president obama: thank you. (applause) thank you so much. please, please,everybody have a seat. good morning! audience: good morning! president obama:tang jumbo. thank you so much, presidentkenyatta, for your timely remarks, your warm welcome,and the great work that has
gone into hostingthis summit. it is wonderful tobe back in kenya. niaje wasee! hawayuni! (applause and laughter) i'm proud to be thefirst u.s. president to visit kenya. and obama, this ispersonal for me. there's a reason why my nameis barack hussein obama.
my father came from theseparts, and i have family and relatives here. and in my visits over theyears, walking the streets of nairobi, i've come toknow the warmth and the spirit of the kenyan people. now, what president kenyattaand i really want to have is a conversationwith our panel. and we've got someoutstanding young people here today who i thinkrepresent the promise of
entrepreneurship not only inafrica but around the world. but i do want to makejust a few quick points. we are joined today byinspiring entrepreneurs from more than 120countries -- -- and many fromacross africa. and all of you embody aspirit that we need to take on some of the biggestchallenges that we face in the world -- the spirit ofentrepreneurship, the idea that there are no limits tothe human imagination; that
ingenuity can overcomewhat is and create what needs to be. and everywhere i go, acrossthe united states and around the world, i hear frompeople, but especially young people, who are ready tostart something of their own -- to lift up people'slives and shape their own destinies. and that's entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship creates newjobs and new businesses, new
ways to deliver basicservices, new ways of seeing the world -- it's thespark of prosperity. it helps citizens stand upfor their rights and push back against corruption. entrepreneurship offers apositive alternative to the ideologies of violence anddivision that can all too often fill the void whenyoung people don't see a future for themselves. entrepreneurshipmeans ownership and
self-determination, asopposed to simply being dependent on somebodyelse for your livelihood and your future. entrepreneurship brings downbarriers between communities and cultures and buildsbridges that help us take on common challenges together. because one thing thatentrepreneurs understand is, is that you don't have tolook a certain way, or be of a certain faith, or have acertain last name in order
to have a good idea. the challenge is -- as somany of you know -- it's very often hard to takethose first steps. it's hard to access capital. it's hard sometimes to getthe training and the skills to run a business asprofessionally as it needs to be in thiscompetitive world. it's hard to tap into thenetworks and mentors that can mean the differencebetween a venture taking off
and one that falls flat. and it's even harder forwomen and young people and communities that have oftenbeen marginalized and denied access to opportunities. you run into old attitudesthat say some people, because of where you comefrom or what you look like, don't have what it takes tolead or create a business. and sometimes it's subtle. you go into pitch an ideaand maybe the response you
get might not be asenthusiastic as if someone else pitched theexact same idea. sometimes women or folksfrom communities that historically have not beenviewed as entrepreneurial may not have the means ofopening those doors just to get in front ofthe right person. of course, the best answerto that kind of thinking is the example that all of youare setting -- your success. and that's why i've madeencouraging this spirit of
entrepreneurship a key partof america's engagement in the world. i launched the first ofthese summits in washington five years ago. and since then, we'vehelped empower hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs,giving them a boost to launch thousands of newbusinesses and initiatives. here in africa, our youngafrican leaders initiative is empowering tens ofthousands of dynamic leaders
not only in business, butalso in government and civil society. because one of the thingsthat we have come to understand -- and this isparticularly relevant to africa -- is that in orderto create successful entrepreneurs, thegovernment also has a role in creating thetransparency, and the rule of law, and the ease ofdoing business, and the anti-corruption agenda thatcreates a platform for
people to succeed. so this is our first globalentrepreneurship summit in sub-saharan africa. we wanted to come here. i wanted to be here becauseafrica is on the move. africa is one of thefastest-growing regions of the world. people are beinglifted out of poverty. incomes are up.
the middle class is growing. and young people like youare harnessing technology to change the way africa isdoing business, as president kenyatta alluded to. and that creates incredibleopportunities for africans and for the world. it means more growth andtrade that creates jobs in all our countries. it's good for all of us.
