we went through the roof about thisso we said no we're not going to allow this
this is violating our privacy policiesand it's pissing us off but they're publishing data about ournew products and you guys have to stop making me blindor i'm gonna fall off the stage here like bob dole can i ask you to stop using flashes for awhile that'd be great i can hardly see anymore you know i can't see when you do that thanks, so maybe later could we do some more that really helped me
you know i couldhear a lot of phones beeping so can we just take a minute maybeeverybody could put the silencer on their phones thank you
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