since 2012, the governor’s office of workforcetransformation has worked to align the state’s workforce development programs to the workforceneeds of ohio employers. a large part of that came through the coordinationof the state’s three largest workforce programs—the workforce investment act, adult basic & literacyeducation programs, and the state’s career technical education services—under one,unified state plan, providing coordinated, seamless workforce services to ohioans. for the first time in the state’s history,ohio’s largest workforce programs are aligned behind one unified strategy, helping to betterconnect businesses with qualified workers. through a robust stakeholder engagement process,local workforce providers helped to identify
ten key reforms, helping to improve the deliveryof workforce services. many of these reforms are currently being implemented, while othersare in progress or awaiting further guidance, but, together, these reforms will improvecollaboration among workforce providers and ensure quality services to both individualsand ohio employers. these reforms, together with others throughoutthe state, are moving ohio forward. poverty is down. job retention is up. and unemploymentcontinues to fall. but there’s more work to be done, and theoffice of workforce transformation—together with its agency partners—stands ready tocontinue these positive trends. one opportunity comes with the recently passed
workforce innovation and opportunities act,wioa. the act provides ohio with new opportunities to enhance workforce services, better connectworkforce partners, and better meet the needs of both businesses and individual ohioans. under wioa, ohio will look to incorporatethe state’s vocational rehabilitation provider—opportunities for ohioans with disabilities—as a partnerin the state’s combined workforce plan, to better serve individuals with disabilitiesthrough the state’s workforce network. together, the ohio’s combined plan is tearingdown silos and connecting workforce services across the state. certainly, wioa presents new possibilitiesand opportunities; however, last year’s
development of the unified state plan hasleft ohio well-positioned for success. through these efforts, the governor’s officeof workforce transformation remains committed to growing ohio’s economy by developinga skilled workforce, promoting effective training programs, and connecting ohio employers withohio workers. be sure to visit to seeall we’re doing to move ohio forward!
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