this continent needs to be afuture hub of global growth, not just african growth. and the country that'shosting us today is setting an important example --kenya is leading the way. today, kenya is the largesteconomy in east africa. high-speed broadband andmobile connectivity are on the rise, unleashing theentrepreneurial spirit of even more kenyans. every day around the world,millions of people send and
save money with m-pesa --and it's a great idea that started here in kenya. from zimbabwe to bangladesh,citizens work to keep elections safe, using thecrowdsourcing platform ushahidi -- and that's agreat idea that started right here in kenya. here in nairobi, startupincubators are nurturing new businesses every day --maybe some of yours -- each with the potential tobe the great next kenyan
innovation. and the good news is thati'm not the only one who sees the promise of africa. i'm joined on this trip bysome leaders not just across my administration, but i'malso joined by 20 members of the united states congressfrom both parties -- because supporting a strongpartnership with africa is something thatunites americans. we've got some incredibleentrepreneurs and business
leaders who arewell-established from the united stateswho are with us. they see thepromise, as well. and they're putting theirmoney where their mouth is. so today, we're takingthe next steps to partner with you. first, we're offeringentrepreneurs more startup capital. at lastyear'sentrepreneurship
summit, we set a goal ofgenerating $1 billion in new investment for emergingentrepreneurs around the world, with half the moneygoing to support women and young people. a few months ago, ichallenged governments, companies, organizations andindividuals to help us reach this target. today, i am proud toannounce that not only did we make our goal,we surpassed it.
we've secured more than $1billion in new commitments from banks, foundations,philanthropists, all to support entrepreneurslike you. second, we're connectingyou with the world's top business leadersand innovators. we hand-picked more than200 seasoned investors and entrepreneurs and broughtthem to this summit. i've even brought a few ofmy presidential ambassadors for entrepreneurship.
these are some of america'sleading innovators and entrepreneurs. so if you seethem, don't be shy. (laughter) pin them down. get their advice. pitch them your idea. that's why they're here. and don't be discouragedif they say, i'm not sure
that's going to work,and they ask you tough questions. because one of the thingsevery one of these successful entrepreneurswill tell you is that along with incredible successes,they've had some failures as well, and they've learnedfrom them, but they haven't given up. number three, as i've said,we're stepping it up to support women entrepreneurs.
women are powerhouseentrepreneurs. the research shows that whenwomen entrepreneurs succeed, they drive economic growthand invest more back into their familiesand communities. we've already helped build anetwork of more than 1,600 women entrepreneursacross africa. we're launching threewomen's entrepreneurial centers -- one in zambia,one opening later this year here in nairobi-- (applause)
-- and i'm proud to announcethat the third center will be located in mali. we've got some folksfrom mali in the house. and as part of that $1billion that i mentioned earlier, the united statesoverseas private investment corporation is contributing$100 million to support goldman sachs' 10,000 womeninitiative, making more capital available towomen-owned enterprises around the world.
so, congratulations. so as you leave here today,i want you all to know that i believe in you. i believe that you have thedrive and the passion to change the world. you can unlock new solutionsto the pressing global challenges that we face. i believe that. i believe that as you makethese innovations, you'll
make life betterfor all of us. and i'm looking forward tobeing your partner in that process. so with that, what i thinkwe need to do is to hear from some of these youngentrepreneurs themselves. they can tell us a littlebit of what they're doing -- because i think they'regreat examples of all the talent that is here today. thank you very much.
jehiel oliver: thank youvery much, mr. president. now that we heard from theleaders of the free world, now let's hear fromsome entrepreneurs. like presidents,entrepreneurs activate when they see massive problems. sometimes these problemsexist in their communities. sometimes these problemsexist at a country level, like presidents andaffordable healthcare and transparent governance.
sometimes these problems areglobal issues like food and income security. my name is jehiel oliver. i'm the founderof hello tractor. we're an agriculturaltechnology company. i'm from the u.s. but i live innigeria in abuja. is nigeria in the house? in nigeria you have about28 million small farmers,
mostly women, relyingon hired labor that's expensive, that'sinefficient, and it's often times unavailable and whatthis means is crops are planted late, land isunder-cultivated, and these farm families lose income. hello tractor has come upwith a solution to this problem. we developed technology thatturns a tractor into a smart tractor.
