latest jobs april 2016

latest jobs april 2016

>> efrem: ahead on "newswatch," ted cruz and bernie sanders win big in wisconsin. we'll break down what last night's primaries mean, and whether trump and clinton are still on track to win.

plus, persecution in pakistan, a terror group targeting christians in the country, and learn how you should be praying. then... >> those chips will compel you to eat more and more beyond what you should,

and you'll go back for more bags and more bags. >> efrem: addicted to junk, we're unlocking the science behind processed foods. thank you so much for joining us for cbn "newswatch."

i'm efrem graham. as expected, the voters of wisconsin have given ted cruz and bernie sanders victories over their party front-runners, and that means contested party conventions may be more likely this summer for the

republicans and possibly even the democrats. our gary lane has more. >> reporter: it wasn't a knock-out punch, but ted cruz delivered a blow to donald trumpp's efforts to win the nomination before the g.o.p. convention.

>> god bless the great state of wisconsin. >> reporter: ohio governor john kasich came in a disappointing and distant third, winning only 14% of the vote. >> tonight is a turning point.

it is a rallying cry. it is a call from the hard-working men and women of wisconsin to the people of america. we have a choice, a real choice. >> reporter: cruz said he is truly unifying the

republican party. donald trump responded, saying there is no party unity, just an anti-trump initiative led by the g.o.p. party establishment. but american voters may be moving towards cruz over

trump. cruz is leading trump for the first time nationally, 39% to 37%. and he'll still need to win 1237 delegates to get the delegations. trump has 740, cruz 514, and kasich only 143.

on the democratic side, they made hillary clinton feel the the burn. >> we won in wisconsin. [applause] [cheering] c>> reporter: vermont social senator bernie sanders decisively beatp@

clinton by 10 points. with almost 57% of the vote to her 43%. >> we have now won seven out of eight of the last caucuses. >> reporter: but sanders still needs to win about 67% of the remaining

delegates to secure the democratic nomination. 2383 are needed. hillary clinton has 1743, and sanders, 1056. while the momentum now favor sanders and cruz, it can quickly change. donald trump and hillary

clinton are expected to win their home state of new york when voters go to the polls for that primary in two weeks. gary lane, cbn news. >> efrem: mississippi governor phil bryant has signed a religious

protections bill after it passed the state house and senate last week. churches, religious charities, and private businesses will be able to refuse to participate in gay wedding ceremonies without fear of

punishment. protestors say the law discriminates against the homosexual community. but the law says governments must still provide services, but individual employees may opt out.

>> i think it is a good deal. i think it protects the people with deeply-held religious beliefs. so did the legislature and the majority of the people of the state of mississippi, so we signed

it into law. >> efrem: the american family association applauded the law, saying they didn't cave to the pressure of the local gay activists. the law goes into effect on july 1st.

>>> north carolina is paying a high price. pay pal says it is cancelling its plans to bring more than 400 jobs into the city. the decision comes after north carolina's governor signed a bill requiring

transgenders people to use public bathrooms assigned to their biological sex, rather than the sex they identify with. pay pal's president says the new law results in discrimination. it is not clear what the

next step will be for pay pal in north carolina. >> this has a real impact on charleston families and north carolina families. i'm urging our legislature to find some kind of legislative remedy as soon as possible.

>> i'm going to respect people who disagree with owithour basic common sense rules. >> efrem: pay pal will be seeking an alternative location for their center. >>> the idaho governor has vetoed the bill that would

have allowed the bible to be used in public school curriculum. it would have allowed the teachers to reference the biblical for subjects like history, music, and history. he says he respects the

bible, but the bill was unconstitutional. >>> the taliban that was deadly for the bombing in brussels is planning nore attacks imoreattacks in the days ahead. more than 360 people were injured. nbc news is reporting a

spokesman for the terrorist group says the men responsible for the murders were trained in afghanistan. government leaders around the world condemn the easter attack, but christians say much more

needs to be done to protect the body of christ in pakistan. >>> joining us now with more from our w washington bureau is wilson chowdry, and he is the chairman of the group christians in pakistan.

how are the christians holding up after the attack? >> these attacks never stopped my community from going back to churches. in fact, they came close to god in times of great diversitiy.

however, they are still very terrified. they don't believe that the government is doing enough to protect them. >> efrem: the taliban faction responsible says more attacks are coming. what do you think should

be done? >> we need to have better security at churches. the government has failed on several cases. the churches are using their own voluntary security forces, and they aren't particularly

trained for this. if the government can afford it, why not train these people to have better skill. more to the point, the government has to clamp down and catch these terrorists.

