june 2016 job vacancies

june 2016 job vacancies

(upbeat music) when you apply for jobs on seek or careerone, there’s a quick way to add them to your my job search effort. it’s easy to do and you’ll be able to keep all your job hunting in one place. once you’ve registered on jobactive.gov.au, it’s as simple as 1, 2, 3. step 1: when you receive your job application confirmation in your inbox from seek or careerone, click forward step 2: address the email to jobsearcheffort@employment.gov.au step 3: add your job seeker id in the subject line and hit send

all done. your job application should automatically appear in your my job search effort. if you have any problems, download our troubleshooting guide at jobactive.gov.au/getassistance let us know how you go in the comments below.

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june 2016 job vacancies