2016 jobs in nigeria

2016 jobs in nigeria

you don't wait for things to happenahhhh you either make them happenor they never happen you work at making them happenhe said work out your own salvationthe same way you must work out your own change of levelyour change of level won't happenyou have to write the required test the required examsto change class even if your father were the headmasterand the principal of the school you must write the examto change class

if you are not ready for the examyou are explaining i have a headachei have backache you will still write itwhen that headache is over that exam, you must writeso your change of level places a definitedemand on your life now listen to meyou can inherit anything but not statusyou can inherit carsinherit land inherit housesbut not status

if your father was a professorand he is now gone and he willed to youhis professorial title and you apply for a job with itgod have mercy they will lock you upand imprison you without any prison termsay just be there because you are funny enoughto think that you can inherit the worth of your fatheryou may inherit his wealth but not his worthnow, now, listen so the worth of your lifeis as worked out by you

now, more dangerouslyif your father were perhaps a heavyweight wrestling championand he willed his belt to you and you are challengedto defend that title then you now came outthe professional wrestler will take you up like thisand say where do you want me to land you and by the time he throws you downyou are broken into spare pats you cannot inherit the worth of a manyou cannot whatever you don't earnnever adds value to you wealth gotten by vanityshall diminish

but he that gathers by laborshall increase so get readyyou can't change level on another man's ticket you cannot change level on another man's ticketyou cannot change level on another man's ticketyou have to pay the price to change your levelyour father can't write exam for you no,that would beexam malpractice they will lock the two of you upeven if he is the headmaster of the school thereforelift up the hands that hang down and the feeble kneesand make straight path for your feet

lest that which is lame be turned out of theway but rather let it be healedthis is crucial it is time to be awakewe are a people of equal destiny why are some living like destitutesnow we are a people of equal destinies he saidthe people he has predestinated romans 28: 29-30he has called, and the people he has calledhe has justified and the people he has justifiedhe has equally glorified every child of god shares an equalglorious destiny with others

but how do we get thereas we behold him as in a glass revelationand put it to work we are changed from glory to gloryas by the spirit of god i believe all of us are herebecause god has ordained us to get on a frequency ofcontinuous change of level continuous change of levelcontinuous change of level

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2016 jobs in nigeria