we then pair smart tractorowners with farmers in the market texting fortractor service. it's a local technology forthe nigerian marketplace. a farmer simply sends a textmessage into our cloud and we pair that text with thenearest smart tractor owner. they arrive and provide aservice that 40 times faster than manual labor andone-third of the cost. it is completelyrevolutionizing agriculture in nigeria, soon sub-saharanafrica, and ultimately
we want to export tractorsto other markets outside of hello tractor was driven bythe need to fix the issue of global food income securityand this is our solution to this problem. female speaker:thanks, jehiel. so i'm (inaudible) , ceo and founder of i.d. guardian, a consumer deviceand biometric company based out of wonderfulzagreb, croatia.
yeah. so two and a half yearsago, our journey started. i was 22. i was studying at theuniversity of zagreb and unfortunately i had a closefamily health situation. now that enabled me toreally see how often in the healthcare system, we ignorethe emotional component in the patient. this is notbecause of doctors.
this is because the wayprocesses and medical devices are designed. they're sterile andsometimes even hostile. although the emotionalcomponent is highly correlated with the outcomeof the treatment, no one really pays attention to it. in that moment, we decidedto make teddy the guardian, the first smart teddybear in the world. it seamlessly during theplay captured the child's
heart rate, oxygen level,and body temperature and sends data to a mobile app,so completely stress-free in a soothing and calming way,you get all of the vitals under your fingertip ifyou're a parent or a pediatrician. now the main value of thisis our biometrics platform, so a platform where wereveal insights based on biometric data andbehavior patterns. this is being used by someof the biggest companies
worldwide and biggest brandsto improve their existing and create new products. so for example, if you go toany local store and buy a shampoo or a shower gel,it's currently being designed based on what youclaim you like, but in the future it will be designedusing our technology and based on what yourbody is really loving. so what we'retrying to create -- thank you.
so what we're trying tocreate is really devices that know how people feeleven when they don't have the capacity toarticulate that. the people within ourcommunity who are suffering the most, we want to createdevices and an environment that will be able tosense when these things are happening. all of this has enabledus to one, start up open, organized by globalentrepreneurship week.
we have 16 employees,offices in palo alto, london, and wonderfulzagreb, croatia, and now with some of the mostamazing engineers located there, we're really makingthe effort to bring all of these devices to themarket and bring all this technology worldwide. judy towiga: thank you. technology is one of thefastest growing sectors in kenya, yet women aregreatly underrepresented.
my name is judy towigaand i'm the cofounder of (inaudible) and i'm workingto (inaudible) generations of women who usetechnology to impact their communities andcreate solutions. five years ago, i and agroup of friends, started it stemmed from the needthat we saw that there were very few women intechnology, so we wanted to create a community wherewomen can come together,
work on different solutions,and share knowledge. after some time, we noticedthat there was a lot of knowledge sharing and therewere other people who could benefit so we thought weshould start a training program and target youngwomen who would not ordinarily consider careersin technology and who would not have anopportunity to do so. so we -- our trainingprogram targets young women from the slums of nairobi orfrom informal settlements
and we take them through aone-year training program in technology andentrepreneurship and then we help them get jobs or starttheir own businesses. when we train them intechnology, we train them how to program both web andmobile applications and graphic design. one of the students whopassed through our training programs is calledagnes masia. she went through ourtraining program for one
year and after thatyear, she is currently a technology researcher at atech company and she also started a shop where she hasemployed her older brother to work the shop using theentrepreneurship knowledge that we taught her. so she is one example. she is living thevision of (inaudible) she is using both technologyand entrepreneurship to change her familyand her community.
so that is the vision thatwe live and we breathe. we want to changecommunities one woman at a time using technology. mr. president:that's fantastic. jehiel oliver: so we've hadan opportunity to hear just a small sample of some ofthe amazing entrepreneurs that are part of thiswonderful summit put together by presidentkenyatta, president obama. i would encourage you toplease reach out and discuss
with some of theseentrepreneurs in the crowd and learn more about theirpowerful stories as well. on the stage we havekenya represented. we have croatia represented,and we have myself coming from the u.s. as an african-american, alsoreturning to my ancestral home -- -- to solve big problems. but thank you allfor your time.