after the bombing, 5,000 arrests were made, and 200 convictions were started. but i'm concerned about why it was so easy to find them after the bomb attack, and not before. it seems to me that pakistan has one foot in

each camp. >> efrem: it is clear the government needs to be doing more. how are the u.k. and the u.s. responding? >> yesterday we had a protest outside the u.n., and americans and britons

collaborating together. we need to recognize that christians are persecuted, and not merely targeted. and we need the western nations to engage better with pakistan. absolutely no changes have been made to the poor

human rights record. we're saying stop that foreign aid until we can see a change that will bring equality to the nation that is suffering great distress. >> efrem: you were in new york yesterday and

washington today, and what do you want president obama and members of congress to do? >> firstly, engage with the president of pakistan and ask what is happening about these terrorists. the terrorists seem to be

growing in number, despite the billions plowed in by america to sharpen up the security in pakistan. and president obama really has to look at the way pakistan protects all of its people. the blasphemy law protects

only the islamic faith. promises of reform never come to fruition. all we're seeing is the laws are being increasingly used to target christians, who now make up 15% of blasphemy charges, despite being

only 1.6% of the population. it is evidence of clear targeting of minorities in this is a genocide. it is a genocide nevertheless. >> efrem: how and what should we be praying for?

>> well, pray for the families that have been affected. children who are in hospital. there is a 3-year-old child with punctured lungs, his eyes burned out -- they're not sure

whether it is a girl or boy -- and no parents have come to collect that child from the hospital. pray for healing. pray for restoration. pray for that child's parents to come forward, if they're still alive, or

a family member, to daycare of thatakecare of that child. pray for peace in i think this attack in itself is probably going to be the trigger for change that we all wished for because there has been so much media attention.

pray that people watching today contact their m.p.s, contact their senators, and pray for that protection to come to fruition. >> efrem: nuclear proliferation topped the agenda the the world

leaders gathering for a nuclear summit in washington. president obama and the president of china exchanged views, but safeguarding korea from nuclear weapons was the urgent concern.

we have the story. >> reporter: china and the united states last week reaffirmed a joint commitment to global nuclear security and pledged to continue their partnership in this area. china vowed to sponsor

training programs for other countries, to further promote global nuclear security awareness. despite some disagreements with the united states, president chi said the two countries have mutual

interests that should be addressed. >> through translator: on the basis of respecting each other's core interests and major concerns, we should seek solutions through dialogue and consultation.

>> reporter: as a summit, president obama urged china to use its influence to eliminate north korea's nuclear program. north korea's recent missiles launches have gone around the world.

>> president obama: of great persons t importance to us is capabilities. president chi and i committed to full implementation of u.n. sanctions. >> reporter: north korea criticized the u.n.

sanctions, and said the u.s. should stop spreading their opinions. >> we strongly condemn and reject these wild sanction maneuvers against our ships by the u.s. imperialists and their fellows.

the u.n. security council should ensure the peace and security of the world, but it has abandoned its own mission and duty. >> reporter: china's president meets with president obama again in september.

that's when the g-20 summit will be held in the chinese city of hung jo. north korea may again be a subject of mutual concern, but climate change and green energy may also top the agenda. mung san li, for cbn news.

>> efrem: coming up, isis destroyed their lives. find out how cbn partners are helping to rebuild them. >> efrem: the ex ternal affairs for india says the catholic priest held

hostage in yemen is alive. several outlets reported that father tom had been crucified, but he is alive and the indian government is working for his release. he way taken by muslim militants who attacked the

catholic retirement home in south yemen. they killed 15 people in that attack, including four nuns. >>> we've heard for months about hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing for their lives

from isis. now we would like to introduce you to one of those families. hazan and aziza fled from kurdistan. even though they escaped from isis, their troubles were far from over.

and cbn is stepping in to help. >> reporter: aziza and her two children were forced to run the night isis attacked their home in syria. >> we left at fast as we could, and left everything

behind to be destroyed by isis. i only thought about our survival and getting to our husband in kurdistan. >> reporter: the border was closed, so they paid a smuggler to get them to >> i was so happy to hold

them in my arms, but my brother didn't escape. isis cut him into pieces and sent me the pictures on my phone. now i see that image in my head every day. >> reporter: they quickly found out how hard

life is for refugees. >> the cost of living here is too high. and the company i work for has refused to pay five months of wages they owe me. no one is willing to help us.

i'm especially worried for my wife because we found out she is pregnant. >> my husband has high blood pressure because of his struggles, and i am afraid he will have a heart attack. we can barely buy food,

but the hardest part, as a mother, is not being able to get toys for my children. my son's only toy is broken, and it is his dream to have a remote-control car, but we can't afford it.

