it jobs in kenya

it jobs in kenya

they told me that after school finding a job would be easy 85% of those in my program had a job 6 months after graduating they never said what field that job was in when i bang my job hunt, i quickly got lost in the masses of applicants invisible and undeserving in school i studied public relations and media communications i wrote press releases and boiler plates and learned the specifics of media relations and special events

when graduation came around it seemed like all i had were opportunities but after a year, i was still looking for a job in my field all of my skills from school were slowly going to waste i decided to look for a volunteer opportunity it wouldn't be paid but it would give me the experience that i so desperately needed i sat down at the same computer where i had sent out numerous resumes and started my search there were a lot of events that i could have volunteered for one of the many runs or walks for an incredibly deserving cause

but i wanted to do more than just show up the day of and hand out a t-shirt that i know how to do then i found the canada-mathare education trust they give the children from the mathare slum in kenya the opportunity to attend high school through scholarships and were looking for a pr/media relations person for an upcoming event i sent in my resume and got a response within a day i'm building on my existing skills of writing and media relations and am working on projects in social media; twitter and facebook

i've never met any of our scholars but as i take on more responsibility and my involvement becomes more defined i can relate to their desire to learn the drive to succeed and their ability to fully commit themselves because who they are and what they have been given is special sometimes all we need is an opportunity

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it jobs in kenya