thank you very much for having me here. i maybe have the surprising titleof "why kenyans do it better," but relax, it's all cool; it's just that we need to rethinkour mobile solutions. it's not maybe that the industry isa little bit crazy or the stock market, we all know that, but maybe also our approachwhen it comes to a mobile solution is a little bit distracted from the users. i've worked 10 years in this industry.
i thought i knew a lot. but actually, i had to travel to kenyato really understand what the problem is. we simply went therebecause our daughter is 9 years old, and my wife said, "you know, when i was 9 years old,i was on a safari for the first time, and it was really an impressioni never forgot my whole life. so why don't we take her there?" which we actually did,and we slept in this tent.
it's an outstanding experience,i can tell you. because there are no fencesaround the camp. there are just some guards,walking up and down. if you want, you can askmy wife in the break how it is when an elephantstands next to your tent during the night, and the husband has the idea,"i have to go to the toilet." but it was really great. we saw all the animals. go there in july, it's the best time;
although we've seen the big five,we were very excited. for my daughter, the most excitingexperience was a pink hippo. which is fair, i mean,pink hippo is really rare, and i liked it, and i thinkit will have also to do with the color. but when you spend five dayswith a guy in a car, our driver, steven, you get to learn from each other,you chit chat about this and that. one day, he received a text message. he obviously was very happyabout getting this text message.
he immediately started doing phone callswhile driving through the green. when i asked him during the break, "what happened?you seem to be very happy," he said like, "yeah, yeah, yeah,my daughter passed an exam." you have to know, he is workingtwo months, seven days a week, then he gets two weeks off. then he drives 800 kilometersto his family to see them. i said, "that's nice. so your wife keeps you up-to-datewith what's going on."
he said, "no no no, the school.""ah, ok, so the teacher is texting you." "no, no, the school. i know everything. if my daughter doesn't attend school,i get a text message." ok. full stop now. again, i'm living in one of the top tenrichest countries in the world. i have spent 10 years in this industry. sorry for the words: i have absolutely no clueif my daughter goes to school, or what her grades are,and if she passed an exam.
we think we are one of the mosthighly developed markets in the world. we have a mobile phonepenetration beyond 120%. if you think today,in terms of marketing solutions, an app is the state of the art. most big companies and also smaller ones, either they are already implementing or at least they are consideringto have a mobile solution, they will think about an app, which makes absolutely perfect sense,
according to my knowledge after 10 years. why? because 40% on average now - and please, this is notexact market research, i round it up or down to make ita little bit more visible today - but on average 40% of all smartphonesin austria which are sold, of all phones, are smartphones. in germany, it's 25%. so, this is reallya highly-developed market.
but if you start developing an app,and you make this decision, it means you can only reach40% of all users; 60% gone. ok. it's ok. but then, your mobile agencyor developer will say, "but we need to make decisions. you cannot have an app for all. we need to make a great app,an exciting app. we need to make decisionsbased on operating systems. most people have no clueabout operating systems,
so they may well ask you, "what do we do?" i say, like, "yea, we takethe most popular one. that works for everyone." ok, you take apple ios, which has,on average, 20% market share in a 40% smartphone market, which means, like, you can only reach8 % of all users in austria, any more. ok, good. now, there is the next thing: not all of your customerswill have these kinds of smartphones,
in our case, an iphone. but let's be're in a great industry. we'll say your customershave over the average income. so 50% of your customers have an iphone. lots of managers and other ones in there. great. so you can still reach4 % of all users in austria. unfortunately, nobody has a cluethat your app exists. nobody has ever heard about it,
and there are half a millionor more apps in the store, so the chance isthat they find you is rather rare, but your business works great,you have a lot of marketing budget, so you decideyou really spend a 6-digit amount, on promoting your app. let's assume you haveone of the smartest agencies in austria, and they really do an exciting job, and together with the crm program,it works great. twenty five percent of all peopledownload your app,
so every fourth one, and trust me,that would be a really good value. one percent of all users in austria. now they have downloaded it, but sorry, bad news,according to a latest study, 28% of people who downloadedan app don't even open it once. so at the moment, we areat 0.72% of all users in austria. i think you got my point a little bit. so, to put it in a nutshell,what was surprising to me, when i was in kenya,
and again, 10 years in this industry, and if you ask meor anybody else in this industry, what do you think the hottest topicin the next three years will be? mobile payment.everybody is working on that. we will dominate everything, and everybody is going to paythrough their phones. now i've been to kenya. forty million people are there. many people would consider ita developing country.
