job vacancies in nigeria

job vacancies in nigeria

i ask you to share this video because scammersfrom the continent africa ---countries such as nigeria, ghana and kenya are targetingthe western people with their fraudulent illuminati membership format. they "misuse" the illuminati trend by seekingfor popular trendy content on the internet about the illuminati. they copy and paste standard text under articlesin very large numbers. "welcome to the great illuminati global club,"the illuminati is not a club pathetic moron. here's the greatest part "are you businessman/woman, politician, musician, soccer player or student and you want to be rich, powerfuland be famous in life."

haha, who wrote this? an average business man/woman, politician,musician, soccer player is rich, is powerful and is famous. people who falls for this, believe it or notsome really do, don't have any intelligence, not even a grain of salt. the real hopeless people will bite, send personaldetails by e-mail and one day they wake up with a huge credit card debt. some use vpn tools to give you the impressionthey are from germany, the home country of the illuminati.

however, their phone numbers gives away theyare from africa. i stopped them preventing misusing my they decide to send inquiries through thecontact form. they pretend they want to join. some send me photos of themselves, just lookat thim, look. they should make a movie about him, not scarfacebut scamface. help me join illuminatii reply, something you never should do. now they never stop. lions ground is a news platform not the ideathe illuminati.

there is no such thing as a the illuminatisuch as in groups, official websites or social networks. the illuminati is something run under theidea the illuminati. for example, anonymous. it’s not a group, club and there is no officialwebsite or social network. but anonymous is an idea. anyone who introduce you as the illuminatiare scammers. if you don’t believe, go find one and sooneror later you will find out they ask for personal details to get money from you.

yeah but i believed in soul donate to lordlucifer can you help than you already a lost soul for thinkingsomething that stupid. ok fine but it's my faith towards he's allmighty yeah yeah whatever, wacko. have they ever reached out to you? use the voting poll now. i have added more info in the video descriptionwith useful tips how to protect yourself. use your right to freedom of speech in thecomment section. open up the video description for more info.

subscribe to my channel, click the red fancysubscribe button "now" to stay up to date with daily fresh stories they don't want youto know. share this video to support my work. i'll see you in the next video my friend. i'm heathcliff, your host,

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job vacancies in nigeria