>> reporter: the family told me aziza can't find a job because of the local stigma against syrian women. so we came up with a plan to open a women's accessories store for her. we helped her buy

everything she needed. we even found a storefront close to her home and paid three months' rent in advance. >> this was an amazing thing for you to do for you have given us hope and brightened our life.

>> reporter: cbn also got blood pressure medicine for hazan, and pre-natal vitamins for aziza. before we left, we had one more surprise: brand new toys for the children. >> i am so grateful to god

for having met you. thank you for your desire to help us. >> we know what history told us about islam, that it came with a bloody sword. but we didn't believe it. now we have seen the

reality of that. and we have seen christianity, who came with support and love. >> efrem: you can learn more about how cbn is helping around the world by going to >>> up next...we'll hear

from an investigative reporter who infiltrated america's largest processed food companies to spill their deadly secrets. >> efrem: if you want to lose weight, beans might be the cure to health.

chickpeas, lentils, and beans can help you feel full and get rid of the extra finding. one expert told health day news the study wasn't surprising because these foods are full of fiber, protein, vitamins and

minerals. >> well, when it comes to health, processed food has become public enemy number one. our cbn news health reporter lori johnson met an investigative journalist who went

undercover to learn the secrets of the processed food industry, and how they're keeping us hooks. >> lori: processed foods, we know we should stay away from them and those sugary drinks, too, but they're just so hard

to resist. >> the food that we hate to love and that we're so tempted and will overeat is a problem. and the solution is gaining control over that food. >> lori: michael moss is

a pulitzer prize winning investigative journalist for the "new york times". he infiltrated america's largest processed food companies. in the book "salt, sugar, fat," he exposes how they addicted us.

>> they got paid by making products that are utterly irresistable to people, that are ultra convenient, that will sit on the shelf and be waiting for you when you're ready to eat them and at an incredibly low cost.

>> lori: maybe a low cost at the checkout line, but we pay dearly later on with our health and lost productivity. doctors trace our obesity epidemic back to processed food, and so do the people making those products.

>> the startling thing is that the food industry has known for years and years that it is at least partly responsible for that. >> lori: processed foods kill with staggering amounts of salt, sugar, usually high fructose corn

syrup, and unhealthy fats. >> i don't view the food industry as some evil empire that intentionally sought to make us obese. it is their collective zeal to do what companies do, which is to make as much money possible by

selling as much product as possible. >> lori: inside these labs of the processed food companies, scientists use cutting-edge technology, formulating what is known as a food's bliss point. that usually means one

thing: sugar. >> prepared pasta sauces on the shelf in the grocery store are really sweet. they will have the equivalent of two oreo cookies or more of sugar per tiny little half cup

serving. i started making my own pasta sauce and it is not that hard. >> lori: they also lure us with tecture. by manipulating a food's chemical structure, scientists achieve

ultimate what they call "mouthfeel," and they invented ways to disguise the sensation of being full. to you eat more and more food-makers know we consumers care about nutrition, so they devise

marketing schemes to make their products appear healthy. they'll dial back on one bad ingredient, while secretly pumping up others. >> so, for example, you can find a yogurt that

sells itself as being low-fat, but it can and often has as much sugar in it and calories as a serving of ice cream. >> lori: labels taut healthy ingredients like calcium, olive oil or fruit, but the amount of

the good stuff is miniscule. a close look still shows shocking levels of salt, sugar, and fat. the good news is we can resist the temptation to buy processed foods by coming to the store full,

hydrated, and armed with the a good shopping list. and don't buy anything unless it is on the list. spend more time on the perimeter of the store, where you'll find the fresh foods. when you are in the center

part of the store, be weary of the products at eye level. grocers put those items right in front of your face because they sell the most. so while processed food is delicious, cheap, and

convenient, it could ruin your health. the extra effort to eat fresh food will likely pay off in the long run. lori johnson, cbn news. >> efrem: "operation blessing" is helping a single father in peru by

providing a farming project. after his wife left him to care for their three children all along, he could not find steady work. "operation blessing" bought a poultry farming

project to his daughter's school, and they were so impressed with his experience and dedication, they provided him with 75 chickens to start his own family farming project as an extension of the school he says

that thanks to "operation blessing," he now has a permanent job and he can be successful. >>> well, finally, a word for your wednesday, and today's word is "give."

this is a good day to give or do something for someone who is poor and in need. and unfortunately they are very easy to find because there are so many in there. remember this promise: he

that gives to the poor lends to the lord, and god repays his debt with greater interest than any lender. >> with that, make the time to give, and make this a wonderful wednesday.

>> that is going to do it for this edition of cbn you can find more of our exclusive coverage at we would love to hear what you think about the stories you've seen here today.

and join us right back here come tomorrow. make it a wonderful

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latest jobs april 2016