thank you all to thedistinguished panelists , president obama,president, kenyatta, thank you so much. president kenyatta:thank you. president obama: an closingthoughts as you hear about these outstandingyoung people? president kenyatta: i thinkall i want to say is that what you've heard from theexperiences of these three great people right hereis their ability to turn
challenges into opportunityand this really is the future and we as governmentsshould really just focus to create an enablingenvironment that allows these great youngpeople to flourish -- -- and really be able tohelp us resolve some of the perennial problems thatwe continually face. i was just telling presidentobama about the problems we're having as a result ofclimate change in terms of, you know, our agriculturaloutput, our need to really
focus, you know,on irrigation. here's a great guy tellingus he can solve that problem for me, so i needto see you soon. so i think really it's justfor us to really create the environment, the enablingenvironment, as president obama said, deal with someof the bottlenecks, some of the governance issues, dealwith some of the problems, the structural problems,that deny our people the ability to take advantageof this great -- of the
opportunities thatactually exist. so mine is to say that youcan count on our support. we are ready, we arewilling, and we want to see what we can do to reallyhelp you move along and help us deal with the challengeswe all face on this great continent. president obama:absolutely. that's well said. president obama: i thinkwhat's also interesting is,
as you listen to these three-- and i think that i'm sure this is true of many of theentrepreneurs here as well -- one of the advantagesof this technological revolution that we're goingthrough is that it can be tailored and adapted todifferent countries, different environments,different circumstances, in some cases enablingcountries to leapfrog over old technologies, toindividualize what's done for a particular marketor a particular need.
and the kind of thing thatjahiel is talking about -- the share economy concept-- we've got the founder of airbnb out here, and you cantalk to him a little bit. he's doing pretty good. but there's a recognitionthat through these technological platforms,what might have previously required huge investmentsof capital, and as a consequence, big barriersto entry, now you can get a startup moving, and if it'sthe right idea, it can
travel with the speed ofhow fast you can text. i can't text veryfast, but -- (laughter) -- i notice malia andsasha, they -- (laughter) and so i think that thismakes a place like africa, or croatia, or othercountries that historically may not have been viewed asright at the center of the global economy, suddenlythey can compete on a level playing field. and if you have a good ideain zagreb or in abuja, or
wherever, now youpotentially have access to a global marketplace in waysthat you haven't had before. what president kenyattasaid is absolutely correct, though, and that is for usto take full advantage of this we have to supportprograms like judith's so that our young people arebeing trained in this technology, that there areno barriers for girls to be trained in this technology. if half of your teamis not playing,
you've got a problem. and in too many countries,half of the team -- our women and girls -- arenot participating enough in this. so we've got to investin human capital so that everyone has the opportunityto access this information and there's got to be theframework for access to capital; reduce regulatorybarriers; the ability to start up businesseseffectively; making sure
that governments arefacilitating as opposed to being parasitic onentrepreneurial efforts -- that's our job. and i think that the goodnews is, is that we're seeing that recognition inmore and more governments not all of them always arepracticing what they preach, but it's a start whengovernments feel obliged through, for example,initiatives like the open government partnership thatwe started through the
united nations -- where theyfeel obliged to acknowledge that they've got to getthese rule of law issues and accountability issues andhuman investment issues right -- then that gives usa lever to start continually improving the environmentfor all of you and your operations. and, last point i would make-- and president kenyatta alluded to this -- i thinkit's very important for the business leaders who arehere, the established
business leaders, tounderstand that this is still a neglected market,and accessing capital for entrepreneurs hereis still too hard. and we can help -- u.s. government policy can help-- but some of this is exposure and people having avision of what's possible. when i was here in nairobi10 years ago, it looked very different thanit does today. the incredible progressthat's been made --
-- imagine what could happenif more and more of our global business leaders andglobal capital paid a visit and actually had aconversation, as opposed to just being blinded by someof the stereotypes that are so often promoted. this thing couldmove even faster. and that's part of thereason why this summit is so important. so, i'm proud of all of you.
i'm proud of these threeentrepreneurs who are here. they represent all thetalent that's in this room. go out there andstart something. we're excited about it. we expect greatthings out of you.
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