remember, 40 million peopleare living there. fourteen million people in kenyahave a mobile payment solution. now, who's now the stupid one? they don't need to have everything. the most simple, "stupid"feature phone is enough. they do it based on text messages. simple text messages. the great thing is,because it's a developing country, many people don't have bank accounts;
they don't need a bank accountfor their mobile payment solution. very smart approach. so how do they get people money? they send it via a text messageto another person, and believe me, in placeswhere you would never imagine that something like this could be,you find this, "the m-pesa agent." "pesa" is swahili,and it means simply "money." so it's a combination of text messagesand a kind of western union outlets. and that enables peoplein the middle of nowhere
to send money to other people,or get money. cool. i live in the top tenrichest countries in the world, i cannot pay except for parking. but it's a fair point. after this safari, we went to the hotel and then we learnedthat most people never leave the hotel. they spend their entire time at the pool, because outside of the hotel arethese very bad people called "beach boys"
that are just tryingto sell you something. we got to know some of them,especially one guy in the red shirt, jubo. don't think they can run aroundwherever they want. they need to get a license. and it is restricted to a certain areain front of a specific hotel. otherwise, there'll bea chaos on the beach, so it is really structured. i spoke to this guy. they don't bite. they actually are very nice.
he spent six years in school, and we hadthe whole conversation in german, because he said he lovesto talk to tourists. impressive. and he told me also about it. >from him i learned, and i read it later, that only 700,000 people in kenya havea health insurance, as we know it. which means 39 million don't havehealth insurance, which is a big problem. when we spoke about it,he said like, "yeah, they have it," because he can always save money,
and send it to a virtual account; and that virtual accountcan be used for everybody. so his sister can use it,his little sister, his mom can use it, his grandpa. he can go to a hospital,which is of course subsidized, but he gets medical treatment there. when his little sister needs somethingfor school, he can order it. he orders it in shopswhich don't even have electricity, but the shop owners, with my orders,can set up virtual stores,
where other people can order stuff and tell they will pick it upat half past five, when they are going home. it's obvious,because nobody wants to queue up, so you just order, you get a bag, you pay, or you might have already paidthrough m-pesa. that works fine. i'm queuing up. every time; and i hate it.
that you have an example,there are these three outstanding women, who created over a weekend - a weekend - for a startup competition, a solution called "m-farm,"which allows again, based on mobile phones, that farmers learnat which market their crops are needed and which price they will get. if they want to sell to a bigger company, they can do group buying or group sellingbased on mobile phones.
i cannot do group buying at the moment. but that's a fair point. and of course,in these countries, they suffer. so kilimo salama,for example, puts up this. once a farmer signs upthrough a mobile phone, for an insurance, for his crops. now again, this is the middle of nowhere, there is no electricity,but it doesn't matter, because it's solar powered.
the company comes,puts up this solar-powered station which measures the soil,the weather, the rain, and everything. and if it's too dry, guess what? he gets automatic paymenton his mobile phone from this insurance company. now, i have never receivedan automatic payment from any insurance company, but that's a different one. now, what i'm trying to tell youis that my impression is,
after ten years in this industry, that we just have one problem in our top ten richest countryin the world, which is: we have too many resources. the scarcity of the resources therebrings the best out of people. to me this is, in a certain way,i admire them for what they are doing, but on the other side,i am a little bit scared, because, believe it or not, in five years, it could be possiblethat we need to go to kenya,
and ask them for consultationon mobile solutions. and that is something, i think,we should consider our approach today. thank you. (applause)
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